Thursday, October 9, 2014

In the Art Room: An (Awesomely Candid) Interview with a First Year Art Teacher

If this beautiful face looks familiar to you, that's because it's the always-awesome Rebecca Tenpenny, my student teacher from last fall! Since leaving my (super sad and sobbing) side, Rebecca has moved to Salt Lake City, Utah where she currently teaches art at two kindergarten through sixth grade schools. At one placement, she is on a cart and at the other, she's got her own art room. Being a new art teacher, I thought it would be fun to interview Rebecca. She's also included some photos of her art room, her displays and the lovely landscape that is Salt Lake City. Without further ado, here's Rebecca!
Rebecca hiking with Kingsley, her 85 lbs lab.

During your first few months of teaching, what has surprised you the most? 

I AM SO TIRED ALL THE TIME! I was definitely not ready for how physically affected I would be.  I am surprised by how emotionally, mentally, psychologically and physically draining teaching is. And allllllll of those things combine to make me the most exhausted human being in every way possible. I always thought I was one of those people who could stay up late and then get up whenever, because, well when I was in college I did just that. But now that I’m a little bit older, my body is not as resilient as it used to be. And don’t give me that stuff about how I’m still super young and have no idea what getting older is really like. I know I am young and have a long road ahead. I’m just saying that being about a year away from 30 is a lot different than being in your early 20s. 
Display outside of Rebecca's art room.

This whole situation is like when people say“you’ll never know what it’s like to have kids until you have them,” and people who are expecting think “ok well I’ve heard that a lot so I won’t be too surprised when the baby comes and it’s nuts” and then they still are surprised once they do have the kids. Well, I don’t have any children of my own…oh, but wait! I already do! Imagine having about 1100 kids, and they all want your attention and need your help because they’ve never had art before, can’t speak English, just moved to the country a week ago, OR are just so excited that they can’t sit still. THAT is why I am so exhausted. Phew. Rant. Over.

(Oh my goodness, you guys, don't you love Rebecca? Teachers everywhere are sayin', "right on, sistah. Preach.")
What do you feel the most comfortable with?

Hmmmm…..I feel the most comfortable with my 85 lb black lab on my lap, a drink in my hand, and reruns of Parks and Rec playing on the Netflix. Wait, oh you mean with teaching? NOTHING! Just kidding. Kind of. I think if I had to pick something (because honestly I know that in every way I have a TON to learn and shouldn’t be too comfortable) then it would be not taking stuff too seriously. Does that count? I mean, when I am in front of the kids, I am super goofy, I make mistakes, I laugh at myself with the kids, and also just go with the flow. They seem to appreciate that maybe because, well, they make mistakes all the time too. I mean…NONE of them are perfect (WHY AREN'T THEY PERFECT???), but neither am I. I try to remind them of that all the time. AND I remind them that this is a good thing, because this is what makes us all unique.
However, that makes me sounds like I’m this super chill art teacher who lets their kids get away with anything. I’m NOT (Or maybe I am but don’t tell my students). One thing that goes along with being relaxed is that I don’t let them walk all over me. Because in the back of my mind I always know that this is a job, but it is not who I am. I mean, part of my identity now is definitely “crazy art teacher” (You’re not the only one described as such, Stephens. Just the other day a sixth grader wrote an entire journal entry for her teacher about how Ms. Tenpenny’s clothes never match. I love it!). Still, I know that this isn’t the only place where my happiness comes from. So, I don’t put up with them treating me or my art room like badly because I’m aware that there is more to life than teaching and in any situation I wouldn’t let people treat me poorly. That all sounds a bit confusing, but I’m a visual person so don’t blame me for my words.  I think this is what most people call “classroom management.” Those dreaded words. But yeah, I think I’m pretty comfortable with classroom management. I make sure the kids know WHO I am, how I feel about things and how I will react when they don’t meet expectations. And this leads to a pretty comfy environment, I hope. The kids seem to like it in my room and I usually like them….except when they laugh at another kid who farts. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! (and totally not me!)
Disclaimer: I totally didn't pay Rebecca (that much) for her next comments. Aw, shucks, buddy.

