Monday, November 9, 2015

DIY: The IKEA Fabric Portrait Dress

Greetings, all y'all! Me and my boots-made-fer-walkin' are happy to introduce you to my made-in-a-day-whilst-procrastinatin'-bunches-of-other-stuff IKEA Fabric Portrait Dress! Which, by the way, is the longest title for a dress everz. But, let's FACE it: this dress is a PEOPLE-pleaser (see what I did there? There's a lotta faces of people on the dress. I'm being puny. Or maybe that's the wine talking.) 

Hey, Nancy, what say you?
You know that girl. She's all about the boots made for walkin'. 

Whenever I'm stitching up mayhem, er, clothing I'm always styling the ensem in my head: how should I style my hairs (big -n- close to heaven)? what shoes would look best (silver go-go's, DUH)? should I wear this creepy-a## hat? 
Answer: Um, no. That hat and face is the stuff of nightmares. REMOVE. IMMEDIATELY-ISH. 
My apologies for that former photo resulting in nightmares. Let's go back to dress-talking, shall we? 
So a while back I found myself at IKEA and I saw this fabric and, foolishly, I did not purchase it. Because, as stated, I'm foolish. Here's a sampling of the heaven that I let pass me by:
I know. I'm an idiot. Now stop drooling cuz I ain't cleaning that mess up. Not long after, a sweet blog reader sent me some photos of her art room FEATURING THIS FABRIC and I lamented my foolish ways. Super kindly, she sent me her scraps in the mail which were just enough for me to whip up this lil number!
Using a dress pattern that I've busted out exactly One Thousand Times (evidence heres, heres and herezzz), I turned those small scarp-ies into something fabulous. IF I do say so. AND I do.
Check out the many faces of Cassie. I got so many dif personalities I'm kinda feelin' Sybil-ized in this dress (Again, do you even appreciate what I did there? I went all un-PC and took multiple-personalities Sybil, paired it with civil and came up with this hilarity. Do you even know how hard it is to be this un-funny?!)  
 Me thinks not. 

Hey, Nan, what you got to say 'bout all this? 
Uh-huh. I see. Well then. Shake what yer mama gave ya, sistah. 
Since all my wee art students are creating selfies right now, I can't wait to wear this to art teacherin' land. Boots and all. But sans hat, y'all. I just can't deal with the parent phone calls about the nightmare-enducing head-topper. Again. Toodles, y'all!
Oh, snap! Check out this hilarity that my famous art teacherin' friend Tricia Fuglestad just posted on my Twitter. LOVE it, thank you, Tricia! 
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  1. Anonymous11/10/2015

    So I decide to check in on the best blog I've ever see what is new and happenin'...and I see the fabric! I am so glad you were able to use it! Wow!!!! Toooooo cute!!!!!!!! This really makes me smile! ---Sharon Johannesen (the-one-who-sent-the-fabric-but-didn't-know-if-it-was-enough-to-do-anything-with)

    1. YAY!! I am so thankful you sent it to me! I laid it out this weekend and I was all...wait a minute, I have enough to make a dress! I got so many compliments and the kids loved it. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! It's my new fave dress! xox!

  2. I LOVE all your outfits, but this one is my FAV.......that material and those boots! :)

  3. I LOVE all your outfits, but this one is my FAV.......that material and those boots! :)

  4. Anonymous11/10/2015

    Girl! You look like Judy Jetsons best friend in that dress!! You do remember the Jetsons, right? If not, than I am much older than I thought!!!

    1. Yay!! I love Judy Jetson's bestie!! xox~

  5. Did you buy the tights two-tone like that, or did you make them?? Love it!

    1. Um...I didn't buy them that way. I'm actually WEARING the pink tights and HALF wearing the blue...with the "spare" leg tucked...I mean, really. This is the ultimate TMI, amiright?! Sorry!! Now you have that visual burned into your memory ;)

  6. The whole ensemble is out of this world! And you know I'm always a fan of Ikea fabric.

    1. The best and bold AND CHEAP! fabric everzzz!

  7. I freakin' love this, Cassie!

  8. You totally inspire me. I am but a humble art volunteer mum colour enthusiast, and seeing your super beautifully made dresses, im like, yea, I can do that.. I can totally do that!!

  9. Gayle Kerr10/28/2016

    I came across your blog as I was searching for Simplicity pattern 8087. The fabric you used to make the dress is amazing!
    I had this pattern back in 1969 and used it several times for myself. I also used it to make a dress for one of my classmates in Teachers College. My Nana made me a couple of versions of it as well. Somehow the pattern disappeared and recently I've been getting nostalgic over it. I recently bought some fabric that made me think of 8087. So I have been trying to find one.
    Do you know where I could get one? Would you be willing to sell yours?
    I live in Hamilton, Ontario.
    My e-mail address is


  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Here you provide beneficial wonderful article related to gorgeous fabric its very useful for me thank you.

  12. Here you provide wonderful article related to fabric its very useful thank you.


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