Monday, May 22, 2017

DIY: Felted Cactus Garden

I am an infamous plant serial killer. "Grow succulents!" they said. "You can't kill a cactus!" they told me. LIES, people, all LIES. Where there is a will, there is a way. And there ain't no way any plant will survive in Casa de Cassie...until now. 

Allow me to introduce you to my Felted Cactus Garden!

These haven't been completely "planted" yet, hence the needle felting cushion showing underneath. I'm still trying to decide exactly where to place them. Right now, I'm totally diggin' the hippo planter I scored at an estate sale this weekend. Here's the how-to video on creating your own needle felted succulents!
It's a labor of love, not even gonna lie!
I seriously could not stop making these. I only did the one, shown in the separate container, using the wet felting method. The rest were all created with a whole lotta stabbin'! 
 I'm still trying to figure out where Harriet the Hippo is gonna live but for now, I'm kind of loving her in this nook in our bonus room. This is one of my favorite rooms in the house as I've completely decked it out with my most cherished of kitschy items. That lamp was another estate sale score and those pillows feature the artwork of Vladimir Tretchikoff, a fave of mine. A company called The Tretchikoff Project currently sells beautiful reproductions of his work on bags, jewelry, pillows and more. They were kind enough to send me these to review and, I have to say, I love them! The print quality is stunning and the images are so beautiful and rich. I'll be sharing more of their products super soon but for now, consider this a sneak peek. 
This hippo is diggin' it's cactus garden, I think. Can you blame her? 
So my decorating style, in case you cannot tell, is more is more is MORE MAGNIFICENT. I am a lady who loves her stuff...the kitschier, the better. I've always been a collector of things. As a kid it was Hot Wheels then books (Nancy Drew but only the blue vintage hardbacks...I was weird) and stuffed animals. So.Many.Stuffed.Animals. As an adult, I'm all over the place with my collections: Enid Collins bags, enamel flower pins, vintage clothing, bird wall pockets from the Czech Republic, old photos and paintings of women (they hang in my sewing room) name it. If it strikes my fancy, I need to have a dozen or more. 
 Now I can added felted cacti to the list of collections!
Thankfully, they have a long life expectancy...even in my incapable hands. 
Y'all know I'm prone to felting...I just love to stab stuff! If you want to see more needle felting videos, be sure to subscribe here
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  1. Anonymous5/23/2017

    Hi Cassie,

    I love these- I might have to try them this summer. You are, as always, such an inspiration. I love your decorating style too, kitschy but put-together. I am still one of your biggest fans- you have inspired my teaching style.

  2. These cacti are killer! The details are amazing. And I loved reading about your collections. As a fellow "stuff" enthusiast, I totally get it :).

  3. Hiya Cassie~~ Was it difficult to get the tall pointy leaves to curve at the tips and other gestures that they have? Was it all in the stabbing, or did you simply adjust the finished leaf? These succulents are adorable!!! Thanks for getting me hooked on stabbing!

  4. I tripped across your website and saw that broccoli dress. I am honestly wondering if a guy like me could possibly make such a dress. Sounds crazy, but my wife loves broccoli and I would love to make her that dress as a surprise. Thanks for the great post and for making me think creatively!

  5. Anonymous6/16/2017

    thank for sharing.
    a nice post.

    gclub online

  6. I've been trying to figure out how to make wet felting affordable for my middle school classes. Thank you so much for this video!


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