Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Art Teacherin' Book Club: A Giveaway!

Exciting News! I was recently contacted by a lovely publicist for Ulysses Press, the publishers of our current Art Teacherin' Book Club read The Growth Mindset Coach. The authors, Annie Brock and Heather Hundley have a follow up book that is due to be released very soon titled The Growth Mindset Playbook. And you can enter to win this book! 

Here's how:

* Leave a comment below! Tell me a little bit about why you are interested in learning more about growth mindsets. Lemme hear how you might want to use this in your art room. Share what you had for dinner last night...really, write what you like! I just want to hear your thoughts on growth mindsets.

If you are so inclined...but not required to enter:

* Share this blog post on your fave social media outlet. Just so your friends can learn about this opportunity (thus lessening your chances, I know...but you are being a good person and isn't that worth more? Don't answer that). 

I'll be back on Sunday to share the winner! 

Now...do you think you can handle even MORE exciting news?!
Mark your calendars because on Wednesday the 19th, on our third book club chat, co-author of the very book we are reading, Annie Brock, will be joining our chat. I KNOW! Big thanks to a fellow art teacher who put us in touch, Annie has graciously agreed to join the chat that evening. Come prepared to ask her a lot of questions that you've had while reading her book: how she started on this journey, what it looked like in her classroom, what she had for dinner last night, you get the idea. I'm super stoked that she's kindly offered to take time out to join our wild and crazy art teacherin' bunch!
I'm also stoked about our chat this week. We'll be pouring over the first month of school (whichever that may be for you) and how best to teach growth mindsets to our artists. What resources, books, videos, yoga poses, you name it, will best excite and educate our kiddos on changing their minds for the best. Come ready to chat at 8pm CST right here. Some folks have told me that they don't see the chat at times...I think the best thing to do is make sure you have a strong internet connection and be certain to like/follow my page. I should then pop up in your feed at 8pm...so you might wanna have your laptop on mute so as not to frighten the children.
Looking forward to reading your comments (I had pesto lasagna for dinner last night that I actually made, in case you were wondering) and book clubbin' with you soon. 
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  1. Hi Cassie, I just want to say how much I love your blog and appreciate you sharing all of your wonderfully creative art projects! I am just getting back into the swing of things for the next school year and I thought it was amazing how this is exactly what I am pondering right now. How do I get my students past the "I can't do this!" phase, so many of them shut down even before they begin. I try to model "mess ups" as learning opportunities but am always looking for other ways to keep the students open to explore their creative side. I would love to read this!! Thanks again! Oh and I had a roasted veggie with pesto sandwich last night...yum!

  2. Hey Cassie,
    I joined the bookclub because I'm always looking for ways to improve my practice. I approach things with the idea of not following something to the letter, but what part of this can I put in my toolbox? Thanks for initiating this club!

  3. Hi Cassie,

    I feel students in the art room overcome more obstacles than they realize. I feel the growth mindset approach definitely allows for students to connect and own their thoughts positively while creating. We all know road blocks and intimidation and self esteem barriers in the art room are a challenge while creating art. I would love to have a copy of this book and dig into a new outlook for myself and my students with a new spin on the language and beliefs I present to my students. ❤️�� Andrea

  4. Anonymous7/11/2017

    I'm always willing to grow in my profession. What I like about this is book club is that we as art teachers trying to incorporate this into our art room and curriculum. We have similar struggles as art teachers and can learn from each other to use growth mindset to set up our art scholars for success.

  5. Any book you are fond of, I MUST have in my library!!!!!

  6. You all are making me hungry even though I just finished a delightful homemade oriental chicken salad. We teachers need to have a growth mindset about ourselves and always look for ways to improve...when we take the initiative, it shows in our enthusiam and helps motivate our students. A growth mindset is not just for school-related activities but becomes an life-skill for our students.

    1. Agree totally! I'm struggling with grown adults that have such a closed self mindset. We need this to be instilled as young students. Everyone has the capability to turn that switch!!

