Sunday, December 6, 2015

What the Art Teacher Wore #151

 Monday Was Technically STILL November, But...I just couldn't wait any longer! I've been itching to bust out all things red and green since the sugar buzz wore off from Halloween! I was all, "Get outta here, November, I'm done with you! I only have 25 days to wear every piece of festivus clothing I own (which exceeds 25 days. Surprised? Thought not)". blouse and Santa suspenders: thrifted; skirt: vintage; tights: Amazon; shoes: made by yours truly

Can we be real for a sec? I've kinda sorta been suckin' at this whole photo-a-day thing for a while. And I feel really bad about it for a coupla reasons. One because it shows I'm outta my usual routine (not that one was ever really established for the likes of a crazy person like me) which means that most mornings I'm running behind and out the door before snapping a pic. And I really hate starting my morning in a rush and a fluster because it has lately been effecting my entire day. Another reason I feel bad is, well, cuz I put together some mad outfits, y'all! That need to be shared with the WORLD. Or at least the five folks that read this blog.

In all seriousness, I've been actually feelin' pretty low this week. I feel like I'm swimming in a mess of a mess (like, for realz. My art room is gonna be the end of me, y'all) and it's all I can right now do to slap on a silly outfit and a smile. I'm not sure just what is going on but I'm determined to snap out of it soon. So, cheers to a new week and another chance to do my very dressing crazily that is!

I must confess...another reason I've been lousy at snapping photos daily is because I do a good amount of sharing on Instagram. You can find me giving new meaning to the word "oversharing" here
Thrifty Tuesday: So the other day, I walked into Goodwill and walked out with this entire ensemble. I know, right?! The Tacky Christmas Sweater gods were lookin' out for me, what can I say? sweater, top, skirt: thrifted; belt: Amazon; tights: Target; shoes: Clarks
I Actually Hate Candy Canes Wednesday: Nope, never been a fan.  I pretty much hate peppermint anything and want to know what tastebudless pleasure-hater created it so I can go pee on their tires. I know that sounds harsh but don't you recall how razor sharp those sucked-on canes could be? Tongue-killers, y'all! Not to mention trying to pull the plastic wrap around the curve of the cane. Geesh. Don't get me started. Makes for a super cute pattern for tights, tho! dress: made by me; sweater: Anthro; tights and crinoline: Amazon
More from my Instagam feed. I told you I wasn't shy on sharing! And, oooooh-kaaaaay, candy canes are good for something: super cute pattern-y-ness. 
Totes missed out on snapping photos of Thursday and Friday. Your loss, kids. I did wear these bad boys on Friday complete with jeans (gasp!) and a pair of socks that say "It's My Parents' Fault". Truer words were never spoken. Later, friends!

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  1. I love your outfits...and the socks! You ever check out the website sockdreams? It's like heaven for crazy people. :)

    1. I will have to check that out!! Thank you!

  2. Anonymous12/07/2015

    Susan Bee, you're an enabler in the best way. Cassie, I was at three different thrift stores looking for Christmas tree skirts to make into a lady skirt! Plastic, why?!. Fail. Anyhoo, hang in there, girfriend.
    -Carol S-B

    1. Well...check for them now. I bet you'll find them super duper cheapo! And then save them for next year :)

  3. Anonymous12/07/2015

    Aww Cassie. Hope you feel better soon. I think it's the burn out end of year slump myself. Is cold and wet here in Ireland. Not sure about Tennessee weather this time of year. Love that candy cane dress. Look forward to seeing more outfits as the silly season continues. Selina

    1. I think I'm getting over my slump! Finally...I'm going to approach the new year as if it's a new school year, that might help. Thank you for your kind words!

  4. Hi, Cassie! I'm not sure whether I've ever posted on your blogs before, but I love reading them and seeing all your art teaching posts, and especially "What The Art Teacher Wore." You really pulled these off! I've been wearing my Christmas socks this week, but that's about all I can muster. I had to laugh last year when I went to a holiday party and wore what I thought was my Tacky Christmas Sweater. Wrong crowd! I'll admit that I'm old enough to be your mother, but many of the "older" ladies also had on their beloved sweaters, for real. Holiday dress-up. Got me wondering if the Tacky Christmas Sweater has a "use-before-this-age" cut-off date!?! :)

    1. Ha!! Thank you for reading and dropping me a line, I so appreciate it :) Yeah, those Tacky Sweater Parties are almost beyond MY tacky level, if that's even possible ;) Have a wonderful new year!

  5. I almost always forget to comment, but I want you to know that you're one of my fashion inspirations, even if I'll never be quite so crafty. Thank you for embracing the joy! And just knowing that you're teaching art and so many kids are learning marvelous mind expanding things, and that it's ok to be silly - I'm thrilled and happy and hopeful! Thank you.

    1. Oh, thank you so very much!! I so appreciate your kind words, they mean a lot!

  6. Love teachers who teach through modeling/example! The kids must soak in your creativity and passion. Bravo!

    1. I hope so...some days, I think they just look at me and shake their confused lil heads ;)

  7. Love teachers who teach through modeling/example! The kids must soak in your creativity and passion. Bravo!

  8. Anonymous12/26/2015

    Cassie, you are an inspiration to me on so many levels. I love your outfits, your sense of humor and your unbelievable projects- I've used so many I can't tell you. Most of all you remind me to ignite the creative spark in kids and let them experience the wonder of art- thank you thank you and Merry Christmas!!!
    Jodi 12/26/2015

    1. Jodi -- I'm so glad that you've found my blog to be inspirational...that means THE WORLD to me and I really appreciate you saying so -- thank you!! xo!


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