Sunday, December 18, 2016

What the Art Teacher Wore #171

Happy Holi-daze! These photos are completely random and outta order which is fitting for this week, don't you think? disco top: UAL; Christmas tree skirt to lady skirt: found at Big Lots, made by me last year with my tacky teacher buds; tights: Amazon; silver chucks: Journeys; big red bow turn hat: Hobby Lobby

Hello, Craziest Time of the Year! I know I'm not alone when I say WOW. Could things be any more bananas right now? And yet, would we really have it any other way? I think not. 

Adding to the craziness, I also decided to start sharing short videos on Instagram with y'all this week. Stay tuned for more of those. And if you've missed any, I'll be archiving them here

I also hosted my first Facebook Live chat this week! It is still up in case you missed. I'll be back this Wednesday at 8pm CST to chat about classroom management...something I know I'll be cracking down on after the holidays. Hope you'll join me! 

I'm still in school until's to makin' it, y'all! 
Last year, my kindergarten teacher friend Heather (left) and my second grade teacher buddy Bethany made these skirts from tree skirts found at Big Lots. We wear them every year for our annual Tacky Holiday Sweater day! Aren't they the cutest? We're so famous for our tacky, we were even featured on BuzzFeed
Fourth grade is rockin' and wrapping up their Faux Stained Glass project. I am so in love with their work!
Light Up Dress Ain't Got Nuthin on No Elf: Seriously, after showing the kids the Elf Cam 2016, they were so not interested in my light up dress. They're all, "nice but WHERE IS ESMERELDA?!" sweater: vintage, thrifted; light up dress: made by me, details here; shoes: Aldo
Second grade is weaving right now and it's just the most perfect project for this time of year. I see my second graders at the very end of the day when we are both tired. For the last week, we've been siting on the floor in a "Weaving Circle" while chatting, reading books and helping others learn to tie knots. It's just been the best way to end our day!
Polka Dotted Holidays! I so love this noisy dotted dress. It was a lucky estate sale score and it's one of my faves. sweater: Target; dress and brooch: vintage; boots: Frye...paint splatters by me
This week, I went LIVE on Facebook! If you weren't able to join the fun, it is currently archived here. I'll be back this Wednesday at 8pm CST to chat about Classroom Management. I think that is on everyone's mind at this time in the school year. I hope you'll join the fun!
I forgot to snap a photo on this day...but I did make a run to the grocery store. I was stopped by one woman who said, "My nana had a tree skirt in that same print!". I didn't have the hear to tell her that I probably was wearing her nana's tree skirt. Then a dude stopped me and said, "OMG, I was so going to wear that exact same outfit!" I told him it was a good thing he didn't seeing as how I looked so cute. Nobody wants to be the loser in a Who Wore It Best, right? 
First grade had a blast painting their Bebo-inspired birds. I heard comments like, "I'm a serious artist!" and "I love painting" the entire time we were working. It was so sweet. 
Friday Funday: I think everyone's schedule is cray right now what with programs, plays, etc. I've decided just to let it go and ride the crazy rollercoaster. Having a wacky outfit certainly helps. dress: made by me, here; tights: Amazon; candy cane chucks: Marshall's years ago
One of my favorite things ever is to host a craft night. I try to do one every coupla months but life just got so crazy this summer and fall, I just couldn't squeeze it into my schedule. I was determined to make a Christmas Craft Night a thing this year. So I through out an impromptu invite and we had a house full of food, booze, crafts and laughs. We missed y'all who couldn't make it and so sorry we didn't get a photo with everyone! Our Christmas Crafts of Holidays Past here and here
 The next morning, I went to my first ornament exchange at my friend Camilla's home. I had the best time opening ornaments from these sweet ladies. What a wonderful way to share our talents! You can see my ornaments here
I hope y'all have a fabulous week! May it be full of friends and fun. 
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  1. I love the Christmas outfits! There's not much better than a skirt made out of a Christmas tree skirt, except perhaps, one made out of a Christmas table cloth. Those have the slight advantage of being made out of washable fabrics!

    1. agreed! The felt on the tree skirts make them hand-wash-only, which in my world means, never-wash-only ;)

  2. I just have to say that I love everything about you! Your creativity is very inspiring and i so enjoy your posts! I get all giddy when i see the awesome projects you are doing with your kids (I wanted to be an art teacher when i was younger). I am sure your students love you! Every time i read your posts i think "where does this girl live, i want to be her friend"! Keep doing all the wonderful things you are doing!

    1. You are so sweet to say so! I live in Nashville, we should totally be friends :) Have a wonderful holiday!

  3. Hey Cassie. I really want to do a craft night... so bad! but I can't wrap my brain around it. Do you plan out a craft, art teacher project style, for your friends? Or just supply a bunch of random craft supplies and let them have at it? Do you charge? Thanks!!

    1. Hey Michelle! I love hosting craft nights. Here's how I go about it: I create a Facebook event page and invite buddies (I always invite a ton knowing that about half won't be able to attend). I offer to serve dinner, usually something easy like a soup I make the night before and just ask folks bring a bread or dessert...and booze of course. I usually provide the crafting supplies. In this case, I did ask that everyone bring a teacup. I have had friends slip me money for supplies but I don't ask unless they are expensive. I'm just glad to host a fun night :) I hope that helps!! You should do it, craft nights are so much fun!

  4. Anonymous12/19/2016

    Love the outfits! Have you checked out the shoes on Modcloth? I thought of you as I ordered my pairs of crayon flats in red and blue. They were 40% off last week.😀

    1. WHAT?! Thank you for the heads up, gonna go shopping now! ;)


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