    2. Book club was awesome. The information provided can be very useful in the art classroom. I am looking forward to more sharing in the book club.

    3. Book club was awesome. The information provided can be very useful in the art classroom.

  7. Hi Cassie!! It's so great that you're doing this! You have such a great group of followers, and I love the connections we all make.

    Last night for dinner, I had hamburger helper, because I'm moving across the country for my new job in Vegas and I have NO time! (It was the taco one of you were wondering. YUM!)

    I want to understand the youth mindset because this is my first official year teaching!! I forget to be a kid every now and then, and being able to connect with my students on their level is key! I'm reading anything at this point and hoping I can take something from it. Teach like a pirate inspired my theme for this year! Pirates have no fear- just like artists!

    Thanks for everything you do! You're definitely one of the best role models in the business ;) (If I win, can you sign the inside of my book?!)


  8. I realized I need to adapt a growth mindset just as much as my students. I've already started trying out techniques on my daughter and she told me how large her brain is growing after a tough addition problem!

  9. Yay! I can't wait for this one to release! Thanks for putting together the video log. I'm excited to play some of those and class this year too! I'm already growth mind setting my two boys to death this summer, I'm ready for the school year to start so I'll have fresh brains to practice on. (Best evil scientist laugh)
    Tara KB

    1. πŸ˜‚ please overlook the swypos!

  10. Anonymous7/11/2017

    Haven't started reading TGM yet...little late to the ATBC train (but better late than neverπŸ‘)

    I wouldn't mind receiving a copy of the playbook when I get through my summer reading list! Thanks, Cassie πŸ˜„

  11. I joined the book club because my high school started focusing on growth mindset last year. I am really interested in applying the insights in this book to my teaching practices and my HS'ers. Also I am recovering from total knee replacement and it is giving me something to keep my mind occupied. Dinner tonight was served by sweet hubby - a hamburger, 1/2 twice baked potato, cucumbers and tomatoes. Looking forward to new insights

  12. Anonymous7/11/2017

    Oooooh! I'm so mad!
    Well, I wrote a whole bunch of my mindset thoughts but when I hit preview, it was gone!
    Anyway, I had greek salad, no beets for dinner. I'm "beat" though since I've been teaching a summer enrichment watercolor class to K-3 this week and I have been teaching 10-12th graders for 12 years. Talk about mindset!! Such a shift! They are risk takers and they don't need to have all the answers to creating a masterpiece. Very refreshing!
    Thank you for being YOU Cassie...you are our Art Teacherin' Guru!! Love the live book club too!

    Head in the hummas,
    Amy V.

  13. Hey Cassie! I would love to have a copy of the playbook. It is actually sitting in my Amazon cart right now. I have been reading the book with you and I love having art teacherin' perspective twisted along the way. Life long learners we are and I would love to start the new school year with a renewed perspective.

  14. I am so excited to create a positive environment that promotes learning, experiences, and process over simple rule following. This book sounds amazing and will hopefully help with techniques and wording!!

  15. The Student Centered Learning in the Arts (A Harvard Zero Arts PROPLE off shoot) group based in Wisconsin in researching the overlap of our Learning Loop and components of the Growth Mind Set. I would love a copy of this book the share with my SCLA colleagues!

  16. Gee Gee7/11/2017

    I am a TAB art teacher and a big part of this pedagogy is the Studio Habits of Mind. Growth Mindset is proving to be a natural pairing with SHoM. I spent Sunday morning starting a Google slide presentation of Growth Mindset word art quotes. And today I used my Google Prime to add to my Growth Mindset student book collection. As I am developing my SMART goal, I am planning a project of posters focusing on graphic design, word art, collage, and phrasing as students will create Growth Mindset quote posters to hang around our school.

