Tuesday, December 8, 2015

DIY: Paint Palette and Crayon Hair Clips Giveaway Closed

What do you do when you need a present for an art teacherin' buddy? One who is just as adventurous in her crazy art teacher ensembles as you? Make her a couple wild and crazy hair clippies, of course!
If you've been around this blog for a hot minute then you know I have a thing for wearing a wee palette in my hair. It's kinda become my signature look. So much so that when the kids draw pictures of me I'm usually only recognizable by that lil palette in my 'do. Strangely enough, even tho I made my palette clip, I never did a proper DIY blog post about it. While making this clip for a friend (and one for YOU, dear readerz...deets in a minute), I decided to lay out the steps so you could make one of your own!
Because I was making two, one for my buddy and one for a winner of this here giveaway (okay, if you just can't wait, deets at the bottom of this here post), I simply folded the felt in half, drew a palette shape, pinned and cut them out. 
 Oh, look. A photo of the pinning stage. Fascinating.
I did add a bit of interfacing in-between the two layers of felt to give it a little bit more body. Nobody likes a floppy palette, know what I'm saying? 
 From there, I cut out "paint" shapes and used Witch Stitchery to hold them in place. If you aren't familiar with the magic that is The Witch then, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! Yes, I'm shouting. And you will be to once you discover the amazement of this hold-in-place-without-pinning magicness. 
Okay. When it comes to stitching, you don't need a fancy machine to impress your friends with your mad stitchin' skillz. What you do need to do is set your machine to the zigzag stitch, change the width of the stitch so it is medium width for the smaller shapes (for zample, the paint blobbies and the palette hole opening) and the widest stitch for the outer edges of the palette. 
The needle will hop back and fourth on either side of the paint blob. It's hard to turn those round shapes but don't you worry your pretty little head about perfection. It is a paint blob, after all.
For the outer edges, set your machine to it's widest stitch. This time, when you sew, allow the needle to go to the very edge of the shape and back in. This may feel odd but this will seal in the edge. 

AND done! Time to add the brush and clip. I done told you perfection was overrated. The paint brush and your massive 'do will hide any mishaps. 
I used hot glue to adhere the paint brushes to the back of the palette. 
As well as an alligator clip. Now time to stick it in that top knot!
But wait, why stop there? Let's make a Box O' Crayons clip too!
Also, would you please take a moment to appreciate that sweater of mine? Because, let's face it. It looks like crayon worms are crawling all over me. And what could be more creepy/bizarre/fantastical than that?
 Alrightie, so, kinda repeat of the palette. Folded fabric, trace, cut out, cut out a piece of interfacing, you get the idea. 
 So that I'd have my designs placed correctly, I cut out my template and traced the places I knew I'd want to stitch certain lines. 
Does it look like that box of crayons is wearing a diaper or is it just me?
 Oh, my. Somebody is definitely bikini ready. 
 Crayons cut...
 And tacked into place with Witch Stitchery. 
 And the sewing commenced. 
Without the tight curves of the palette, sewing the boxes of crayons was a lot easier. 
I did add a small stitch around the tops of the crayons just to add more of a design and further adhere them. Clips were hot glued to the back at a diagonal. 
And viola! Certifiable Crazy Art Teacher Hair Clippie! Let's talk about how you can get your hands on One Palette Hair Clip:

1. Leave a comment about your fave gift you ever created for a friend or loved one. DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS so I can let you know if you are the lucky winner!

2. If you are on Instagram and don't currently follow moi, I'd love it if you would!

That's it! Looking forward to hearing from you and sending the lucky winner their new head ornament. 

 photo signature_zpsd10b3273.png


  1. Love it Cassie!!! Especially the hair ornament description:)

    I made an album of course of photographs from the year. We still look at it all the time!



