Friday, November 1, 2019

In the Art Room: More Art Games!

Recently, I shared with y'all a new game I introduced to my students: The Gallery Game (click the link for a couple of free downloads too!). I let my second graders give it a shot the other day and I noticed something: after playing the game, they still were confused on painting genres. Oh man! Such a bummer and the game had worked so well with my older kids. Here, let me tell you what happened and what we're doing in addition to the Gallery Game:

After that lesson (for me), I decided that my students needed another 30 minute art class to review painting genres. I was going to review and then let them tackle the Gallery Game again...but instead I created an anchor chart. We reviewed the genres and filled in the chart. Then I explained the Yes! No! Maybe! game and I told them we'd play a couple of rounds. You all...they BEGGED to play more!

I purchased the buttons off Amazon and now we use them for EVERYTHING. I play games with my kindergarten if they finish early, asking them color mixing questions. Instead of me answering, I use the buttons and it's an instant hit. They are battery operated and I just hung them on my wall to keep them out of my way. I love them there, they are within the perfect reach. So many uses for something so small and silly! We do what works, right?!

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

In the Art Room: Teaching Kindness and Teamwork

This year, my students sit at "table teams". Typically, I do a red table and an orange table and the rest...but this year, I switched to calling them teams. I've been keeping track of table team points on Class Dojo and it has really been making a difference in behavior. Now, just to be clear, I don't do a Mrs. Smith's Orange Team...instead it's whoever sits at the orange table in the entire school. This makes keeping up with points a whole lot easier. My students can earn points whenever we transition from directions to work, clean up or whatever I see fit (cuz I'm the boss, Applesauce). To encourage a teamwork vibe, I recently created these bingo dauber GIANT table clothes for my students to work on and write kind messages to one another. Here's a video to share some more:
Each of these banners was created with bulletin board paper and my bingo dauber hack. Each dauber is filled with diluted India ink.
Y'all know I love making big banners for my students to color and/or paint. For these, my students will use construction paper crayons.

Since I cover my table clothes with giant messy mats, I think these will make it for quite a while. Thinking of having them laminated so they could make it until the end of the year. I'll keep you posted.

Do you have table teams? How do you inspire teamwork, cooperation and kindness?

Here's hoping my students love them as much as I do! 

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Sunday, October 27, 2019

School Wide Collaborative for our Library!

Way back in May, my students worked together during field day to create some artwork that was requested by our amazing librarian. Well, I'm excited to share that last week, their work was hung and the library looks incredibly colorful because of it! Check out this tour:
My excited face and vein popping neck say it all, folks. 
School wide collabs (a project that all of your students work on that remains in the school as a permanent display) can be a big task. Especially when you only see your students once a week. That's why I love to do my school wide collaboratives on a day when I see all of my students at once: FIELD DAY! In the past, I was supposed to do sidewalk chalk for a day as apart of field day. You all...I did that one time in the 90 degree humidity that is Tennessee spring and I decided never again. And that's how our Field Day collaboratives was born. You can read more about it in detail here. Or you can hear more about it here:
I have about 350 students in my school. I had to have a lot of options available for them on field day so they would each be able to take part. I loved how each piece ended up turning out. 
We painted on 8" X 11" canvas board for the numbers and letters. However, matteboard would have worked as well. In a pinch, cardboard might even do the trick if it were primed with gesso first. 
 If these look familiar to you, that's because we did our first large painting like this the year before. It was such a hit it inspired several more. You can read about our first attempt here. 
 The set up for the day was pretty easy. We simply used up the paint we'd had at the end of the year. My chairs were gone because we'd just had our art show . All I had to do was move some tables around, make some signs and prep. Okay. Not gonna lie...the prep did take a while...
 Like making these big banners to be used at the start of the school year...
And these giant canvases...

