Saturday, April 4, 2015

What the Art Teacher Wore #135

Retro-Lovin' Monday: So my time in NOLA may or may not have involved some heavy credit card exercising on Magazine. That street was just full of block after block of shopper's delights. My fave? Trashy Diva (thank you, Annette, for taking me!). I walked right out with this dress and a hat to match! shoes: vintage Fluevogs; fishnets: Target

How are all y'all? If you celebrate Easter, I hope you've had a delightful one. If you're experiencing spring, I hope you've had time to absorb some vitamin D. And if you're anything like me, you waited entirely too long to cut your grass and you've spent your weekend tossing grass clippings into your neighbor's yard (oh! I kid! Ish!). Seriously, y'all. I hope you are fab.

I thought I'd share with ya this week a lil bit of What I Wore and What Went Down in Art Teacherin'ville. It's been a wild week. I taught four awesome kindergarten classes in one day and lived to tell about it; I endured an hour long stint in the pie-in-yo-face booth at the school carnival and I hosted two lovely art teachers from Chicago (hi, Michelle and Pat!). I'm so thankful for the extra day to recoup. 

I'll be back with you this week to share my 10 Exciting Tips to Teaching Vocabulary in the Art Room (brace yourselves, y'all!) as well as a DIY (lawd, I hope.). Until then, I do hope your week is a magical My-Lil-Pony one! 
And just like that, I now have a thing for hats. I've actually had it in my mind to start creating hats to go with my outfits for some time. I'm excited to say that me and a coupla other art teacherin' buddies are taking a hat making class at the end of this month. I'm already dreaming up ideas.
Totally Pencilly Tuesday: With all of our snow days this year (a glorious 10 days that we don't have to make up!), I was able to stitch up so many art teacherin' dresses! The prob? I've not had a chance to wear 'em to school. So this lil number complete with my first bolero made it's debut this week. dress: DIY, details here; turquoise tights: Target; florescent fishnets: Free! I found them in our teacher's lounge! Our local grocery store donates items that don't sell and these were Halloween has-beens; flats: dunno; "artsy" necklace: crafted from Scrabble tiles by my blogger buddy Phyl
So way back in Feb I shared this post with y'all. Every student in my school created a wee lil 3" X 3" heart to be used for a school wide "Our School has Heart!" mural. Unfortunately our mountain of snow days (and my intense case of the lazy-es) prevented me from gluing down all these masterpieces in a timely fashion. This week, I did make some progress and get one portion of the mural complete! It's my goal to finish off the rest on Monday and have it up by the end of the week. So stay tuned, kids!
Gentlemen, Start Your Crayons Wednesday: The temps are getting warmer here in Tennessee and I gotta tell ya, I don't trust 'em. Because every spring I've lived here, it's like clockwork: lovely flower-planting weather then BOOM! a hard flower-freezing night. So I'm still clutching to my sweaters until the bitter mid-April end. needle-felted crayon sweater: DIY, here; dress: Anthro; tights: Target; crayon pumps: DIY here
The week before my spring break was Clay Week (or Cray Week as I dubbed it). Now that we're back, my kindergarteners began the finishing process for their clay birds. We did that whole oil pastel/watered down India ink method and I was super stoked to see the result. This coming week, the kinder-kids will be adding legs to their feathered friends. I'll be sharing a series of clay posts (with video clips!) very soon. 
A Thursday that's my Friday!: Gotta love a short week, y'all. Especially one that involves a full moon, an upcoming holiday AND a school carnival event. I mean, whut are we, nutz?! I do believe if we didn't have Friday off, an "emotionally unstable day" woulda been in order. school supply dress: DIY here; crinoline: Amazon; tights: Target; shoes: Fluevog
The parent volunteers at my school do this school carnival every year and it's simply amazing. I'm very fortunate to teach children whose parents are so involved in their education. As a way to say thanks, I opted to go a full hour in the pie-in-the-face booth. And, as much as I love those parents and their kids, I dunno if I can handle that scandal again. I've had the smell of curdled milk up my nose all weekend long!
A Good Friday for Brunching and Shopping: Ah, a glorious day to catch up with a good friend over brunch and money-spending. I'm proud to say that one trip to Anthropologie involved the purchase of a $9 sweater (like, whuh?!). My fave part of the day was running into so many buddies who were also out enjoying their time off even if we were in the midst of a tornado warning (it's spring in the South...when are we NOT about to get swept away to Oz?). dress: vintage find in NOLA; necklace: Franklin farmer's market; flower hair clip: made by me
I love mail. And I really love getting sweet and thoughtful gifties in the mail. My sweet Aunt Kimmy and Uncle Keith sent these bad boys my way. I love 'em so! I can't wait to wear 'em with this number
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  1. Oh Lordy, a hat class!!! Are you sure you're not my long lost twin sister? (Never mind you're in Tennessee and I'm in Oklahoma.) I can't wait to see your creations. I just know they'll be as gorgeous as the outfits you have posted here. Thanks again for sharing them with us. You're my inspiration.

    1. Aw, thank you, Natalie! I'm thrilled about the class...I declare a new crafting obsession! I'll be sharing with y'all what I come up with, sistah!

  2. I love the crayola jumper! It's so cool!!! :) A hat making class sounds amazing, I cant wait to see what you make. We had a hat festival where we live yesterday and I took a photo of the sweetest dog wearing her Easter bonnet! So cute! I'm taking a sewing class in April so I'm stalking your past tutorials!! :)

    Glad you are having a good Easter so far! Enjoy the rest of it!

    Jerra xx

    1. Hey buddy!! I love that you called my sweater a "jumper", eee, my British buddy ;) Oh, a sewing class! How fun! I'm starting a pattern-making course this week, Lord help me! (and the teacher, haha!). Have so much fun! xox!

  3. Those dresses from NOLA are gorgeous!!! Enjoy your your week my friend! That heart collaboration is stunning! :)

    1. Aw, thanks, buddy! If it's one thing I can do, it's shop for dresses. xox!

  4. I have a hat obsession! Looking forward to seeing your creations. I actually was talking to someone about taking a week hat making class this summer. Art camp for adults!

  5. Anonymous4/05/2015

    Love the NOLA dress and have a feeling that you'll end up making , Fascinators, like the ones Princess Kate and the other British royals wear!! They are right up your alley!

  6. Hey, the comment I wrote this morning evidently was eaten by the iPad demon. Let's try again....

    I think I said that three or four whirlwind days are barely enough. I never even got to go shopping at ALL! I missed so much trying to squeeze everything in.

    And that hat - please please tell us about the hat? LOVE!!! And the Artsy necklace goes great with that outfit!

  7. I don't think that comment made as much sense as the one I originally wrote... uh oh... oh well...


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