  17. I want to read this with my PLC. Love ya Cassie

  18. Anonymous7/11/2017

    Hi Cassie! Would love to read the book and be better at this whole art teacherin thing. ��

  19. Hi Cassie and all of my Art Friends,
    I'm having a blast learning so much from each and every one of you, especially Cassie. I am also learning so much from reading the book and it would be awesome to have the capainion book to learn even more.
    Have an amazing rest of the summer and try to have some fun!! Thanks so much!!
    Kimberly Schultze
    Las Vegas
    Art Specialist

  20. I'm interested in this book! I'm about to start my first year as an Elementary Art teacher! I think this book would be a great help for myself to best teach growth mindset to little artists! love your blog and thank you so much all the tips, tutorials, and inspiration! Also, I had Korean Beef for dinner, it was scrumptious!❤️ I also roasted fennel for the very first time ever, it was a bit too licorice flavored for me, but I'm glad I gave it a try!! 😜

    Michelle Riley

  21. Hey Cassie, Been sharing the word about this book club at TAA this week,

  22. Hey Cassie thank you so much for your blog and all your Facebook videos I have learned so much from you . Is amazing to be a part of an art teacher community.

  23. Sarah Jenkins7/11/2017

    Hi Cassie,
    I was so excited to see that you chose this book for your book club.We were assigned Mindset by Dweck as our summer read for my district, and you are helping me see growth mindset through art teacher eyes! Thank you so much. I would love the playbook to help me implement strategies this coming school year. I have tons of kids that think they can't, when I know they can! I need new ways to help this resonate with them, other than saying, can't is a bad word in my room-only to receive eye rolls. My own child has a case of the I can'ts! I love furthering my education, and gaining new insights on helping my students be the best they can be, because their best is amazing!!! Side note-I also love cats, shoes, and chocolate! Thank you for sharing so much with us all the time!

  24. Just caught up on last weeks chat and looking forward to tomorrow! Loving learning more about MY many mindsets and how I can expand to default to growth mindset when faced with challenges. I know that reflecting on my own mindset challenges will help me to guide my students.
    Love the format of this book!
    Carly Smith

  25. Anonymous7/12/2017

    Interested in learning more!

  26. Hi there part two
    I would like a chance to read the great offering book!
    I need to change something! Last year was not pretty.
    I had califlower rice and chicken with veggies... Yup diet...(sigh)
    Thank you
    Creatively yours
    Heather Cashman

  27. My school district has been focusing a lot on growth mindset and while I do know the basics I would love to learn more!

  28. Hi Cassie! I love reading your posts and watching your videos! My school is focusing heavily on Growth Mindset and I'm trying to stay on top of it. Here's to hoping I win the Playbook!

  29. Hi Cassie would love to read this book

  30. Kris Swank7/12/2017

    This sounds like a really cool book to read. I am at an AP Conference right now, the instructor we have is all about taking chances and trying new things... this sort of things would be much easier if started earlier than high school.

  31. You and the art teacher fb group inspire me and keeps me hooked to fb. I don't think I'd be on it if it weren't for this group! I have heard my teachers at school read this book and would love this version that relates to art teachers...and esp because you recommend it...it's gotta be great!

  32. Oh and we went to a yummy noodle shop in Detroit last night! Husband's 40th bday!

  33. Hi Cassie, we were actually "assigned" this book for summer reading at my Elementary school.usually any professional development has little to do with the art teacher. So, when I saw your book talk specifically about how art teachers can use this I got very excited. Plus I'll seem extra smart when we dicsuss this at our meetings. Im excited to be learning g about this. :)

  34. Hi Cassie! :-)
    I would love to read this. I have taught college in the arts and now elementary school. This book will really help me to connect the two. Who knows maybe I'll end up teaching the students in-between. :-) Hope you have a great summer!

  35. Cassie, you are like an Art Wonder Woman LOL! I still really do think you have more hours in a day than the rest of us πŸ˜‰.