  2. I adore your creativity- as usual! I think my favorite creative gift has been writing calligraphy letters from Santa for my friend's children. Seeing the letters brighten the imagination of a child and become an annual tradition warms my heart. Hollybess@gmail.com

  3. Where to start! I get my "crafternoon" going all the time and my friends love it! I recently made a dia de los muertos pumpkin that lights up for a fellow art teacher. I am currently working on a cactus skirt for my BFF. mrs.fouts@yahoo.com

    1. I would love to see a pic of the pumpkin! Jd071682@gmail.com

  4. You're such a fun art teacher and I love this tutorial. I should make a house clip for myself since I am a realtor, now that should attract some attention! I love all kinds of craft and I love making gifts for people who appreciate them. I made an Eric Carle quilt for a friend's newborn. And I am looking forward to following your instagram feed! Grace gmsale7071@gmail.com

    1. PS and I love your colorful sweater as well!

  5. I think my favorite crafty gift was a family farm sign I painted for my mother-in-law after her father passed away. Thank you for all that you share! -From a fellow art teacher named Cassie. karcassie@gmail.com

  6. I usually limit myself to one homemade gift per year, since teaching just eats up all my craft time. But my favorite gift was for my grandfather when I was around 12 years old. I created our while family from peanuts (his favorite snack) complete with googly eyes and yarn hair. My big uncle John was made from a walnut and had a red beard. I mounted it on Styrofoam with the caption "Your Nuts" (possessive, but with the double meaning "you're nuts.") PunzRUs. Stormyo@cox.net

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Okay, so when I sew zigzag, my stitches LOOK like zigzag. How do you keep them that close to eachother so it looks like embroidery without an embroidery machine?? I see you said to set the zig and the width, but I guess my feed just pushes it too much? I can sew color guard flags with straight line stitches, but that's about it!! I love the pallet!

    1. Anonymous12/09/2015

      Set the stitch length to as close to 0 as you can and you'll get that nice satin stitch!

  9. Wonderful, I made a paper 3 dimensional Christmas tree for my art kids while I was out rehabbing hip surgery! They loved it, my sub put a small string of lights in it to make it glow!! Love your paint palette.

  10. My favorite gift that I ever created for a loved one: a paper dress that I made for my mom when I was a wee preschooler. (My parents always said that I was the creative type). I wrapped little pieces of paper around my mom so I could measure out her size and then I proceeded to tape them together. I even made her matching paper shoes! I recently inherited a sewing machine so I would love to start making some dresses out of fabric. lol! & once I get the hang of this sewing machine I would LOVE to make some paint palette hair clips for myself and my friends! (Thanks for the tutorial Cassie!) In the meantime, I WOULD LOVE TO WIN one of your AWESOME Paint palette clips! ♡ Challen Baker. chbaker@sylvaniaschools.org

  11. Love them!!!! Super duper cute!!

    I have made many personalised artworks for different friends, based on the occasion and their likes/loves. I love making non-objective art with the names of my friends' and family's new babes!

    Jen Theen

  12. When my bestie loses a beloved dog I paint a portrait of them. We've been friends for 20+ years and she loves dogs so there have been a few :( Thank you for all your inspiring and entertaining teachery stuff! shustercarey@gmail.com

  13. Love it and would love to rock one myself! My favorite gift I made for a friend was using a clear glass ornament ball and shredding up her wedding invitation (in an artsy way of course ). I made paper quilling pieces inside the ball and used fabric from her wedding invites to tie it off at the top. You could see important names, dates and elements of the invitation. Even I was pretty impressed with the final product. Pinterest score !!!


  14. Well as a gift to my kiddo I have been making one new gigantic wooden hand cut Christmas decoration ever year that he's been on the earth. I'll post the pic on your thread on FB of his big cheesin smile. It makes him so happy! Paintyourartout@gmail.com

  15. This giveaway is priceless!
    Best gift I ever made was art for a rubber stamp of my brother and his then fiancé! I gave it as a gift to them at one of their wedding showers!

    My email is ejthurmanATgmailDOTcom

  16. My favorite gift that I ever created was one to my boyfriend for our anniversary. I took pictures of us and cut them to create: Kristen 'heart' Joey. I love looking at it knowing that I made it!

    Here it is!


