Wednesday, May 31, 2017

DIY: Ikea Fabric Broccoli Dress

 If you've been following my IG stories, then you've seen a little bit of the behind the scenes making of this here Broccoli Dress. Or, as I've decided to call it, my Frock-coli. See what I did there? Frock and Broc, y'all. It's what you're wearin' fer dinner. 
I picked up the fabric last fall while at Ikea. I'm in love with their fabric because I love all things big and bold (and cheap. Y'all, soooo cheap!). Whenever I see a print that I like, I always wish it were 10 times bigger. So when I spotted this giant broccoli print (and, like, who looks at broccoli and says, "that would make a great textile!" Someone with a brilliant mind, that's who.), I knew I had to have it...and make a dress from it!
I decided to take the ole Frock-coli out for a spin to the bookstore this afternoon. The baristas were diggin' it...but one couple I walked by literally stopped mid-convo, went silent and whispered, "What.Was.That." Apparently the Frock-coli is ahead of it's time. 
Am I the only one who thinks this dress needs some melted cheese? I gotta hankerin' for some steamed broc and queso. 
 When it comes to sewing, y'all know know I'm a creature of habit. I've been sewing dresses for myself for some time now...and I feel this fit and flair is the most flattering on me. I've tried slightly different styles (heavy on the slightly. What can I say, that 50's silhouette is my fave) and I always come back to the following: fitted bodice, big ole waistband (or big ole belt. I have one student who is fascinated by my big plastic belts...I think he watches a lot of WWE and associates them with prize fighting belts. Which, after some days of teaching art, I feel like I've earned one!) and a giant circle skirt. 
When I tell you I have a ton of vintage patterns, believe me, I have a ton. And I almost aways use some sort of combo like this. In other news, how cute is that bird applique?! 
Before I picked the broc fabric to stitch, I had these other contenders on my cutting table. I get a lotta questions on where I get my fabric. Aside from Ikea, I LOVE They have a search bar where I look up things like "primary colors", "art supplies", "art teacher" and all sorts of fun motifs pop up. I also love shopping at Craft South as they have the most unique and hip prints. 
But back to the dress. I thought the black waistband all by itself was a little I balanced it out with the black bows at the shoulder. 
 My new favorite thing to do while sewing is listen to podcasts. I just finished S-Town from the creators of Serial. I enjoyed it but it was a sad and complex story. I am currently listening to Missing Richard Simmons and LOVING it. I grew up watching Simmons on television, on his infomercials and on Letterman, just thinking he was this loud and crazy dude. But there is this other side to him: he is a carrying, loving and giving individual...with a lot of pain and sadness in his life. I highly recommend it. 
 I don't know what is happening with that face but here is the side-ish view of my dress. 
 So, first week of summer vacay dress, done! I've got a lot more on my To Do list...and currently I am accomplishing very little of it. I'm allowing myself a temporary reprieve because - it's summer! - but after today, I really gotta start whittling away at my summer agenda. 
But first, broccoli! 
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  1. You are amazing!!! Great creation! I really enjoyed reading all about the Frock-oli, and thanks for the podcast recommendations, too.

    1. Hey Ann! Thank you! And I hope you enjoy the podcasts...I so love the Missing Richard Simmons one!

  2. Hee hee hee. You make brock look good!

  3. Oh, I just love this! Your dress is beyond unique and adorable, and your post, as always, made me chuckle. I could relate to the bit about big belts; I favor them too, and my husband always calls me Peg Bundy :)

    1. Haha!! YES! I think I do draw some fashion inspo from Peg!! Who wouldn't ;) ?! How funny!

  4. Anonymous6/01/2017

    You look adorable! Those people in the coffee shop were just stunned by your creativity! Great name ,"Frock-oli"!!! I can see a pop art project with the kids and veggies! Oh wait, I'm on summer break- I don't have to think of projects to do with the kids!

    1. YES!! I know, how do we turn off the art teacher brain?! ;)

  5. I think these are awesome. My mom sewed when I was a kid. I am forwarding this article to my daughter to hopefully inspire her to start being creative with her sewing like you do. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Of course! I'm self taught (hence the tape and the zipper)...I know most sewists are super organized but I'm hear to say you don't have to be ;)

  6. I am surprised you didn't make a fetching felted froccoli fascinator. Did you start the Cassie's Clay Classes yet? Thanks, Pat S

    1. Do you mean the Facebook LIVE classes with clay? yes, we wrapped that up last week. All the videos are archived on my FB page :)

  7. That. Is. So. Awesome!

  8. OMG I made a dress for my daughter out of this same fabric! It would be so fun to get a photo of you two together in your matching dresses!


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