 But, you know what, totally worth it. 
I think the letters make me the most happy. I drew the letters in pencil on canvas board. The kids could either paint the letters in all cool or all warm colors and then use the opposite for the background. 
 I thought they looked amazing...and then we framed them. Fabulous!
We've done so many school wide collaboratives now that I think I'm long overdue for a recap post! I love doing them because it's like we are leaving behind our own little fingerprint on our school. Just thought I'd share!

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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Are you Being Bullied?

Never in a million years did I think that one of the hardest parts about teaching would be dealing with the adults. Adults who behave badly. Adults who treat others poorly. Adults who are bullies. 
In this week's podcast episode, I'll be talking about just that: bullies in your building. UGH. They worst. Who knew that junior high never officially ends? Here's the episode if you'd like to take a listen here:

And, in case you didn't know, I have a podcast! It's a new one I started late this summer and I've been having a blast creating it. Well, I take that hasn't been entirely a blast as I'm doing all the recording and editing myself. So it's been a HUGE learning curve with a side of a blast. You can listen and subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or even here if you'd like to listen from whatever you are currently using!
At the top of the podcast episode, you heard me share this week's sponsor: Prang Tru-Ray Art Teacher of the Month. Look, I NEVER run sponsored ads here on my blog. It's never been my thing. BUT this right here is too good not to share (and, full disclosure, I'm not getting paid to promote them here...I just think this opportunity is too awesome NOT to!). I know that there are many days when I feel unappreciated. I love that Tru-Ray Prang are running this wonderful monthly campaign to give a shout out and some love to some much deserving folks: art teachers! More details here. 
When editing my podcast episodes, I've taken to doodling. These little reminders are as much for me as they are for you. YOU gotta stand up for YOU. No one is gonna fight those bully battles...and no one should have to. LOVE you. Have a wonderful week!
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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sketchbooks in the Art Room!

Here we go, trying sketchbooks once again in the art room! This time around, I'm calling it Sketchbook Town. If you'd like a tour, then here you go: 
My face says it all, don't you think?! 
To kick off sketchbooks, we created our covers! We used 18" X 6" pieces of drawing paper, paint sticks and these decoder sheets. More information (and a download of those sheets!) can be found here. 
Inside each sketchbook are six handouts that I created for my students. I'll be sharing these soon. My students are loving them! Also included are 10 sheets of 6" X 9" pieces of drawing paper. 
In the past, the problem with sketchbooks was storage and accessibility. Where would I store them? How would I make them easy to access? How will the kids know when they can sketch? AND what will they do in their sketchbooks. 

SO MANY QUESTIONS! Let's start with storage. I began by painting this abandoned cabinet I found in an unused classroom. More on how I painted that right here. 
 The cabinet only came with four shelves but I'm thinking of having more made as this seems like a whole lot of wasted space. But, for the time being, each shelf holds a different grade level. Now, I do work in a small school with just 4 classes of each grade (with only 3 of fourth grade!). That means sketchbooks for me are a little more doable. However, the whole 30 minute art class does make it kind of tricky. All that to say, we all got our struggles, right? Here's my solution to one of em: storage. 
Fun fact: if I find a blank surface, I'll paint on it. Usually after a long day at school. While Netflixing. Back to Sketchbook Town!
 I decided to place the cabinet in a rather strange place: right next to the door that leads outside. It works here because it is close to all of our sketching supplies (which I'll get to in a minute). Here you can see the set up. 
 This week, I came up with three rules for sketchbook down. We've had a bit of a "soft opening" over the last month. This has helped me see what issues we'll have in Sketchbook Town...and these were some of them. Finishing too quickly and leaving my S.T. a bit of a mess. NO MORE, artists. No.More.
To insure that my artists are ready for S.T., they gotta follow those steps: finish their work, clean their area and write an exit slip (more about that in my video). Then they are free to draw from observation, instruction or imagination!
I'm hoping to expand this area of options but for now, I'm happy with it. If you'd like to see more, be sure and check out the video. 

Welcome to Sketchbook Town!
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