    It's a good thing that you have the organizational skills to put all this together AND you have always been kind enough to share it with all the rest of us or my book would be covered in dust along with my good intentions of reading it this summer!

    I'm thankful that you have the book club chats on your blog because I can't always get to the computer when it's live!

    It was a left over chicken kinda night for me after getting everyone where they needed to go. I have a feeling it's going to be a leftover chicken kinda week looking at my calendar πŸ—, unless I can modify the time space continuum.

  36. Pat Coots7/12/2017

    I am reading the Coach right now. Am excited to get some planning going.

  37. Pat Hill7/12/2017

    This book is on my list of books to read to help me make my second year of using a Choice/TAB methodology (in PK-5th grade) even better than the first. Even with all the rough edges and experimentation, my students loved choice!

    I was wondering if this book had a lot of info that would transfer directly to the art room, or is it more for a homeroom? I might focus on mindset once a month as our 5 Minute Smart Start. Also, my school may be incorporating some sort of morning meeting- possibly the entire school once a week or every two weeks, along with more frequent homeroom meetings. I think there might be material for that as well if we implement it.

    I've been doing lots of Buddha Bowls for dinners lately- cook components ahead of time and then quickly combine them when you're ready to eat.

  38. I just found my way to your blog and I am excited to read up on this book as well as your blog and the Coach book.

  39. Hi Cassie! I love your blog and all the fab art ideas. I teach my own class (all subjects except pe) in addition to teaching all the art to my grade level. I am really big on a "can do" attitude and always looking for tips and tricks to help students realize they are all artists! Thanks again!!!

  40. I feel like art is pushed to the back so often in schools, it is there often enough, but usually it lacks what I often see as a huge part of art, the creativity element. Kids need to grow in their abilities to be creative! I had a chicken and noodle casserole, with a pot pie flavor, and homemade potato rolls and corn on the side!

  41. I would love the book in order to help students get unstuck from all the academia.
    For dinner last night, my family enjoyed bundt pan chicken. :)

  42. I'm so ready to be mindful all over my life. Esp in my art class! Been a scaredy 🐱 with clay, but ready to dig ⛏ in! Been inspired by DSS and you❤️!
    Summer is the best time to be fired up, don't ya think?πŸ”₯πŸ’―☀️
    Now is the time! ⌚️
    Here comes clay in my class πŸ‘πŸ½
    An excited 🎊Mindful πŸ’­Art teacher πŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸŽ¨πŸ– in SoCal ☀️ ❣️✏️⚖️⏲

  43. I admire your style as an Art Teacher .. you love to share ideas so we can teach in a creative way. I work with missions and parents who do homeschool, but I am like a bridge for them. So I give the basics and fundaments of some classes... and because I am an industrial designer, I love to combine a good teaching with ART. Thanks for your book!. My dinner is in a community in Colombia, so we have AREPAS.. Hope one day you could visit my coutry

  44. Sushi at the best restaurant in town Lemongrass in M'boro , Tn. I think growth mindset is full of positivity and we all know positive thoughts can go a long way in teaching. I mean think about ya'lls favorite teacher I'm sure they were negative nellys!!! Good luck everyone and I hope we all start our school year out with positivity oozing from our pores😜

  45. Judy Bondar7/12/2017

    I can't believe I had not heard of this before. I am intrigued and motivated to learn more. I am always looking for ways to improve my teaching and student learning. As for dinner? Organic, uncured grass fed hot dogs with organic sauerkraut, coleslaw, organic, non GMO corn from a local organic farmer. Almost seems contradictory: terms organic and hot dog. :-)

  46. ❤️ I'm missing Wednesday book discussion, just too much going on. 🀣

  47. Pam Hill7/12/2017

    I work within an ESE school where students come from varying economic backgrounds - mostly disadvantage kids. Their stories are heartbreaking! A lot of the kids have a negative outlook on school, themselves, and life in general. I am a little negative myself, with this being my 2nd year teaching elementary art. Public school is not what I thought it would be, so I could use a little positive reinforcement for both my students and myself. Dinner...meatballs and mozzarella cheese. Atkins

