Showing posts with label needle felted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label needle felted. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sweater Weather! Top Ten Fave Needle Felted Sweaters

It's officially Sweater Weather in my neck of the woods and I'm all about it. So much so that this weekend, while I was procrastinating lesson planning, I decided to do a little wardrobe planning instead because #priorities. After rooting thru Mount Sweater (seriously, if you follow me here, you've seen my stories...I have a sweater-hoarding problem, y'all!) I decided I had so many sweaters, I thought...
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Monday, May 22, 2017

DIY: Felted Cactus Garden

I am an infamous plant serial killer. "Grow succulents!" they said. "You can't kill a cactus!" they told me. LIES, people, all LIES. Where there is a will, there is a way. And there ain't no way any plant will survive in Casa de Cassie...until now.  Allow me to introduce you to my Felted Cactus Garden! These haven't been completely "planted" yet, hence the needle felting cushion showing...
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

DIY: A Needle Felted Camo Jacket for the Artist

Power to the Art Teacher! OR in the case of this week of craziness, Power to the Cranky, Tired, Gray-Haired-Growin' Art Teacher...wait, scratch that once more. Forget Power. All this art teacherin' lady wants is grape flavored adult drink and chocolate. Copious amounts of chocolate. And no one will end up with a paint brush in their eye.  So this lil jacket o' power has been...
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