Sunday, March 27, 2016

In the Art Room: An Art Teacherin' Mix Tape

I did my time in high school at the height of Mix Tape Era. I musta made and received dozens of the best doggone tapes my lil Walkman ever played. Tell me I'm not the only one who would put their heart and soul into each mix tape made. Kids these days (OMG, did I really just say that?!) will never know what it was like to receive a plastic case of musical treasures which said everything an angsty teen just didn't know how. 
I'm no longer an angsty teen but an occasional angsty art teacherin' type. Sometimes I feel that, in the course of one day in Art Educationville, I experience all the same emotions I had as a teen: surprise ("Did you really just eat the papier mache paste?!"); happiness ("Y'all, we're actually gonna be on time for P.E. today!"); anger ("Okay. WHO GAVE THE PAINT BRUSHES HAIRCUTS?!"); and despair ("Between snow days, field trips, assemblies and absences, y'all are gonna have exactly two works of art in this year's art show. TWO.")
Despite all of that, we know, deep down in our paint splattery hearts that we have the best jobs in the world. So, for all y'all art teacherin' types, I give you my heart and soul in 12 tunes or less: An Art Teacherin' Mix Tape. 
Now, this here mix is in chronological order, from the start of our wild and wacky day to the sticky-icky, how-did-that-painted-handprint-end-up-on-my-butt end. If you're like me, your day usually begins under-caffeinated and over-slept which means it feels as high energy as this...
1. Breakfast at Pee-wee's
Do y'all love Pee-wee as much as me? He's actually my art teacherin' inspo! Sometimes, when certain stuff is about to hit the proverbial fan, I stop and think "What Would PeeWee Do?" and attempt to just go with the flow. Especially with kindergarten. Okay, always, with kindergarten. 
2. Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf
Nothing sets my drive to school on fire like a lil "get your motor runnin', head out on the highway, lookin' for adventure or whatever comes my way!" I also like to play a lil medley of metal (G&R's Welcome to the Jungle) and rap (Beastie Boy's Fight for your Right) to get me in the art teacherin' mood. I ain't proud. 
3. 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton
Y'all know once you get to school, it's nonstop: preparing paint trays, cutting paper, sharpening pencils, writing your I Can statements, washing paint brushes, unclogging glue bottles, you get the idea. I swear some days, I'm worn out before my first class even arrives. And when they do, y'all know they better...
4. Think by Aretha Franklin
"You better think about what you're saying. You better think about the consequences of your actions." Oh, yeah. Aretha is who I try to channel when I need to spark a lil comin-to-Jesusness in the art room.
5. Respect by Aretha
Getting respect is pretty hard to do when you are wearing a rainbow wig or a hat shaped like a paint palette. But a girl can always try to get a lil R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
6. Celebration by Kool & the Gang
On those days when there isn't a full moon or a highly-contagious, vomit-inducing flu epidemic going around, then you know that calls for celebration! 
7. We Are Family by Sister Sledge
I try really hard to instill this idea in the kids. We're all in this art making, imaginatin' business together, y'all! We are family. 

8. Sabotage by the Beastie Boys
HOW. How do they always know when Ima bout to be evaluated? WHY. Why do they always decide it is then to go all Men-in-Black/flashlight-in-their-face and erase their memories clean of everything taught? I'm tellin' y'all, it's no accident. It's sabotage. 
9. Girls Art Teachers Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
Evaluations, evalu-shmations. Grades, shmades. Gag me with a spoon, y'all. Art teachers just wanna have fun! 
10. Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog
Can you tell I'm an 80's child yet? I love that I got to grow up on a steady diet of The Muppets, The Electric Company, Sesame Street and School House Rock. Kermie wants to know why are there so many songs about rainbows but the art teacher in me wants to know, why aren't there more?! The lover, the dreamer and me will never know. 
11. Shout by Otis Day and the Knights
Now waiiiiiiiiiit a minute! You know you make me wanna SHOUT! Sometimes happily. Sometimes unhappily. Regardless, art teacherin' never fails to bring out the emotions and the hootin' and hollerin'. In other news, this is my second song featuring John Belushi and that would be because I lurves me some Belushi. So deal wit it.
12. Harper Valley P.T.A. by Jeannie C. Riley
Don't get me wrong, I have a fabulous P.T.A. that has yet to send me a letter in the mail about my ensembles. However, this here song is a great anthem for any of those times you find yourself standing up for what you know to be best. Git it, y'all.
13. This is How We Do by Katy Perry
In our house, we love some Katy Perry (read: the hubs really loves him some K.P.). This song just had to make it's way into the mix because the video, y'all. THE VIDEO. I love Katy Perry for the imagination and creativity she brings to everything she does as she has a heavy hand in her costumes, videos and overall look. Love her, love this video. 
14. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive by Johnny Mercer and the Pied Pipers
We all have those days. When you say the wrong thing. Do what you feel is a lousy job. Struggle to keep your head up. It happens to us all. And, if you are like me, you sometimes allow those negative thingies to play on a permanent loop in your mind. Don't do it, y'all! To end this here mixtape, I leave you with this: 

You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene 
(lyrics by Harold Arlen)
That's all, friends! Hope you enjoy this here mix. Love to hear in the comments your fave art teacherin' tunes (or just your fave tunes in general!). Til next time, I'll allow these kitty cats to take it away.  photo signature_zpsd10b3273.png


  1. Yes!! I would listen to your mixtape on repeat!

    1. Just like back in the old days, listen to 'em til you can't stand 'em any more!

  2.! You nailed this!! I just brought an old boom box into my artroom so I could play my old mix tapes for the HS kiddos. Love this!

    1. I bet they think that is the best thing ever!!

  3. Anonymous3/27/2016

    Love all of these Cassie! My new favorite in the Art room when making art with kids is "Try Everything" by Shakira. It is from the new zootopia movie. I love that is says "I'm gonna try everything even though I might fail." A lot of my artists think they have to make it perfect the first time and get frustrated. This song helps them know it is not so! Love your mix! Thanks for sharing! Leslyn

    1. Love that song!! Will have to share in my art room as well! xo!

    Love this song in class! Crayola Doesn't Make a Color For Your Eyes

  5. Ah, mix tapes. Oh how I miss them....and a lot of other 80's goodness too. This is fabulous! I'm an art teacher in training (old dogs can learn new tricks), so I'll have to remember this when I finally get finished with school. :-)

  6. Charles3/28/2016

    You had me at PeeWee,because thatcollaboration between PeeWee and artist Gary Panter is nothing short of perfection. You lost me at 9 to 5,because I can only dream of working a mere 8 hours,and you won me back with Rainbow Connection!Electric company and early Sesame street is still stupid hilarious to this day! Shame on you for forgetting '3-2-1 Contact'. The Bloodhound gang is VERY disappointed at being left out. Agh,how did I manage to make my comment into a TV related thing? Sorry about that!

  7. Killer mix, Cassie...great job on picking out the tunes. The kids love when I play music, even the classical kind. :) I have a Motown cd I play quite a bit, with the Jackson 5. They love that one.

  8. Anonymous3/28/2016


  9. Man, the giant ear to ear that spread across my face when you posted Mix Tape! Rock On! You're a dream boat! Thanks for the support and inspiration!

  10. This is great! Love the idea...must say it is WAY-SUPER-COOL!

  11. Love this! We are making mix tapes (CDs) as wedding favors! Trying to keep the craft alive. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Anonymous4/15/2018

    love these...When they're up in everybody else's business...I remind them of this one.. Lookin' Out For Number One by Bachman Turner Overdrive


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