Hey, y'all! This Friday I will be leading my second grade artists in our (now) annual Chalked Ceiling Tile Event! We did this last year and it was an absolute blast. I had my doubts about teaching an entire grade level a project all at once with such a messy medium as chalk...but it went off without a hitch. I'm only changing it up a pinch this year in that we'll be chalking flowers instead of butterflies as they are no longer in our second grade curriculum. I'm also planning to film the demo process so I don't have to talk over the sound of a grade level of students, parent volunteers, teachers and the noisy multi-purpose room. I'll be certain to share with you what we create! But today I thought I'd bring back photos last year's event.
To read more about it, click yourself here. It was apart of the many legacy projects I've done with the kids over the years. In fact, that's what my summer presentation for AOE was last year! I thought I'd share with you what I presented below (now that nearly a year has past, I can share it with you here!). Are y'all attending this upcoming AOE online conference? You totally should.
You can find more info about the projects mentioned here:
* Gallery of Gratitude
* Our School has Heart
* Chalked Ceiling Tiles
* Village of Kindness
* Johnson Elementary Legacy Mural
Legacy murals and school-wide collaboratives (aka schollabs) are something that I feel so passionate about that I paired up with Janine Campbell at NAEA and did a lil presentation about it! If you'd like to see our prezi, feel free to check it out here.
Janine is a fabulous educator and speaker! She brought us to tears with her stories of how her schollabs have impacted her students and community. When you attend NAEA conventions and see Janine's name pop up as a presenter, make sure you attend!
Back to those butterflies! I thought it would be fun to add to our butterfly tiles by adding flowers. I can't wait to see what the kids create and just how amazing they look in the ceiling.
But seeing these photos makes me realize just how much prep work I have to do before Friday. Thankfully, I had a wonderful high school student shadow me today who prepared all the plates of chalk (thank you, Chloe!). I'm sure I'll get it all done in my usual Cassie-fashion: last minute, panic-y, sweating-like-a-pig and hyped up on coffee. Yep, that's how I roll.
In other news, I'm also delusional. With less than 30 days left in the school year, I still think I have time for new units of study. I had to take a hard look at my calendar today and come to grips with the fact that I just can't fit it all in. Le sigh.
But the ceiling tiles, that's gonna happen! And I'll be certain to share it with y'all when they are up on the ceiling with the butterflies. Until then!

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To read more about it, click yourself here. It was apart of the many legacy projects I've done with the kids over the years. In fact, that's what my summer presentation for AOE was last year! I thought I'd share with you what I presented below (now that nearly a year has past, I can share it with you here!). Are y'all attending this upcoming AOE online conference? You totally should.
* Gallery of Gratitude
* Our School has Heart
* Chalked Ceiling Tiles
* Village of Kindness
* Johnson Elementary Legacy Mural
Legacy murals and school-wide collaboratives (aka schollabs) are something that I feel so passionate about that I paired up with Janine Campbell at NAEA and did a lil presentation about it! If you'd like to see our prezi, feel free to check it out here.
Janine is a fabulous educator and speaker! She brought us to tears with her stories of how her schollabs have impacted her students and community. When you attend NAEA conventions and see Janine's name pop up as a presenter, make sure you attend!
Back to those butterflies! I thought it would be fun to add to our butterfly tiles by adding flowers. I can't wait to see what the kids create and just how amazing they look in the ceiling.
But seeing these photos makes me realize just how much prep work I have to do before Friday. Thankfully, I had a wonderful high school student shadow me today who prepared all the plates of chalk (thank you, Chloe!). I'm sure I'll get it all done in my usual Cassie-fashion: last minute, panic-y, sweating-like-a-pig and hyped up on coffee. Yep, that's how I roll.
In other news, I'm also delusional. With less than 30 days left in the school year, I still think I have time for new units of study. I had to take a hard look at my calendar today and come to grips with the fact that I just can't fit it all in. Le sigh.
But the ceiling tiles, that's gonna happen! And I'll be certain to share it with y'all when they are up on the ceiling with the butterflies. Until then!