Well, hey there, long lost friends! I trust y'all had a super fab and totes turkey-tastic Thanksgiving. We don't eat meat in our house so ours was simply tofu-licious (just kidding, we don't believe in the senseless slaughter of tofu either). I'm quite positive that I devoured my weight in good food goodness this past week. However, I'm sticking with el elastic-waistband-o for another 24 hours before I gotta find out the ugly truth.
Since I seriously was in pajamas and/or the same ensemble for three days in a row, Ima gonna have to skip sharing with y'all what I wore this week. Howevers, I did manage to whip up a coupla crafts during our travels and this here post is the result.
Yay! Match-y embroidered jewelry! Y'all, whipping up these little do-dads took no time at all since the embroidery work was so minimal. Which is perfect for me because embroidery is not my fave thang in the universe. I mean, I've done plenty of it (check out this embroidered necklace and this one, an embroidered blouse, an embroidered dress and this thing). And I was super inspired by Mary Beth who's jewelry and etsy shop was featured in my last post. Her work is so amazing! By the way, you can still leave a comment to enter to win her whale ring. If you don't have an instagram account, don't sweat it, leave a comment anyway!
Okay, what was I saying again? Oh yeah, CRAFTS ON A PLANE!
One of my fave things about travel is that it gives me plenty of uninterrupted crafting time. And a four hour flight to Cali is the perfect chance to catch up on all things crafty, dontcha think? I had picked up some alpaca yarn from my trip to this sweet place and had my sights set on knitting myself a scarf. Nevermind the fact that I suck at knitting. Forget all about the thought that I hate knitting. Totally disregard the idea that the last thing I knitted was this gawd-awful hat that ultimately became the cat's chew toy. I had four hours, I was gonna knit me a scarf, y'all.
AND about 30 minutes in, this was pretty much how I felt about my life as a knit-wit. Thankfully, I'd brought my embroidery backup.
I thought he was simply snapping photos until we sat down to look at our pictures together. The video had me laughing so hard at my annoyingness that I just had to share it with y'all.
"Wait. We hiked down all that for this?! Where are those knitting needles, Ima bout to knit/purl sumbody."
Once we returned back to civilization, I busted out these jewelry blanks I'd picked up at Michael's. They were on super duper clearance which is always my kinda party.
To attach my embroidery work to the jewelry, I decided to adhere the fabric to some cardboard backing. Which, in this case, was the cardboard from a dark chocolate package. I'm all about the recyclin', folks.
After tracing the ring, I cut out the cardboard...

Since I seriously was in pajamas and/or the same ensemble for three days in a row, Ima gonna have to skip sharing with y'all what I wore this week. Howevers, I did manage to whip up a coupla crafts during our travels and this here post is the result.
Oh, okay, one outfit pic. Since I did manage to get dressed, comb my hair and put my face on, I outta show you the product of my one day of effort. sweater: Free People, found at Buffalo Exchange; top: JCrew on super duper Black Friday sale; skirt: TJMaxx years ago; floral fishnets with orange tights underneath: Urban Outfitters
Yay! Match-y embroidered jewelry! Y'all, whipping up these little do-dads took no time at all since the embroidery work was so minimal. Which is perfect for me because embroidery is not my fave thang in the universe. I mean, I've done plenty of it (check out this embroidered necklace and this one, an embroidered blouse, an embroidered dress and this thing). And I was super inspired by Mary Beth who's jewelry and etsy shop was featured in my last post. Her work is so amazing! By the way, you can still leave a comment to enter to win her whale ring. If you don't have an instagram account, don't sweat it, leave a comment anyway!
Okay, what was I saying again? Oh yeah, CRAFTS ON A PLANE!
One of my fave things about travel is that it gives me plenty of uninterrupted crafting time. And a four hour flight to Cali is the perfect chance to catch up on all things crafty, dontcha think? I had picked up some alpaca yarn from my trip to this sweet place and had my sights set on knitting myself a scarf. Nevermind the fact that I suck at knitting. Forget all about the thought that I hate knitting. Totally disregard the idea that the last thing I knitted was this gawd-awful hat that ultimately became the cat's chew toy. I had four hours, I was gonna knit me a scarf, y'all.
AND about 30 minutes in, this was pretty much how I felt about my life as a knit-wit. Thankfully, I'd brought my embroidery backup.
Please note all the alpaca hair strands all over the black cotton.
Oh, how was California, you ask? So thoughtful of you to inquire. It was swell. We hit Disnatch a coupla nights in a row to check out the final days of the Mad T Party Band (sniff-sniff!) hit the rides and see the castle at night...
Oh, sparkly. I was also able to catch up with a couple of my fave Californian buddies (thanks for lunch, Jane and Hayden!) and shop. Because there's always time to shop. The hubs loves to hike so we try to tackle a new trail each time we are there. On this trip, we hiked to a grotto where the hubs captured this footage of me being obnoxiously (albeit totes normal) whiny and annoying. It's what I do best.
"Wait. We hiked down all that for this?! Where are those knitting needles, Ima bout to knit/purl sumbody."
Once we returned back to civilization, I busted out these jewelry blanks I'd picked up at Michael's. They were on super duper clearance which is always my kinda party.
To attach my embroidery work to the jewelry, I decided to adhere the fabric to some cardboard backing. Which, in this case, was the cardboard from a dark chocolate package. I'm all about the recyclin', folks.
After tracing the ring, I cut out the cardboard...
and glued it to my embroidery piece. I fringe cut the edges of the embroidery so that I could tack it down with glue a lil easier. My glue of choice is Aleene's Quick Dry Tacky Glue. Mostly because I like the name Aleene and I'm totes tacky. Oh, and added bonus, I now have the nutritional facts of my dark chocolate on the underside of my ring! This way, when someone discovers my ring at Goodwill years down the road, they'll think they've found some sort of Da Vinci Code-esque (guys, why are all my movie references, like, 10 years old?!) puzzle which will ultimately unravel the universe! YES, mission accomplished!
Okay, tell me the truth: Does this giant bracelet make me look like some sort of Wonder-Woman-silver-cuff-wearing wannabe?
If so, I don't suppose that's a bad thang, do you?
Hope y'all have a restful last day of your weekend!