Wednesday, August 23, 2017

In the Art Room: Art Room Decor

 Well, I'm back at it: picking up more things from the Wooden Thingies You Can Paint aisle and goin' to town. I've painted paddles into paint brushes, a picket fence into a stack of pencils and now this fun Tints and Shade sign! 
The other day, I was at Hobby Lobby and spotted this fun little fence. I picked up two of them and used a coupla coupons to bring the price down a pinch. I wasn't sure what I'd do with them until the idea of creating a value scale of tints and shades came to my mind. 
Over a couple of evenings, I managed to get this bad boy complete. It was very similarly to my Stay Sharp pencils. I will say, mixing up a gradient is no joke, especially when you do it over the course of a couple of days. I did struggle a couple of times getting colors to great an even value scale.
 Once the pencils were complete, I added the lettering and the fine lines. I love using black and white lines to give things a cartoon-y look 
 I was going to go with "value scale" or "gradation" but those aren't words we use a lot in my art room. We do talk a lot about mixing up tints and this was what I went with!
  Don't be throwin' no shade now, y'all. 
I also had a chance to hang my Color Families display today! I used Command Velcro strips to hang these and my Tints and Shade sign.
Because I want to be able to remove the crayons and use the as teaching tools, I used velcro dots to add them to the crayon boxes. You can see them in the secondary color box. 
 Now I did mention that I purchased two of these wooden thingies...the other will go over the door to the left of my clock. I plan to paint that in a rainbow gradation...but not sure what I'll write on it yet, if anything. I'm really excited about this area of my art room now! I am loving the new look so much...I am slowly working on giving my entire art room a make over! This is an area that the kids see a lot so it gets first priority. I even painted my easel to match some bookcases I recently redid. I'll have to give a complete tour once complete...although who knows when that will be!
 Until then, this will have to be my happy place!
 Thank you for letting me share!
 photo signature_zpsd10b3273.png


  1. I love the love you put into your space!

    1. Aw, thank you! tackle the rest of the hot mess of a room!!

  2. Girl, you have been crafting up a storm! Love it! Love them! Love you!

  3. Looks awesome! Love all of your new visuals!

  4. Anonymous8/24/2017


  5. Anonymous8/24/2017

    I love the space! Great job!!!

  6. the next one should be a ROY G BIV one!

    1. Agreed! That's what I'm dreaming up next :)

  7. I love what you've done with all your wooden thingies! As usual, such a cute, funny, color-ific post!

  8. I really like the improvements you've made in your artroom. It's not too busy to look at and everything teaches important art basics. The placement of each piece adds to a wonderful teaching environment.

    1. Thank you!! That's the look I'm going for. Out with the mindless with the new and clean...clutter ;)

  9. Love love loving this project Miss Cassie! I also loved love call and response video ... ................Ah Hem

  10. Great post, thank you for sharing.

  11. Anonymous9/04/2017

    Thank you CaSsiE* YOU INSPIRE me to have more FuN w/this subject/art life that I L❤️VE & with the great spirited energies (short people) who enter Art every day all excited. Xo

  12. I have a new art studio, wishing you could come design and create...!!???

  13. I have a new art studio, wishing you could come design and create...!!???

  14. Very colorful, liked all the strong color mixes

  15. You're such an inspiration! I just finished my 20th year teaching mostly at the high school level, with a couple of years at the elementary and middle school level as I began my career. I am making the move to teach primary level art because I felt my soul longing for a change. I am so exited and I've been looking at all you do and it's so exciting! Great work! Kudos to you!


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