Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Art Teacherin' 101: Episode 18

Not even gonna lie to you: no matter how "prepared" I am, I spend most of my plan time running around like a crazy person prepping supplies, setting up the room, getting videos cued up or visuals displayed. I call it the Art Teacherin' Hustle. And most of the time, my hustle is spent SEARCHING for stuff. From my luke warm coffee to my half eaten Lara bar to the Sharpie markers or the funky monkey scissors, the hustle is strong with this one, y'all. But NOT for grade level examples and visuals. Nope. I always know where that stuff is, thanks to today's Art Teacherin' 101 tip:
How's that for easy? I'm a firm believer in Keep It Simple, Stupid cuz I'm pretty heavy on the stupid. But, you gotta admit, keeping up with all of this art biz is tough! I'm currently digging myself out of all things Dot Day and putting them up on the walls...(or, in the case of the very first photo, putting them around necks. My students also made Dot Day shrink plastic necklaces!)
 In case you missed these snaps over on my Instagram, here is just a sprinkling of all the projects (and project examples) that I attempt to keep up with using my lil system. By the way, you can find this lesson with video here
I've always wanted to do this extension project with printing plates. More on this process later this week. I love when a project lends it self to more fun lessons!
 By the way, my second graders framed out their texture relief pieces with some painted cardboard pizza rounds. I did notice that their texture pieces were looking a little lackluster. So I had them brush a thin coat of ModPodge over them and I'm super happy with how much they pop now.
And this third grade lesson can be found here

I swear one of these days I'm gonna get FUR REALZ organized...but until then, I'll keep offering y'all my super simple tips. Have a great week, kids!
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  1. i don't know if you have this already, but i have a draw, for previous projects, label kindergarten, a draw labeled 1st, etc. and then i take a large 24" x 36" piece of paper and label it with the individual project (including typed lesson, demos, handouts, materials, and then i stack them up and then i can look through my drawer (or file system) for previous lesson, etc.

    then i use trays marked k,1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th and i have the stack of projects that were done or going to be completed that year...etc.

    Does that help with organizing???

    1. Yes! It does!! Thank you for taking the time to share your tips :) I'll take any help I can get ;)

  2. I just try to stick all of the grade level examples together in a "folder" and then remember where I put that the next year! Haha.

    1. EXACTLY! You sound like me. Then I find it three years later and I'm all THAT'S WHERE THAT WAS! ;)

  3. Anonymous9/14/2016

    I use those redish brown folders and label them....then relabel them....and tape new labels on them! I have several bins with the folders in them. I also use those redish colored folders for my class work. Everything has bright labels and are in bins. I am the bin queen.
    Funny though, I tend to lose stuff all the time. I think that goes with age....or lack of working brain cells.

    1. No! I refuse to think it's age. I think it's just that we have SO MUCH GOING ON! It's impossible to keep up. That's what I say and I'm stickin to it ;)

  4. Excellent tips, thanks so much! I love making folders out of poster boards folded in half. Then I put them side by side open side up in metal file desktop organizers similar to these (link attached here). I put the teacher name or topic on the outside of the top corner of each folder. And I color code the posterboard folders too! https://www.amazon.com/MMF-Industries-5-Compartment-Organizers-2645004/dp/B00006ICFM/ref=sr_1_17?s=office-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1476843677&sr=1-17&keywords=metal+file+holder+desktop


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