Rainy Stormy Sticky Monday: Oh this silly weather. On this here day, I was productive, finishing my Nashville sign and spray painting a couple of those plant holder thingies (behind me). top: Ann Taylor, garage-saled; skirt: Anthro, purchased at The Paris Market; sandals: Sseko with DIY straps |
Well, kids, here's a lil round up of my weekly wears and some lovely works of art that I just happened to match. Each one of these paintings comes courtesy of pinterest (gah, what did I do before pinterest? Laundry? Sleep? How foolish of me!). If you'd like to follow my pins of all things vintage/art teacher/craft/sewing/painting/not-cooking-but-drooling-over-images-of-food, you can click on that wee button I finally figured out how to install to your right. Let's stay up past our bedtime with glazed-over eyeballs and pin together, whatyasay?
BTW, I managed to score a batch of lovely tops at a recent garage sale (J.Crew! Ann Taylor! Anthro!) several still with their $68 price tags for just a coupla bucks. So, of course, I promptly wore one each day. Hence the numerous outfits of separates. In case you were wondering.
Enjoy and I'll be chatting with you again soon...I want to share with you some other treasures I recently scored.
Exploring Nashville's finest food and thrift Tuesday: The art teachers I work with and I spent this day exploring Nashville. Have you ever been to a Goodwill Outlet? You must. And, if you are local, you also need to get yourself to Los Paletas ASAP as they are now dipping their popsicles in...wait for it...Olive and Sinclair dark chocolate! I almost died. top: J.Crew, garage-saled; skirt: made by me with vintage and Anna Maria Horner fabric; sandals: same Sseko as above |
Estate-saling and more Nashville-exploring Wednesday: A buddy and I hit the road with a list of addresses promising The Biggest Estate Sale Ever! We walked away with a trunk full of treasures. dress: vintage, thrifted, I've had this beauty since high school; rope sandals: by Nomadic State of Mind |
Catching up with a buddy Thursday: I have so enjoyed my days of catching up with friends this summer. It reminds me that I need to do more of that. Just sitting and chatting. dress: vintage, thrifted; sandals: Target, old; kitty: Asha, big, sweet and fluffy |
I love Mary Blair.She's the reason I must ride It's a Small World every time we visit a Disney park as she designed the interior of the ride. |
Errand-running and DIY'ing Friday: I started this day out strong and then wound up losing my steam around noon. Trying to get jacked up on B-12 didn't seem to do the trick. I suspect getting off pinterest and going to bed at a decent hour might solve this problem. top: J.Crew, garage-saling; skirt: Anthro, sale last summer; sandals: Target; belt: gift from a friend |
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