Knowing that so many of us are teaching and creating remotely, I thought it would be fun to do a little art teacherin' online. I shared yesterday all of the resources of mine that are free and able for you to use if you need to prepare art lessons for at home artists. However, I wanted to create something fresh and new and do a little LIVE art teaching as well.'s what I came up with: Robot Week!
What's Robot Week? Well, it will be a daily dose of creating centered around the theme of Robots. I'll kick it off on Monday this this lesson that I'll be doing LIVE but I will also attempt to archive to my YouTube channel.
For this first LIVE, I'll probably go for about 30-45 minutes. We'll just play it by ear. If you and your young artists can make it, great!
You can join me on my Facebook page here or on my Instagram here!
Big thanks to our sponsor Dixon Ticonderoga for joining the fun!
Free How to draw Robots resource for you! To practice, inspire or color!
In my art room, we call these Idea Sheets. This one is yours here!
Mitch said I should make y'all a coloring here you go!
On Tuesday, I won't be live but I will be posting a video on how to create robots that look more three-dimensional on my YouTube channel! Again, simple supplies can be used or swapped out for whatever you have on hand.
I am super stoked about this one, stay tuned!
I know we probably all have a couple of cereal or snack boxes laying around. For that reason, why not try your hand at a collagraph rubbing? It's when you cut and glue shapes to a surface, lay a piece of paper on top and then, using a "sleeping" crayon (one on its side), rub over your design. I then added a watercolor wash to some of mine!
It's a Build-Your-Own-Bot kind of Wednesday!
What to do with that cereal box collage? Well, on Thursday, I'll show you how to cover it in foil and make a print with just markers and water!
Oh yeah, this one's magical!
On the final day of Robot Week, we'll make a collage with one of my favorite papers to collage with: business envelopes! They have the coolest patterns and designs.
I do hope you'll join the fun! If you do, I would love to see what you and your awesome artists create. You can email me your images at and I'll try to feature them right here!

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