And spare me your false humility because you better include this next part: I only feel this comfortable with myself in the classroom and with classroom management in general because I learned from you! To those who are reading this blog: Cassie may be super humble sometimes, and may have false humility at other times, but when it comes to people bragging on her teaching…no one is over-exaggerating! I am the luckiest of lucky for being able to student teach with her and learn from her every day. Cassie, you didn’t give me explicit instructions about how to be a good teacher or connect with my students, but in every way on every day, you led by example. When district people or other teachers out there compliment me on my super sweet skillzzzz, I always say, it’s because I learned from the best. And then I direct them to your blog, and they’re like “Oh! You’re not actually just good at this because you’re just copying everything from this fantastic lady.” It’s true. Seriously. If all art teachers could student teach under you, then the world would be a better place.
Talk a little about your unique teaching situation. What's that like?

Well, I am currently employed under the Beverly Taylor Sorensen Arts Learning Program grant. Look up that kids, she is amazing and has done INCREDIBLE things for the kiddos of Utah by getting art into their schools. They seriously wouldn’t have it without her. The core of the grant centers on how arts INTEGRATION (key word) helps student achievement. So, as part of my job description, I must integrate other subjects into each project to support classroom learning. I also have the classroom teacher in the room with me at all times as a side-by-side teaching model in order to reinforce whatever core subject I integrate. So, that is a blessing and a challenge for sure. I totally agree that art should integrate other subjects to show students (and the rest of the world) that art is an essential part of life and learning, BUT it does feel like there is quite a bit of pressure on me to make my projects as “helpful” to the students core subject learning as possible. So, I couldn’t just teach an art for art’s sake project which I want to do. All the time.
Having the teacher in the room with me at all times has been great for learning kids names, classroom management and integration because lets be honest, I can’t remember what different micro-organisms there are! I have formed some great relationships with all of the teachers I work with because of this. We really do have a blast! And it is super awesome because they are able to see some of their students shine that normally don’t in the general classroom setting. Some people might think that it would be stressful to have another teacher in there, but it’s not! Even if a teacher thinks I’m crazy for doing things a certain way (refer back to previous question’s answer), I literally couldn’t care less. Meaning, their opinion matters to me to a certain extent, but in the end, it’s just my job. Not my life.
Rebecca's students' display for International Dot Day. I KNOW. Amazing!

Other than what the grant requires, my job situation is pretty unique. Well, it’s very different from what I was used to back in TN. I actually split my time between two schools. They are similar, and then extremely different at the same time. Both schools are Title 1, and have about 95% of their students on free lunch. They are both VERY diverse when it comes to the students’ ethnic backgrounds. Which I LOVE.

At one school I have a classroom, the other I am on a cart. Both situations have advantages (yes, I do believe being on a cart has its advantages) and disadvantages.
The school where I have a classroom is one of the refugee schools in the district. Salt Lake City has a high population of refugees from all over the world, and I get to be a lucky lady who works with a lot of these kids. And I mean it. I love being at this school. There are over 30 languages spoken there. The top five being: 1. Spanish 2. English 3. Somali 4. Arabic 5. Karen (which is represented by our Burmese students). Now, there are definite challenges that come along with being a refugee school, mainly the language barrier. But the most heartbreaking issue is the opinion of the surrounding community. Most families that live in the area assume that it is a bad school with bad kids and a rough environment because of the refugee population and they won’t let their kids go there. This makes me want to go to each of them individually and 1. Punch them in the face 2. Berate them for hours and 3. Let my dogs poop in their yard and not pick it up. Because they couldn’t be more wrong. Now, do we have issues that all schools go through with attitudes and fighting and whatever else? Yes. But you show me a school that doesn’t and I will give you my dog. That’s saying a lot.
Bottom line: my teaching situation is VERY different from what I thought it would be when I finished grad school, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. My kids are awesome, and I love them to pieces. Even when I want to squash them to pieces. The teachers that I work with are a fantastic mix between awesome seasoned veterans and fresh-faced, excited newbies, and I have found some amazing friends. What I would trade is my salary…but I’m SURE I’m the only one who thinks that!
Rebecca and her boyfriend Doug (sorry, dudes. She's taken.) love getting out and enjoying the beautiful surrounds. So jelly!

