Monday, December 22, 2014

DIY: A Christmas Craft Night

 Can't take credit for this lovely. It was created by my super talented friend Tamara. Isn't it so stinkin' sweet?

Just so you know, my house only gets cleaned when company is coming. Now, not the entire house, mind you. Just the places I think peeps be seein'. And if Ima gonna go all out and decorate for the holla-daze, then somebody best come around for a visit. For that reason, 'tis the perfect time to host a Christmas Craft Night, says moi.
 When I popped in to visit my buddy the other day, I totally stole her little lovely off her tree and promptly placed it on her front door for a photo op. What you can't see is her standing just on the other side of the door asking, "Is it cute? Do you have it on the wreath straight?!" Oh, if these poor blog photos could talk, y'all. The stories they'd tell. 

'Kay, so I super duper love having buddies over for crafting. For the occasion, I usually make a big ole pot of soup (minestrone is my fave), have some bread/cheese/wine handy and a dining room table all covered in crafts. As folks trickle in bearing gifts of apps and zerts we usually vent about the day's teacherin' events (as expected, most of my buddies are art teachers) before bucklin' down with a bowl of soup and get to crafting.
On this particular craft night, we did some needle felting. I thought it'd be fun to just needle felt whatever (like I said, most are art teachers, you give 'em the goods and they'll go to town) and frame it in an embroidery hoop. As for supplies, you can see (from left to right) I had some foam cushions for underneath the felting, wool yarn, wool roving, fabric (not necessarily wool), embroidery hoops and needle felting tools. I loved seeing the variety of what everyone created.
So simple and sweet, right? Meredith outlined her R in wool yarn which really made the letter stand out. 
My best gal Mallory made a sweet little "L" for her daughter Lydia Dot who's celebrating her first Christmas this year. You might recall we had a Pee Wee themed baby shower for the arrival of El Dotto. 

Here was my lil 'zample that I busted out about 10 minutes before everyone arrived. Mostly cuz I was running around like a crazy person attempting to get my home to look less an-army-of-clown-hobos-live-here-esque. 
Need a coupla needle felting toots? Cuz I've got some for ya. Check here to see what you need to shop for and here to see just how you can go about creating. Oh, and a lil more here. AND if you need a barrage of my needle felting DIYs, you can go here and follow the linkzzz
Now whilst everyone was needling away, I got the notion that the hoops would be super cute wrapped in this amazing gold leafed yarn I picked up at Joann's. 
It actually was easy to do and I think looks great. But I think a lotta things look great so what do I know?! To start, use the outer hoop an remove the screw. Hot glue the end of the yarn to the start of the hoop and commence wrapping, you rapper, you.
AND hot glue the other end of the yarn! Now, the yarn will make the hoop so large it won't be able to close with the screw. So we used some jewelry wire and closed the hoop with that. Which was pretty unsightly so we covered that with a lil pompom. 
 Like so! Totes adorbs, amirate?! By the way, in case you are wondering, that's a fox that has hyper extended his neck. 
What that lovely lil dinning room table looked like near night's end.  Sadly, I didn't get a pic of everyone's creation. Although, I did manage this gem...
Not only are my friends so exceptionally good looking that it's almost criminal, but they are a super talented crew too. Meredith, top left, is an art teacher and incredible paper flower fabricator whose lovelies you can see here and here. And Aimee, red apron in the middle, sells the most fabulous vintage classes in her art teacherin' spare time. Crystal, who is just to the right of Aimee, creates incredible jewelry with guitar strings from her husband's band Old Crow Medicine Show. All of these ladies are awesomely wonderful, I was simply thrilled to get my Christmas craft on with them.
Which brings me to my most exciting giveaway goodies of them all (mostly because needle felting is my ab fave!). A slightly used needle felting tool and cushion. AND two pieces of lovely fabric and roving! Here's how you can enter to win...

1. I'd love to know...if I shared more DIY video clips on this blog, would you be interested? Would you view them or is that simply not your thing?

2. Please leave your email so I can reach ya!

As for yesterday's winner...congrats to Debbie! I'll get those lovely magazines out to you soon. 

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  1. More needle felting on different fabrics. I can't get mine to stay. I also loved seeing your classroom. It puts mine to shame.

  2. I am really wanting to try felting and I have not yet! I would love to get started on trying... during our January snow days! :)

  3. I would love more DIY needle felting clips! I'm trying to teach myself how, and both clips and supplies would be useful ;)

  4. Heck yes!

  5. Anonymous12/22/2014

    I adore DIY videos!! There are so many nuances of technique that cannot be conveyed through text or discerned from photos!
    drtucker at hotmail dot com

  6. I like watching short and sweet dIY videos with the timelapse sped up showing all the work in between steps.
    I just went to a bring-your-own-project craft night with some friends and finally had time to finish up a quilt binding.

  7. Definitely post videos! I am very interested in learning about this whole needle felting thang....I think it could change my liiiiiiife!


