Sunday, February 18, 2018

How to Knit a Rainbow Scarf

LEEEEET me just start this blog post by stating the obvious: I am not a knitter. I mean, I know HOW to knit but just as much as I know HOW to sing in a wannabe opera voice or I know HOW to tap dance when I have annoying tap dance sounding shoes on. But that don't make me no Maria Callas or Fred Astaire. Knowing such, I should have known better than to even think I could knit a Rainbow Scarf...that didn't look like a giant boa constrictor about to devour me (my buddy Michelle called it the Rainbow Anaconda and I think that's hilariously 100% accurate). Think I'm exaggerating about the size of this thing? Check this out:
I mean...oops.
The whole thing started with a week of snow days and time on my hands. I spotted these colors at the craft store and they all happily hopped into my shopping cart. I had no way of stopping them, I swear (this is the story I tell the hubs. He's not convinced). 
I've knitted scarves before and I DISLIKE knitting. It takes to dang long! Which is why I only knit a scarf every two takes me that long to forget what an epic pain in the butt it is in order to begin a new one. And, yes, I'm self taught with the help of a children's book. And, yes, I do have to give myself a refresher course each and every time I pick up knitting again. 
Okay, so, lemme tell you how this whole thing happened. I decided I wanted the rainbow to run the length of the scarf. And I also decided to knit on needles in the round. So when I was casting on, I just decided to go by look and not count how much I was casting on...that, obvi, was mistake numero uno. Then the round needles made the knitting appear a lot smaller because they kept everything so compact. Therefore, in actuality, it's the needles fault. Cuz I just kept knitting and knitting and knitting...

Let's talk about the pros and cons of having a 12 foot long (plus!) scarf, shall we?
It gets a lot of attention! I have been stopped by more people when I am wearing this monster. Mostly it's just like, "wow...that's really long, isn't it?!" How do you even respond to that? My husband gave the typical "that's what she said" response but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't sound quite right if I said it. 
Another pro is that it's very warm...almost too warm. The weight of it tho, seriously, gives me a big of a neck ache after too much wear. 
 Let's talk cons now, shall we? It seriously takes some thought and time to put this thing on. Because you just keep wrapping and wrapping. 

 And even when you think you are done wrapping, the scarf is all "but wait, there's more!"
 One day, I didn't manage to wrap the whole thing around me and I found that I'd drove all the way home with half of it hanging out the car door. Thankfully the scarf was fine...but I can only imagine what others must have thought when they saw a little blue Honda with a giant rainbow billowing behind it.
 Don't mind me, I'm just over here putting my scarf on. For 20 minutes. 
 My students absolutely LOVE this scarf. I shared it with my first graders and we literally all wrapped up in the thing. 
 Me trying to gage just how many more wraps Ima gonna hafta do.
 About 7 more. 
And there you have it, the Rainbow Scarf! Remind me the next time I get the itch to knit about this crazy thing, would ya, please!? 
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  1. Maybe run it through the wash and dryer? It might shrink it some?

  2. Your posts ever fail to make me smile. Keep rocking the rainbow!

  3. Love the colors & the post! If you haven't tried loom knitting you should....I can't knit with needles (to complicated & you said it-too slow!) but on the loom it is super easy (a child can do it) & way faster. I taught myself off Youtube videos & have made some fun things.

  4. This made me laugh out loud! Gotta ask though - how long was the cable on those circular needles that you fit 12' of scarf onto?!

  5. I love it! I just found your blog and read through a lot of old outfit posts.
    That scarf is an absolute trip! I love it, and I'm not surprised your students did too. But I'd be worried about wearing it in a car and having some awful Isadora Duncan accident!

  6. Anonymous2/19/2018

    Are you a short sleeper? Seriously, are you a person who only needs approx 3-5 hours of sleep per night? I just don't understand how you do so much?!

  7. Lol! This could be a short story about the never ending rainbow scarf! You are too much! Gotta love it and you! Kids are blessed to have ya!

  8. Anonymous2/22/2018

    Cassie, You my dear are as full of love and light just as the rainbow is!!!!
    Always full of ideas and motivation, I adore your blog and sharing your Art Adventures every kid who has you for a teacher will always remember art with love and happy memories. Thank you leslie from

  9. Hey! This is beautiful! Could you share the knit pattern for this please?

  10. I too would love the pattern - please share!


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