Sunday, August 2, 2015

DIY: A Scribble-Scrabble Back to Art Teacherin' Dress and a Contest!

So, what does one do when her art room isn't ready and her lessons aren't planned (um, I have a vague notion of what will go down that first day. It starts with something like, the kids will come to art...and that's pretty much all I got)? MAKE A BACK TO ART TEACHERIN' DRESS, OF COURSE. Yes, I'm shouting. Because, like, duuuuh. 

I decided a dress was in order because 1. I always make a Back to Art Teacherin' Dress (see exhibit A and B), it's tradition and 2. Cuz I was kinda feeling like this about the whole notion of heading back...
Staying up entirely too late and sleeping in til high noon, I will miss yooooooou!

But now that I've got a snappy outfit to wear on that very first day (which starts tomorrow with four daze, er, days of professional developementishness. But I don't really count that. The true blue first day is when the wee ones show up which is this Friday, eek!) I'm feeling much better about Back to Art Teacherin' land. In fact, I'm now feelin' a lil more like this...

By the way, I recently downloaded the giphy app and have henceforth been solely communicating with friends via gifs. It's like a super fun game for me tho I'm not quite sure they feel the same. 

But whateves, y'all. Forget about my gif obsession and let's talk CONTEST, shall we? 
HEEEEY, say what?! I just spent entirely too long making this fugly -n- difficult to read image. So lemme reiterate what that thar thingie says in all sorts of bulletpoints, words and sentences. 

* Snap a photo of your Back to Art Teacherin' style and share it on instagram tagging moi @cassiestephenz. If you wanna throw in a hashtag to boot, I quite fancy #whattheartteacherwore.

* No instagram? No problem! Email me your photo at 

* I'll share your amazing art teacherin' looks right here in a Back to School Fashion post! 

* You can enter more than once...and every time you do, I'll enter you to win a giveaway! (Yes, I know I'm currently doing ANOTHER giveaway. No, I've not announced the winner yet, stay tuned this week). I have NO IDEA WHAT I'M GIVING AWAY but I'm sure it will be something swell!

Oh, I so hope all y'all share with me your stylish ways! I can't wait to see what you be wearing! Now, on to that dress at hand...

Saturday, el hubbo and I decided to play tourist in our own town and hit the local antique and thrift shops. I was coming up pretty empty handed until I stopped in SMART: Scrap Made Art Supplies. It's a pretty magical place in the Berry Hill area of Nashville. It's completely stocked with just about every crafty making supply known to man for cheap. I stocked up on vintage patterns (a whooping 18 for $2) and this gem happened to be one of them. Bows on shoulders?! YES, PLEASE!
I used the pattern for the bodice only and just winged it for the skirt portion. I was having a fabric shortage (I scored this Lisette fabric from the sale bin at Joann's many moons ago) and managed to eek out this dress with a few scraps to spare. I love this print so much what with the wiggly marker-esque lines and the primary colors with a touch o' pink. It just screamed "Art Teacher" when I saw it. 

But those squiggles, y'all. Trying to match up those squiggles just about put me over the edge. At least the back skirt is matched up. The rest of it, meh. Not so much.

 The only thing left this dress needs: A Marker Hat! 
 Could I get it over that hair, tho? 

And there you have it, what Ima wearing to head back to school! Looking forward to seein' what all y'all are wearing. Til then!
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  1. Vicki Bean8/03/2015

    Looking good! I am in the market for a new sewing machine... Nothing really fancy. Your recommendations?

    1. Hi Vicki!! I have a Brother that I've been using for years. My husband got me a top o' the line model for $400...which is almost EXACTLY like the $150 Brother version they sell at Walmart (minus a couple bells and whistles). If I had to do it all again, I'd just purchase the $150 one, it works great and I have several of that model I use in my classroom. Hope that helps!

  2. I am coming out of lurkdom to say that I just snorted my wine at "professional developmentishness." Ha! I go back next Tuesday, so I still have a few more days of staying up too late and sleeping in. Love the marker squiggle fabric!

  3. design gown, beautiful to look at a man ..

  4. Awww, I knew you'd love SMART! :)

  5. Fabulous!! You are yet again inspiring me! I'm soooo overwhelmed and over-stressed about the whole supply-orderin'-how-much-&-what-do-I-need thang that I haven't even stopped to think about what to wear! Gotta get that sewing machine humming!

  6. I love, LOVE your blogs Cassie!! THanks so much for the inspiration and ideas…and always a few laughs as well. Gotta stay humorous as the school year creeps closer and closer. Hey, so I cleaned out my closet yesterday and saved a skirt for the sole purpose of ART-ifying it up! Inspired by you, of course. The ideas are percolating… no for sure ideas just yet. Maybe as I work on the TO-DO list these last two weeks, it will come to me! Thanks again for the great blogs!!


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