  8. I think DIY videos are awesome and super helpful!

  9. Yes, videos would be nice!

  10. Yes I love to see video clips.

  11. Yes, I think videos are the bees knees!

  12. Love your writing and for sure your video's too. Never enough diy's if only you could be so kind to send some extra hours in a day my way? Merry Christmas to you and the hub! Brecht

  13. I find that for certain projects videos are much better than just text and pictures when it comes to explaining a particular technique or conveying a tricky step.

  14. I would!

  15. Yes!!! I always find it helpful to watch a tutorial video in addition to being able to see finished examples.

  16. Yes, please!

  17. I would love to see some sewing techniques!

  18. Anonymous12/23/2014

    I would love to learn how to needle felt.

  19. Yes, I love learning new techniques!

  20. Anonymous12/23/2014

    I would love to see done videos, they would be helpful! Felting is awesome!

  21. Oooh I would love some needle felting starter kit items--I tried it at one of our art teacher conferences and kinda was digging it. Also the video idea is great in theory but I read your blog in places where watching a video isn't a good option like at school (yup on my break) or while my hubs is watching the TV so pics work better for me :)

  22. Whoops--email is ripnrin(at)aol(dot)com. Thanks a bunch

  23. I'd love to see more videos and I'd love to try needle felting. TIA

  24. Yes!! I am a crafter ( just added a new Cameo and heat press) to my crazy collection. I love seeing how creative you get. I wish I had more time to do more.

  25. Yes! I would most definitely watch your awesome videos!


  26. Yes I'd love more tutorials. I'm even already signed up for your session at NAEA in March.

  27. Love love love this so much!! I'd love to try this!! Thanks for the chance to win! Merry Christmas!


  28. I must admit, I secretly love video clips because it's fascinating to be able to hear a favorite blogger's voice-it's odd how I assume all the bloggers have my voice (y'know, because I'm reading aloud in my head).


    Um, yes please. Duh!!
    I'm set to become obsessed with needle felting because of you!
    Thanks, Leah

  30. Yes! I've been inspired to learn needle felting because of you. I would watch videos.

  31. Yes I would absolutely watch tutorials !!! Who wouldn't love seeing you 😜 great craft night idea...shhh I might have to take that idea!

  32. Anonymous12/23/2014

    I would love video clips. One of my students has been teaching us to needle felt and I am looking forward to a bit of spare time to explore it more.

  33. I would definitely watch DIY video clips!

  34. Yes, I would love to see videos!
    Merry Merry Cassie!
    ~ Susan

  35. I would love more videos! I pretty much make everything you post because you are awesome! Merry Christmas!

  36. Yes please more videos! They're uber helpful!

  37. I am definitely interested in video clips. I put them on my Pinterest boards so I can find them again, and watch over and over - because I have a terrible memory and forget everything, always!

    I love the group photo of your friends because of all their cute skirts I want to copy!

    Email is Thanks!

  38. Yes, I'd love to see your videos!
    I'd REALLY love to start needle felting-looks so fun!
    Thanks, Cassie

  39. Videos would be amazing! I love reading your blog posts! Thanks!


  40. Wouldn't it be FUN to add yet ANOTHER craft to my already long list of hobbies? Bring it!

  41. I would so watch your videos!

  42. Would watch any and all DIY videos you post! Love your ideas!

  43. Anonymous12/23/2014

    I say yes to the videos!

  44. These are beautiful! I would love more DIY videos! Either time lapsed or mini clips of the steps are my fav.
    Thanks for always being so inspiring!

  45. Ooh! I have been wanting to start needle felting! Re: videos, I watch them when I'm learning a particular technique, but within a blog entry, I usually skip over them (partly because when I read at work, watching videos seems...wrong.)

    I'm at dramanpr at aol dot com.

  46. maybe view them if not that long

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  47. You should post more, but I probably wouldn't look at them because I'm more interested in checking out your lessons! I would love some felting materials because this is something I have ALWAYS wanted to try but never did because I didn't have the materials!

    Erixalm at gmail dot com

  48. I would def watch your diy videos. I have been wanting to do needle felting. Yay for the giveaway.

  49. I would love to see videos or blog entries on felting. This is a new interest of mine so I am taking baby steps. Having a seasoned filter show me the process would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for being inspirational and fun to boot!

  50. Oops email me at

  51. Yes; I most absolutely would view them! Videos are my preferred form of distraction. :) can't wait to see more!

  52. I love DIY VIDEOS. Bring em on!

  53. Yes! Yes! I love ALL your posts! You are so fun & inspirational! I am a 2nd grade teacher. This is year 32 for me in teaching! Thanks for sharing your awesome-ness with the world so freely!

  54. I would love to see some DIY info! I would totally check it out:) Your site inspires me! I am a second year elementary art teacher outside of Chicago in Plainfiled, IL. Email:
    Thank you!

  55. I learn best visually and video tutorials are just my bag, so YES please post them! I'd love to get into felting and be creative with it! duchick at gmail dot com

  56. Ditto heck yeah! Kellycreatesart at gmail 🎅😊❤️


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