How are you feeling about your life choices (haha, this question reads so funny but you know what I mean!)?

As far as my life choices, I am feeling great! Moving out here was an awesome decision. I knew that if I stayed in TN and found a job there, then it would probably be in an area that I wasn’t too excited to live in because there were hardly any job openings at all. Except one near you that I knew I wouldn’t get…If I could’ve my life might be so different right now! Haha. So, in order to keep my sanity at my job, I wanted to go somewhere that was new and exciting with all sorts of adventure at my doorstep. Utah has definitely proved to be that place. I actually was trying to move to central Oregon (in which there were ZERO jobs) and went to a job fair in Portland, OR. There I met the wonderful HR ladies from my district here is SLC. They interviewed me that day, sent my resume and portfolio out to the schools and I eventually got the right call! Oh, and let me tell you, I don’t know that I would have gotten the job if it hadn’t been for my ridiculously thorough leave behind portfolio that I gave them. So, a HUGE thanks to Debrah Sickler-Voigt over at MTSU for inspiring and pushing me when I needed it. I would never have left the impression I did on my interviewers if it wasn’t for her guidance and all of the opportunities I had through the program at MTSU.
Rebecca and I back in the day. We had so much fun teaching together!

Since being here, it’s been basically impossible to not find adventure. I joined a bouldering rock gym, got a season pass at the Brighton ski resort for the winter (snowboarding here I come!) and have been hiking as much as possible. The first few weeks here before school started I got to go to the Grand Teton, Arches, and Canyonlands National Parks.  I live down the street from a huge park and just a few blocks from all of the downtown excitement. It has been amazing. Of course I miss everyone in my life though. I knew only one person out here (who moved from TN the same week!). It was a big step, but I’d done it before for my undergraduate school in LA so I wasn’t too scared. It was definitely hard to decide to move away from my mom and dad, especially at a time when my brother was moving to Africa with his family. Basically in one fail swoop we left them with no kids in the area…but to that I say: you have a motorhome and a love for travel just like me, parents! And to which they replied by driving out the first month I lived here. I am very lucky to have parents who are supportive and excited for me…and who expect this kind of crazy behavior from me.
As far as the decision to teach: well if you can’t tell, I’m a little crazy and like to go and do and experience A LOT of different things. So, after college it was hard to settle on just one career/job. I bounced around a lot, but feel pretty at home now that I have settled on teaching. It’s pretty fun to have something different going on every day and to experience different kiddos each hour. Keeps my ADD at bay. It goes without saying that there are PLENTY of days and classes that leave me thinking “is this all worth it?” I sometimes just don’t want to move or talk to anyone for days and days. There are times that homesickness for my friends and family seems overwhelming. So, don’t let me raving about my new life out here fool you, it’s still hard! However, ultimately when I sit down and answer these types of questions, I feel pretty great about where I’m at right now. Career-wise and just life in general. Definitely ask me again later though….because goodness knows my mind might change about everything. But for now, I’m seriously loving it. And sleepy. So sleepy.

Rebecca! Thank you so very much for this amazing interview. Those kids and school(s) are so fortunate to have you. You're the best!

If y'all have any questions or thoughts for Rebecca, please leave them below in the comments. I'm sure she'll be happy to answer 'em (riiiiiight, Rebecca?). 

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Sunday, October 5, 2014

What the Art Teacher Wore #117 and It's Fall, Y'all!

 Fall Colors Monday: I scored this vintage dress last spring and I've been saving it to wear on the perfect fall day every since. Despite that 1950's Ima-gonna-choke-ya collar, I love it so. dress: vintage, etsy; belt: Anthro; shoes: Frye; pin and bangles: vintage, gift from moms-in-law

Well, hello thar, buddies! I dunno what you are doing this upcoming week but I can tell you that mine is totes kid-free! That's right, I'm on Fall Break. To the creators of said Fall Break, I take my hat off to you (not that I'm much of a hat-wearer but in this case, I'll wear one and, well, take it off). I'm so looking forward to this week cuz it's gonna be a wild and crazy ride. Tomorrow I'm heading to Bowling Green, Ohio to chat with art educators there (deets here, kids. It's free and open to the public so you should totes attend, kay?). After that, the hubs and I are heading out to Cali for back to back nights of haunted fun-ness. I've got all my Halloween dresses laid out and ready to be packed up just for the occasion.

