Last week was our very last felting craft night! All during the month of April, every Wednesday night at 8pm CST, me and a group of many others, learned the fine art of felting. I've had so much fun sharing my fibers hacks and learning from all of those who joined the fun. You can still participate and purchase supplies here as all the LIVE videos are archived both on my YouTube channel and on my Facebook page. For our last night, I shared how to create a palette hair clip. This one was created by Charlene @artteacher. Here's the video of our session together:
Biggest heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been joining our live chats. We hit our 25th chat recently and it made me so happy...spending time with my favorite folks is something I look forward to all week. Thank you!!

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This week, we began a new creating adventure: working with clay! We explored Celluclay, one of my favorites. We are working with this kit (but you don't have to purchase to join the fun). We have been spending the first 20-ish minutes of our session just chatting all things art teacherin' and clay. Then we explored the medium together! You can see what folks are creating (and share your creations as well) by using the hashtag #creatingwithcassie.
So to wrap up our fibers fun, I thought I'd share what we created. Shout out once again to the amazing Sue Bunch for creating those kits and joining our live sessions. You are a rock star!
Don't you LOVE Heather's Leia? How perfect for May the Fourth, y'all.
Sculptural needle felting was new to me and I loved sharing the process with folks. Desiree's colorful owl is so stinkin' cute!
Maddie's fox is so cute. A coworker of mine had a baby fox in her yard this week and it immediately reminded me of Maddie's creation.
Ms. Yoon's shirt is just about the cutest thing ever. I bet you she could sell these cuties!
Deborah's creations have been blowing me away every week. I never thought to felt on a straw hat such as this. She's got me excited to explore new surfaces!
She also created this needle felted dryer ball.
Mariana's sweet daughter needle felted this portrait of Friday. How incredible!
I love the incorporation of embroidery with this needle felting. Maddie created this blouse that looks like it is straight out of Anthropologie.
Desiree's sparkly woodgrain on her palette was so creative. I loved seeing everyone's spin on their palette hair clip.
Seeing photos of everyone's creation throughout the month of April really did make me so happy. I loved that folks got to experience something that I truly love. Look at all of this beautiful felted goodness!
Angela's palette made me so happy but this knocked me off my feet:
Love her tribute to Klimt.
Meganne's addition of the two brushes was a super cute idea.
Love Rachel's needle felted name on her palette.