Sunday, November 13, 2016

In the Art Room: Bebo Birds!

Earlier this week I shared with y'all a new video series I'm creating for my students called Field Trip! Our first 'trip was to hang out with folk artist and musician Bebo. Some of my classes took that virtual field trip this week and really enjoyed it. I am in the process of creating videos to accompany the field trip...and today, I'm excited to share with you the first one: Bebo Birds!
This project is geared toward my first grade artists. I really want them to explore textured mark-making. That will be our focus for the first day of this lesson. On the second day, we'll learn the difference between organic and geometric shapes. My goal is to teach the children that you can create anything with shapes. Keeping it simple will insure confidence and success for the least that's the plan. Of course, I'll keep you posted and share their masterpieces with you. In case you missed out on our field trip adventure, here's our 'trip to meet and create with the artist Bebo!
Such a fun guy and so giving with his time. I felt very lucky to have that opportunity to meet him and share his awesomeness with my kids. 
One piece of his that really struck me were these birds. I loved how fun they were. I also really loved the texture, the pattern and the use of shapes. I knew my first grade kids would not only enjoy looking at Bebo's work but also creating their own version of these Bebo birds. Here's our lesson:
I'm excited to work on more Bebo-inspired lessons in the future. I've got a lovely week off for Thanksgiving break and I'm thrilled to say we aren't going anywhere! I'll be traveling to Texas this week for their conference, which I'm stoked about (!!) however, I am a complete homebody so staying put for a while and working on my pile o' projects sounds like my kind of break. 

Love to know if you make Bebo Birds! 
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  1. Anonymous11/14/2016

    Cassie, this is a fantastic lesson! And I love the virtual field trip idea - what a great way to bring contemporary artists into the classroom! How long does it take you to put together your videos now? You have become such a master at these, and they are so much fun! I admit to blatantly using your videos and unashamedly "stealing" all your wonderful ideas for classroom management, lessons, displays, collaboratives, etc. Thank you once again for sharing your ideas, knowledge and experience with the rest of us! P.S. Love that you're also working for The Art of Ed now, too!

    1. Hi Sheryl! long it takes depends on the lesson. The Bebo field trip video did take a while...I was really trying to edit it to keep their attention. Sadly, the sound is off on that one...I still have a lot to learn about editing! The demo videos don't take nearly as long, thank goodness! They really have made a world of a difference in my art room. Please use the videos, don't think of it as stealing! I share because I want folks to use them! And thank you...I don't work for AOE...I just contribute my two cents now and then ;) Have fun!!

    2. Anonymous11/15/2016

      Thanks so much! Grateful for your generosity, love and passion for what you do, and a great sense of humor!

  2. Heather South11/14/2016

    Thank you so very much for this! This is a phenomenal resource. I will use your video in my classroom. I feel kind of guilty because you did so much work for me. I feel like I'm stealing such a valuable resource!

    1. Please! I share because I care, use away and don't feel guilty at all! Have fun, love to see what your kids create :)

  3. Anonymous11/14/2016

    I love your Bebo-inspired lesson! My kids will love his art and this project. Thank you so much for always sharing such fun, exciting artists and lessons. I always look forward to your posts and I think you are the BOMB of the art teacher world. I look forward to seeing you at the Texas Art Conference in Dallas. -Sally Salazar from San Antonio, Texas

    1. Aw, thank you so much!! I'm so excited about Texas, you don't even know. Packing now, see you real soon!

  4. Thank you for producing such great videos. It really helps my teaching!

    1. Glad you find them useful, thank you!!

  5. This one is good. keep up the good work!..


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