Monday, June 29, 2015

DIY: The Oodles of Doodles Shower Curtain Skirt

Whilest I was on my decluttering bender (which I'm still on. So lemme know if any of y'all are interested in a broken coffee grinder,  a polyester school spirit shirt from 1982 [any Eisenhower Academy alum out there?!] or a Speak -n- Spell, holla at yer gurl!), I found this super awesome cotton shower curtain in my stash. I believe I thrifted it years ago. When I spied it amongst the clutter, it spoke to me and was all, "Hey! Girl! Put down that busted blender and make me into a circle skirt!" And, being prone to ADHD-fueled activities, I was all, "Okay, sure thing!" BTW, only if you are a sewer, crafter or artist of any kind do inanimate objects speak to you, amirite?
Because this skirt is so stinkin' big and awesome, there's hardly a photo that doesn't showcase me twirling around like a demented ballerina. Which is pretty much all I ever did in ballet as a kid anyway, twirl around and wear my little pink ballet slippers everywhere. So my apologies for all of these goofy twirly pics. However, can you believe the size of this thing? In a pinch, it could be used as a tent for a family of four. 
Have y'all ever made a circle skirt before? If you have, WHY HAVE NOT TOLD ME HOW INCREDIBLY EASY THEY ARE TO MAKE?! Hiding secrets from me, eh? I mean, all I did was cut out two big ole half circles, make room for a waist, add a waist band, stitch in a zipper and hem. Now, I will say, hemming took the longest as the bottom of that skirt is exactly the length of 3 football fields. But other than that, it was a snap! I used this pattern I picked up from etsy a coupla years back.
I didn't have enough shower curtain left to create the waistband to I used some heavy pink gingham from my stash. Which you can't see in these photos because I'm conveniently hiding it.
Who here thinks the kids are gonna flip out when they see this skirt come August? It's the perfect art teacherin' skirt, riiiight?! So glad it didn't get donated to the thrift with that busted blender. 
Coming off my Grainline Studio Scout Tee high, I busted out this bad boy in just a couple of hours to match (actually, it took a lot less time than that, these Scout Tees are a snap to make!). I used some Lotta Jansdotter (best name everrrr, btw) fabric found at Joanns. After some debate on my instagram, I decided to go with a pink gingham trim. Most all y'all were like, "don't do eeettttt!" but, eh, I did it anyway. Because I'm toooootally one of those people who asks your opinion and then promptly does the opposite. Nice. 

And now, let's talk about the Artsy Sew Along!
OMGGaaaaah, that face. You know you wanna sew along with this crazy, riiiiight? We're gonna be stitching a skirt from Simplicity 2226. Watch this crazy and I'll convince ya that you needs to do sew, er so.
Because, truly, the best part is FABRIC SHOPPING! Check out these beauties I found just after a short stroll through
So much prettiness! If you watch the next clip, I'll chat with you about how to measure yourself (always a good time), what notions you'll need as well as how much fab fabric to buy. This is my fave part, the planning. I do hope you'll join the fun! Feel free to share your fabric choices on the Artsy Sew Along page or on instagram with the #artsysewalong! 
If a pattern envelope is Greek to you, lemme translate it for you! 
I'll be back later this week and show you just how to prep your fabric for sewing and start cutting into that pattern. I can't wait to stitch with y'all! Until then, Ima go twirl myself on back to declutterin'! 
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  1. What an awesome fabric! I'm so jealous ;)

    1. Thank you! I'm just glad I didn't throw it in the donation bin!

  2. All of the colors and gorgeousness!! Also this magpie loves your shiny shoes. It looks like you are having a fabulously productive summer.

    1. I know, those shoes! So shiny! And clunky! And uncomfortable but...SO SHINY which trumps all ;)

  3. All of the colors and gorgeousness!! Also this magpie loves your shiny shoes. It looks like you are having a fabulously productive summer.

  4. This looks fun to me! Simplicity patterns are no longer readily available in Canada, but I have Simplicity 2655, and with a little pattern drafting can come pretty close to 2226. I love on your video, how you haven't committed to your fabric's really about the possibilities, and it's not until the final moment that a decision is made,at least for me! Okay, I'm not on Insta or FB, but perhaps I'll get more social.

    1. Oh, girl. FB and insta are just time suckers, you are better off and prolly get a lot more stitchin' done than me! Thank you for your sweet words, I do hope you'll join the fun!

  5. Aw, you are too kind. Does this mean I can ignore the "can you please NOT do more YouTube videos?" comments?! ;)

  6. I'm totes jelly of that skirt!

  7. Anonymous7/29/2015

    Oh my gosh! I've been using two of those shower curtains to hide all the junk in my art room for umpteen years! Bought them on clearance at Lowe's at the end of the summer a long time ago. Guess I'd better turn one into a skirt! Love all your outfits BTW!

  8. I just follow you to see what you wear next. Your students and faculty must adore you and your creativity, you inspire!

  9. Thanks For Share Awesome Custom Designed Curtain Skirt
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  10. Thanks for the blog loaded with so many information. Stopping by your blog helped me to get what I was looking for. How to Clean a Shower Curtain without Taking It Down


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