Since it's fall and all, I decided to dress in my fave fall dresses this week. I also thought I'd share with you some of my favorite fall projects that have been posted on this here blog. Just incase you get that crafty itch (which they've yet to make a cream for) and wanna get your artsy on. 

I'd love to hear what you are up to this fall. Anyone else on break? Whatcha doin'? Until next time, kids, enjoy this fallishness!
 This here leaf-relief project is one that I've done with my third grade students (and buddies on craft nights) and they always look amazing. The process is simple, the supplies are cheap and the results are rad. Follow this link-y-loo for the directions.
 Terrifying Tuesday: So on Tuesday night, I went on a lil photo shoot. More details to come unless I made a fool outta myself (um, more so than the norms) and gotta go confiscate all said photos and burn 'em. Seriously, y'all, I take my own pics with a timer or my handy clicker. I ain't used to no one being behind the camera so it's a lil unnerving when there is! Although, I gotta hand it to the photographer, he was great. But I'm rambling, deets to come, eeeh! dress: vintage; shoes: Dolls by Nina
 One of my favorite things about fall is the changing of the leaves. A coupla years back, I collected a million leaves and started squashing 'em between a leaf press. After a couple of days, I took them out and created several paintings like this one with them. 
 Do you even know what a stress reliever it is to tighten the screws on one of these bad boys everyday? I love that the leaves retained their color and still the look the same in these paintings even though they are years old.
 Whuz Up, Wednesday: This week was seriously a busy one. It seems each day of the week I was buzzing off somewhere. I'm so glad it's fall break, y'all. Let the laziness commence. dress: The Limited, a couple years back; sweater: Thrifted
 My kindergarten friends created these leaves-floating-on-water pieces a couple of years ago. One thing I always add to my school supply order are those Rolyco Color Diffusing Leaves (sold in just about any art supply catalog). My kinder kids learned about line, the veins of a leaf and warm colors just in the leafy portion of this project alone. After coloring the leaves with warm color marker, water was added and the magic of color diffusing happened. The leaves were backed in construction paper with a small square of cardboard added to the back for a pop-out effect. For the water, the kids painted concentric circles and added a piece of tissue on top. 
 Big Puffy Arm Thursday: Seriously, whatcha doing there, Big Fat Sleeve? Oh, did I forget to mention that I've been workin out but only that right tricep (or is that a bicep? Maybe my thigh-cep? Whatevers, my arm looks big in the picture. Why didn't I just say that?!). dress: Anthro, found at Buffalo Exchange; top: gift; embroidered necklace: DIY, here

 I love this project so much that I'm actually really excited to return to school after break and to a variation with my fourth grade students. You can read more about this project here
 Fall Break Friday! Not that I'm excited or anything, ahem. sweater, belt and dress: thrifted; necklace: Forever21; owl sandals: Anthro
 I love embroidering when I travel. It's the perfect little craft. In fact, I'm getting ready to start a new stitchin' for our upcoming long plane rides. You can read about this stitched up fall blouse here

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Thursday, October 2, 2014

In the Art Room: Reversible Dot Paintings

Okay, I know what you're thinking: Holy crap, Stephens, Dot Day ended, like, a month ago! 