  17. I made my mom two handmade paper Coptic books because she loves to write. I usually give one of friends a mini painting randomly to show them that I think about them. You are an inspiration -- super art teacher! My email address is kmosleyart@gmail.com

  18. My favorite gift I ever created was two huge woven blankets for my twin cousins and their families on my "new to me" floor loom! I would love to rock that palette hair clip for my little artists!! Sarlbixby@gmail.com

  19. Anonymous12/08/2015

    Favorite gift I ever created for someone was the altered book that I made for my mom when I graduated college. I was the first person in my family to go to college and she helped make it all possible as a single mother(even after I got married and had a baby right in the middle. She is my rock and my inspiration and I LOVE trying to show her that.ldillman@fortsmithschools.org

  20. Anonymous12/08/2015

    Favorite gift I ever created for someone was the altered book that I made for my mom when I graduated college. I was the first person in my family to go to college and she helped make it all possible as a single mother(even after I got married and had a baby right in the middle. She is my rock and my inspiration and I LOVE trying to show her that.ldillman@fortsmithschools.org

  21. I used to do a lot of needlework. My grandmother taught me how to crochet. I used to make and give baby blankets when they had a baby. I loved making them and they loved receiving them! :)

  22. I used to do a lot of needlework. My grandmother taught me how to crochet. I used to make and give baby blankets when they had a baby. I loved making them and they loved receiving them! :) threesistersphotography@hotmail.com

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I mosaic tiled a coffee table for a friend over 10 years ago. It came out awesome. Since then, she has moved a few times so I was pleasantly surprised to see it on Facebook this year - her sons use it in their playroom! I'm dying for that box o' crayons clip! ms.lilianagreenberg@gmail.com

  25. P.S. Is that sweater another one of your DIY creations?

    1. No, I wish!! It was a thrift store find, isn't it the best thing ever?! Sooooooo tackily awesome!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Dear Cassie... God has blessed me by placing on my path your blog! it's such an inspiration!. Well one of my crafty gift I gave to my best friend who died many years ago was a christmas cake that the outside looked so real but inside it was wood... but it was su much fun... so when He was just to cut it with the knife he noticed it was so hard ( we laught :) ) of course I had with me another real one and then I gave him. I'm a missionary teacher --- but also an industrial designer... so I love everything what you do linmeco@gmail.com

  28. I am currently using baby blocks to create an anagram of the names in my sister's family to give her as a Christmas gift. I know she will love it, and that makes me excited to give it to her!
    Love your.blog, your lessons, your outfits... 5th grades (all 8 of them) are creating string designs sewn onto cardboard inspired by your Dot Day lessons! Everyone is successful and their everyone is happy! Thanks for all you do!
    Mistyturtle at gmail.com

  29. My favorite gift will be this year's Secret Santa gift swap with a woman that loves TV and Coloring and lives in Iowa ( I'm in Texas). I am creating a short step by step lesson and will incude a completed drawing example with a small sketchbook (instead of coloring book) and a set of 24 prismacolor pencils. I also saw she is a mom of now 5 boys so maybe they might want to draw too. My thought has always been why buy a coloring book when you can make your own. Im excited to see what she will do with the gift and what new wings will be spread!

    I already follow you on instagram and facebook ♡♡♡. My email is staceya.donathen@gmail.com

  30. Hi Cassie, I just love the hair clips, I know that your little ones get such a joy seeing you in all of your creative attire. You are a walking, breathing inspiration to your students. My favorite gift that I have given is something I have made from scratch. I really have two, the first one was a ceramic bowl I made while I was still in school becoming an art teacher. This gift I gave to my mentor teacher, she was such an inspiration to me and reassured me that I will be a great teacher. My second gift is the ones I made for my classroom helpers, these students (seventh and eighth graders) volunteer to help teachers during their study skills period. As a new art teacher I have no idea what I would do without them. I made them porcelain ornaments with snowflakes and the year stamped on them, a simple gift but one from the heart.
    Lorraine. Email lapoat@gmail

  31. My very favorite gift ever, cuz it is so dear to my heart, was using my jewelry making skillz to make wine charms sets from my sweet Mother-in-Law's earrings. She had passed away a few months before and had lots of costume jewelry clip-on earrings. I wanted to do something special for my husband and his two sisters in memory of their mom. Brought tears to everyone's eyes when they opened their gift. Each of them remembered occasions when she had worn them. Now each time we use them we can reminisce. kpetri54@gmail.com

  32. Love these clips!!!
    Every year I make a custom painting for my 2 kiddos to put under the tree. They look forward to them every holiday :-)

  33. My favorite gift I ever made someone was a painting I did of my mom and I. For her birthday I made this small painting of when I was just a little baby. She loved it!


