As an art teacher, I always love seeing Christmas trees with an artsy theme. So I thought I'd put all of the art-themed ornaments I've created over the years into one blog post. This way, if you want to create an art themed tree for your classroom or can! And I'll show ya how. Let's start with these wee bearded gnomes made from old paintbrushes!
By the way...these projects are kid-friendly too! So if you want to have your students create these, they totally can. Here's a quick tutorial:
Now we did use Celluclay and plaster strips to create these. In a pinch, papier-mache could be used instead of plaster and air dry clay instead of Celluclay. You aren't gonna believe how easy this one is. Video here:
This video was made for you to share with your students.
I used some ribbon found at the craft store and some old paint brushes to jazz mine up a bit.
Using some wire, I added them to my wreath. I found the wooden pallet at Goodwill and painted it to go with the wreath.
Full blog post can be found here!
Here's the video:
How cute would pencils, paint tubes, paintbrushes AND crayons be on an art room tree?! We did make these a little bigger with paper towel tubes. It may be time for you to send out that school wide email and start asking for both! Details here.
We even made scissors and...
Glue sticks which were, honestly, the easiest of them all. It's just a plaster-wrapped tube painted in tempera!

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By the way...these projects are kid-friendly too! So if you want to have your students create these, they totally can. Here's a quick tutorial:
Now here's a project that my students LOVED...using toilet paper tubes to make paint tubes! It's an easy one and we used it as a lesson on color theory! Details here.
This video was made for you to share with your students.
I used some ribbon found at the craft store and some old paint brushes to jazz mine up a bit.
Using some wire, I added them to my wreath. I found the wooden pallet at Goodwill and painted it to go with the wreath.
Full blog post can be found here!
And here are the tubes my students created! Details on things I learned about creating these with my student in this blog post.
Coming up with their own name for the paint was super fun!'s an art-themed ornament that even my first graders made:
Coming up with their own name for the paint was super fun!'s an art-themed ornament that even my first graders made:
This two-day art lesson used, again, toilet paper tubes and plaster! You could use foil for the ferrule. We used metal tooling. They LOVED these! Although...first grade was disappointed that they didn't 'work' ;)
Here's the video:
How cute would pencils, paint tubes, paintbrushes AND crayons be on an art room tree?! We did make these a little bigger with paper towel tubes. It may be time for you to send out that school wide email and start asking for both! Details here.
One year, my theme for my art show was "Art Supplies" so we made all sorts of silly stuff like these spilled glue bottles! Details here.
These are made from plaster and Model Magic...with those puffy things that they use in the mail when they are shipping something fragile as the armature! Here's the how-to video:
Glue sticks which were, honestly, the easiest of them all. It's just a plaster-wrapped tube painted in tempera!
Now you don't have to have a funky colored tree for your art room...any ole tree will do! In fact, I see tons at Goodwill which is a great place to grab one. can decorate with all of your (or your students!) artsy ornaments! Details on this tree can be found here.
The most fun is in the making! So...if you are looking for messy projects as you head back to the art room after Thanksgiving, here you go! Have fun!
The most fun is in the making! So...if you are looking for messy projects as you head back to the art room after Thanksgiving, here you go! Have fun!
Just a reminder: if you'd like my books to arrive in time for a Christmas present for a teacher, a young artist, an aspiring art teacher or a gift to yourself, please consider ordering soon! I'm signing each before popping them in the mail. You can find all of my books here!