Y'all. I know. But I never did tell ya the whys and hows and who's-its of these here Reversible Dot Paintings. So don't gimme none of that "holy crap" biznatch, ya hear?
Way back when I started dreaming up ideas for Dot Day, I knew I wanted to use some cardboard pizza rounds. I dunno why. You know how it is when you get an idea stuck in your head for no reasonable reason and you just can't get rid of it. Kinda like herpes. Well that was me with this cardboard pizza round thing. So I ordered a hundred of 'em from School Specialty and got the notion that we'd make some reversible abstract paintings out of 'em. 
What gave me that thought was the movie Six Degrees of Separation (if you've heard me tell this tale before, sorry for the repeat. I'm a repeat-asaurus, it's what I do). I knew I wanted the kids to learn about Kandinsky because he's got a big fat showing at our local art museum. And then I recalled this movie clip and was all: YES! REVERSIBLE KANDINSKY PAINTINGS. I'M. A. GENIUS.

That is until I found out that Kandinsky never actually did paint any reversible painting. Which could only lead me to one conclusion: The Prince of Bel Air is a LIAR (okay, so it was Donald Sutherland in the clip, whateves).
I still thought the idea was a good one and a fun way to start the school year so I went with it any ole way. Whatcha see above is one child's reversible painting. I love how different one side is from the other. Lemme tell you how we did it. It all started on the first day of school...
Yeah, I know. You've prolly seen this thing too. Told ya I'm a repeat-asaurus. Just ask my students. 

On our first days of art class, after our chats about Kandinsky and his painting to music, we tackled our own abstract paintings. We listened to music and musical instruments to inspire a variety of lines. Our first Word of the Week was "artist" which we all decided we most definitely are.
The following classes were spent painting and our word of the week was "unique". I really wanted to emphasize that our paintings are all going to be different, no one better than the other. We also talked about how color could evoke mood and that was the focus behind our color choices. This wasn't a color mixing lesson, per se (gah, I've always wanted to say "per se" on this blog. Today's my lucky day, I dare per se!). If the kids created new colors, HURRAY!, we celebrated that. But our focus was on using colors to show emotion.

And by the looks of things we were all pretty happy. By the way, the paint we were using was whatever-was-left-over-from-last-school-year. My art supply order hadn't arrived yet (because, um, I forgot to place it. Der.) so we may have been scraping the bottom of some bottles. I do have to tell you that upon YOUR recommendations, I ordered VersaTemp from Sax and, y'all. I LOVE IT. Best paint I've used with the kids yet. I can't wait for you to see their new paintings! But, um, back to this.
I think a kid's personality really shines in an abstract painting. This dude is very meticulous, organized and precise. 
And this little girl is very free and comfortable with her sense of expression. She's already decided she's an artist now and when she grows up (gotta love that!).
I see a landscape painter every time I look at this painting.
Because I thought the boards should be the opposite on the back, I did go ahead and paint them all black. Which really didn't take as long as it sounds...but I didn't want the kids to use one of their precious art classes painting something black. We looked at a couple of Kandinsky's circle paintings and I gave the kids a "creative challenge" ("creative" being our Word of the Week): Create a painting using only circles. 
Because the surface was black, the kids did have to paint the circles white first and then add color. Which was great because then we could learn all about tints and value.
I see a budding Edvard Munch, don't you?
So clever, I love it!
The week of Dot Day, our word was "inspire". This was because our beautiful reversible paintings were to inspire the school just as Peter H. Reynolds had inspired our dot theme. To hang, I simply punched a super small hole in the top and bottom of each painting and paper clipped them together. 
And the serve as this super colorful reminder of the unique and creative artists that made them. They're so happy, I think I'll leave 'em up for a while. 

By the way, I now have a thing for cardboard pizza rounds. I gotta know, what have y'all ever used 'em for? 

Until next time!
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

DIY: A Keith Haring Inspired Pleather Ensemble

What I've got for y'all today is an ensemble brought to you by the exquisite fabric known as pleather. Which I have decided can only be pronounced as "plehh-thahh" in a deep and gravely Barry White voice, preferably followed by a "baby". As in, "I wanna wrap you in plehh-thahh, baby, plehh-thahhhhh." And just who doesn't want be draped from head-to-toe in leather fauxness with Barry White at their beck and call, hmmm? 

Little known fact: pleather actually comes from the rare and annoying creature known as Twilight Sparkle. Hence the smell of plastic and rainbows shot from unicorn anus. 