  34. I absolutely love these!!! My favorite handmade gift was last year for my grandmas 90th birthday, I made her a set of bird collages. She has been a bird lover for as long as I can remember, I included a quote on it, "Every season is bird chirping season". When her friends come to visit her apartment, they ask where she got them!


  35. I made my boys' teachers clay slab ornaments, my eldest's kindergarten teacher still proudly puts his on his tree every year!

  36. I made my boys' teachers clay slab ornaments, my eldest's kindergarten teacher still proudly puts his on his tree every year!

  37. I love these, Cassie! I make mini paintings for people. My students love to see my progress- I leave them at school and work on them when I get time. (What's THAT???) They are just simple ones- holiday themed, like a Santa belly, or a single ornament. Right now, painting the Grinch!

  38. Dear Cassie,
    The palette clip is just gorgeous and I would love to win it. I can see myself now with my updo which I call my sumo wrestler hair as I knot it on top of my head with just a hair tie. At the moment most of the topknot bit of my blonde hair is purple and pink so I'm some sort of weird looking sumo art teacher at the moment. Your clip would just set it all off!!!! My favourite gift I made for a couple of teacher friends who taught my daughter when she was in grade 1 was a cute storage tin with a handle that I decorated for each of them according to their favourite things. So one was decorated with a pirate theme and the other was covered in owls. They were covered in decorative papers, layered cutouts, bits and bobs and heaps of matching ribbons to cover the handle. They were pretty stunning, if I do say so myself, and they still rave about them years later!

  39. Anonymous12/09/2015

    Thanks for sharing, Cassie (always).

    A couple of months ago I was asked by a friend to contribute to a fundraising bake sale. I figured everyone would be sugared-out, so instead of baking cupcakes, I drew them instead. When I showed up with my "platter" of kawaii-style, colored-pencil-drawn bookmarks, I was met with cheers (whew!). AND, they all sold out (yay!).

    ~ Dina

  40. I love making gifts for friends send family! This year my fam are all getting ceramic dishes and jewelry. Oddly enough though my teacher bff had an obsessing with squirrels while I have an unnatural great of said creepy creatures. So I put my fear aside last year to paint her a whimsical squirrel wall hanging. She loved it and I loved seeing her excited for something I made. My homemade gifts are appreciated but expected by my family so it's nice to see enthusiasm from someone who doesn't have to like what I give them.

  41. I love the paint pallent. I can definitely do this at home but I would have to modify it a bit. I have a simple brother sewing machine.My stiches around the edges wouldn't be too neat and tidy. Craftsmanship is everything!

    For a gift, my mom really loves flowers . Went to a Gardening/Algiculture for college and everyrhing. She had a picture of a waterlily on the kichean table. After asking her about it, I took a picture of the picture and recreated it for her so it would fit the decor of her kichean.
    Magdalena Grzybowska

  42. I love the paint pallent. I can definitely do this at home but I would have to modify it a bit. I have a simple brother sewing machine.My stiches around the edges wouldn't be too neat and tidy. Craftsmanship is everything!

    For a gift, my mom really loves flowers . Went to a Gardening/Algiculture for college and everyrhing. She had a picture of a waterlily on the kichean table. After asking her about it, I took a picture of the picture and recreated it for her so it would fit the decor of her kichean.
    Magdalena Grzybowska

  43. My favorite artsy gift was a painting of my grandparents house for my Aunt on an original plank of wood from the house. Love all your outfits!