  48. LOVE your blog Cassie! Thank you for all that you do!

  49. Can't wait to implement this into my lessons this year...a new twist! Thanks Cassie.

  50. I'm really getting lots of great ideas! Thanks so much for being our fearless leader.

  51. The book has been great so far! Lots of exciting ideas I want to share with my kiddos. I'd love the companion book!

  52. I love participating in your Wednesday get togethers. Anything to help me become a better teacher I am for. I just want all my students to realize that they all can do Art. Maybe not all the same, but not any 2 art pieces are the same. Thanks for all you do.

  53. Gena Maley7/12/2017

    So looking forward to next week when author Annie Brock joins the Book Talk on Facebook Live!

  54. I love every chance I can snag to learn as an artist, teacher, & student of life... this would be a great addition! ❤️

  55. Anonymous7/12/2017

    thanks for always inspiring us! you rock! I'd love the book!

  56. Anonymous7/12/2017

    Having the right mindset is powerful. With the power of understanding "yet" doors for creativity are opened. I think having a better understanding of mindset can inform our teaching and break down false assumptions about our learning. Thanks for offering this contest. It looks like a great read.

  57. I can not wait to read this book! Growing and growing mindfully is something I would like to focus on tbis year amd always!��

  58. Nicole Winn7/13/2017

    My school's focus is on the growth mindset and I love getting new learning and ideas on how to incorporate it into my classroom. I want my students to feel as though the focus is not to be an amazing artists with perfect artwork but to be eager to learn and improve. I would love learn how to achieve a growth centered classroom!

  59. Meagan Stump7/13/2017

    I have not read the book, but would like to learn more about it. Encouraging students to focus on mindful growth is a great thing. Our dinner tonight: We are about to go cookout on the river where we keep our camper. Soaking up all the summer we can!

  60. I'm reading Carol Dweck's Mindset The New Psychology of Success right now. I want to help my students learn that they CAN be creative, just to give themselves a chance. This is my next step.

  61. Thanks for sharing. I cant' wait to tie in what we do with this concept!

  62. If you like it, then it's a must have in my book. I've been on the road Wednesday nights so far. Hoping I'll be there next wednesday.

  63. Hey Cassie love your ideas and video lessons, and so do my kids. They feel successful and love the pieces they have created, as well as the process, which you explain so clearly. Thank you.

  64. Anonymous7/14/2017

    Hi, Cassie! I am getting ready to start centers and student choice in my art room this year and I think reading this book would give me some great thoughts/tips/strategies as I move away from a more traditional format.

  65. Just got my book yesterday and so excited to becoming more mindful myself and using the ideas to bring new life into my classroom!

  66. Thanks for the chance to win! I am relatively new to the art teaching world as I began teaching just over a year ago at a non-profit organization in my town. I want to learn as much as possible to make a positive impact on the lives of my students. (We had In n Out burgers for dinner last night! Hahaha

  67. I want to teach growth mindset because I'm tired of my students walking in and feeling already defeated. So many of them view any type of fine art (singing, visual art, playing an instrument, acting, etc.) as either an in-born talent they have or something they can never do. I work hard to destroy this preconception and show all of them that creativity and fine arts can be an amazing outlet for the rest of their lives - no matter their future occupation. However, I'm always looking for new and better ways to encourage this - this book would be great!
    P.s. - dinner was last night as grilled ginger salmon with some carrot and Chinese cabbage salad on the side - a perfect, light summer dinner that was still delicious!

  68. I am always looking for new ways to improve my teaching. I'm in my 3rd year of teaching art and I still feel just like a sponge soaking in any new information I can get! I want to be the best teacher I can be and provide the best experience for my students. :)


Thank you so much for your comments. I appreciate each and every one :)

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