So I got this idea to draw all over my clothing from one of my fave artist blogs Alisa Burke. Y'all. I totally hate it when chics say the have a "girl crush" so, well, lemme just put it this way: I totes have the lady hots for Alisa. She's like a Super Crafty Genius. Sometimes, I visit her site and I'm all "GAH! She's done it AGAIN!" and commence shaking my fists at the heavens wondering why some folks be all touched with the crafty-gene and I ended up with hammerhead toes. HAMMERHEAD TOES, Y'ALL (and, to that freaky-deaky person who keeps messaging me about wanting to see more pictures of my feet, STOP. It's not gonna happen, 'kay?). Life just ain't fair, y'all.
As soon as I saw Alisa's jacket, the idea of doing the same with a Keith Haring theme popped into my head (along with "squirrel!" and "unicorn anus!" but that's pretty normal). I scoured the interwebs for super cheap plehh-thahhh (see, I told you, I can't say it any other way. Bet you won't be able to either after this post) and found that Forever21 had this circle skirt on the cheap. Not wanting to pay shipping costs, I decided to venture to the mall (anyone else abhor the mall? Gah, I feel like I'm stepping back into a 1990's time machine each time I enter one. Orange Julius, anyone?) and scooped one up.
I gotta tell ya, the last time I wore a plehh-thahh skirt it was my 11th birthday, I was in 6th grade and we were bringin' the house down at Chuck-e-Cheese. I tried my hardest to find a photo from the occasion but, alas, I think I may have taken one look at it, thought, "OMG, why am I wearing maroon pinstripe pleather?!" and tossed it. Sorry, y'all!

After my shopping fun at the mall, I popped over to the craft store and scooped up a coupla of Sharpie oil-based pens. I also picked up a couple of terrible fabric makers which sucked unicorn anus. Thusly, I don't recommend them. 
Once I got home, I did a quick search for Keith Haring/black and white and this is what popped up. I loved it so much (look at the scissor people, people!) I decided it would be the perfect inspiration. 
I began by sketching out my Haring-inspired designs in chalk but that proved to be too time-consuming and did a number on the tip of the Sharpie. Since Harings designs are pretty simple, I decided to just let it goooo and draw 'em with reckless abandon. 

Are y'all fans of Keith Haring? I feel like he was such a revolutionary artist not necessarily because of his style but because of the boundaries that his artwork removed. In the 1980's his graffiti artwork could be seen by anyone who happened by it, not just those "in the art world". He removed the mystic of the artist by working out in the open on grimy subway walls in his cartoonish hand. Not only that, but his artwork brought to light issues that were close to Haring's heart: AIDS awareness, sexuality, apartheid and war. Dude was Banksy before Banksy. Suddenly art became by the people and for the people, thanks to Keith Haring.
Once I was finished with the plehh-thahh skirt, I decided a biker jacket was needed to top it all off. Barry White insisted. 
Gotta tell ya, I've been wanting a vintage biker jacket for ages. However they cost exactly One Million Dollars and, despite my ginormous art teacherin' paycheck, I just ain't got that kinda dough. So a plehh-thahh biker from Forever21 it 'twas (dude. Do you know how awkward it is to shop in a place called Forever21 when you are really Forever 39?).
For this jacket, I really wanted to stress Harings more popular images like the people holding the heart, the barking dogs, the radiant baby and the cartoon face on the television. Other than that, I had seriously no plan at all, didn't draw in chalk or nuthin. I just went at it. 

And the result is pretty busy, I gotta say. However, I kinda dig that it doesn't match the skirt. I like that the skirt has more negative space so you can see the images better. By the way, do you even know how stinkin' hot head-to-toe plehh-thahh is?! And by "hot" I don't mean "hawt", I mean butt-sweat hot. You can thank me for the visual imagery in the comments.
Once the temps dip a pinch, I think this will be so much fun to wear. I'm thinkin' I will get a lotta mileage outta that jacket.
OMG, I just realized, I look like The Fonz!
Who has two thumbs and loves plehh-thahh?! Eeehhhhhh. This guy.
Oh, Fonz. You so cray.
And with that, one more artist-inspired ensemble in the books! 

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