  44. Anonymous12/09/2015

    Cassie--as always your post inspires!! When I was in middle school exactly one hundred thousand years ago, I became obsessed with sculpey (The clay that hardens after baking in the oven). Of course, it was my art teacher who introduced this material to my class. I made a santa clause face (with awesome details and textures!), glued a pin to the back of it and gave it to my sister as a gift. She was an art teacher and retired only 5 years ago after teaching art for 30 years!!! When she retired, she gave the santa pin back to me so that I would wear it while I teach MY OWN art classes! My students love to hear the story of how I made it when "I was little."
    Suzanne Campbell

  45. I love these clips!!! amazing! could you also needle felt them?? i'm not the best sewing machine, sewer.
    I made my husband stitch portraits (embroidered) of him and I and verse that reminds me of him. He put it on his night stand (without any prompting from me) and he quotes the verse all the time.
    my email is candice.schwien@gmail.com

    1. Yes, you could totally felt them! We did so here, check it out: http://cassiestephens.blogspot.com/2015/03/a-new-orleans-art-teacher-conferencin.html

  46. Love these and am planning on making one for myself and my students. We have an art show at the end of the year and I plan on putting them on headbands for my little girls and pins for my boys with their names somewhere on there of course! My most crafty gift was probably a scratch art tulip that my mom still has in her bathroom like a million years later. Do you think these palettes could be felted instead of sewn?? sbecne20@gmail.com

    1. Yes!! You could totally felt a palette, check this out: http://cassiestephens.blogspot.com/2015/03/a-new-orleans-art-teacher-conferencin.html

  47. You remind me of my high school art teacher! Quirky, fun, and so creative! I'm still friends with her after all these years. (It's been a lot...) Keep being you! pinkamingohaven@gmail.com

  48. I have different gifts for each year I make...favs have been yarn ornaments, homemade soap.

  49. Anonymous12/09/2015

    THESE ARE GORGEOUS!!! You are just the best!!

    My favorite gift I ever crafted for someone was for my aunt a few years back. It was shortly after the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie came out, and she was super into it and fancied herself a pirate at the time (my family is super weird but awesome lol!!) I decided to make her a pirate-themed scavenger hunt!

    The first thing I did on Christmas morning was put on a CD of pirate music that I had created. Then I handed her an envelope (which I tea-stained and burned to look super old and piraty.) It had a clue written on it and was signed "Jack Sparrow" haha! So each clue lead her to a new envelope with a new clue from Jack. The last clue led her to a wooden box that I had made and decorated to look like a treasure chest. It was filled with all kinds of goodies... Not only was the scavenger hunt fun for my aunt to do, it was fun for me to watch!!

    Oh! And my email is jackieqtip@gmail.com

    Thanks!! Hope you have a fun-tastic day!

  50. The best gift I ever gave was singing a song on the fly at my Grandparents' anniversary party. It was 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' by Kermit the frog (a classic.) I made my way up to the band and had to perform it acappella cause the band didn't know the tune. Losers. Who doesn't know that song?!!

  51. Love those clips! My favorite gift is a pallet art for my girls - Have Courage and Be Kind.
    My email: trish_white@hotmail.com Thanks!

  52. The best gift I ever made for someone was for my boyfriend at the time. He loves cartoons so I painted a series of portraits for him with very classic colors and backgrounds but of his favorite characters. Donkey Kong, Earthworm Jim, Powdered Toastman and Freakzoid now all have lovely portraits.

    We're now married and they're hanging above our dining room table!

    1. eek, left out my email

      jkbrownstein@gmail.com :)

  53. My favorite gift I gave someone was a series of framed photographs using filters to change/enhance the colors of scenery from around Mackinac Island in Michigan. Mackinac Island does not allow cars and is a state park-there are so many horses, carriages bikes and such. They were given to a couple that were married on the Island and they loved how thoughtful the gift was! Your hair clips are so cute!

    1. forgot my email too! edavis_hernandez@yahoo.com

  54. Awesome idea!!! Can not wait to try it!! Thank you for sharing!!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I love all of your art teacher fashions. I especially like your felted crayon sweater. Love the paint pallete clip! I have recently used paint brushes and pencils to hold my hair up. I tell the kids they are my new hair accessories. I recently did all of the decorations for my friends daughters 1st birthday. So much fun! My email is jessicajohnston34@yahoo.com. Love your blog and your instagram!

  57. I love all of your art teacher fashions. I especially like your felted crayon sweater. Love the paint pallete clip! I have recently used paint brushes and pencils to hold my hair up. I tell the kids they are my new hair accessories. I recently did all of the decorations for my friends daughters 1st birthday. So much fun! My email is jessicajohnston34@yahoo.com. Love your blog and your instagram!

  58. I love these!!
    This year for Christmas I made all the ladies a set of wine glass candle holders :) lots of spray paint and glitter everywhere, plus a few hot glue gun burns, but so worth it.
    My email is Clhale9@gmail
    PS my second graders are currently making Rousseau inspired jungle scenes because of your blog!

  59. I made a Little Lulu doll for a roommate named Lulu. My first sewing experience ever! susanbrill9@gmail.com

  60. These look so awesome! Can't wait to make my own. My favorite gift I've given was a tshirt quilt I made from my sons high school years and giving it to him when he left for college.

    PS My 1st graders are making kimono people based on your lesson. They are turning out so cute!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. My favorite project was the year I made hooded scarves for all my aunts. They are like infinity scarves but wider on one end so you can wear it as a hood when you have a jacket without one.

  63. My favorite project was the year I made hooded scarves for all my aunts. They are like infinity scarves but wider on one end so you can wear it as a hood when you have a jacket without one.

  64. Lovieeee your blog and awesome lessons! My favorite project was a quilt for my BFF's daughter. I also enjoy making baby blankets. Just got a new sewing machine too so I'm gonna look to see if I got me a witch stitch!

  65. Super cute! I created a charcoal drawing of a knot tied in fabric that said, "knot tied 7/24/10" for my best friends wedding. She still has it on the wall :) laurabecker018@gmail.com

  66. Anonymous12/09/2015

    My most favorite gift I ever made was nothing special. I made a clay snowman for my daughter. The look in my daughter's eyes, made it seem like I had given her the world. She said it was the best gift she had ever gotten, she was 8. That's the age when kids usually want toys and my daughter was happy with a clay snowman. That's a win for me!!! My email is mwallen@valpo.k12.in.us!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. When my husband and I first started dating our twin nieces were very young toddlers, he wanted to give them stick horses for Christmas and asked me for help. So, we headed to the thrift store and the hardware store. After a marathon crafting session and our first tiff... he broke my sewing machine. They turned out to be freakishly awesome and the girls loved them! Those horses are definitely the most special gift I've ever crafted for Christmas. Kerrdawn@gmail.com

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. I am currently working on a felt book for my little boy. Which is fun! Cookie page, space page (with him as an astronaut, of course a Mr. Potato Head page, and now I'm working on a "Starbucks" page with food and drinks. But I also make tulle tutu's for my friends who have little girls! But my fave would be the tulle dress I made for a little girl to be MLP Apple Jack for Halloween.


  72. Love your blog. Soooo fun! niclover7@yahoo.com

  73. What a fun idea. I made a crochet blanket recently for a first baby. I've just started to learn crochet so that was quitd an achievement. I love the palette clip.

  74. The palette clip is lovely and I can't think why I didn't think of making one myself... but I don't think I could have made it so nice. I made a brooch for an elderly friend using knitted roses (tiny ones) sewn together with three small knitted leaves and a brooch back sewn behind.

  75. d'oh! forgot to give you my email... jemima.luddite@gmail.com.

  76. My favorite gift I've ever created is a nameplate for my sister's desk (she's a teacher too!) I hand painted a wood sign when she was hired as a 5th grade teacher.
    PS- I LOVE your blog and Instagram! Art teachers unite!


  77. Handmade coptic bound books!
    (3rd-9th art teacher here! Artatedison.weebly.com)

  78. I once made a pop out mini scrapbook album made from scrapbook paper. I got the idea from pinterest and gave it to my best friend. I would love to gift your clips and make one for myself. I am a junior majoring in art education! I want my style as an art teacher to be like yours!! :D

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