Sunday, January 27, 2019

Art Teacherin' 101: My Favorite Watercolor Paints!

 One question I get A LOT is about supplies...what supplies are the best to order? It's scary, putting in a supply order! We have such little money we don't want to waste it! You can check out some posts about my favorite art supplies to order here. In this video, I'll even walk you thru some of my favorite things for my art room. These posts are a couple years older and definitely need an update but many of my fave things remain the same. Especially my fave watercolor paints. 
 Only with quality watercolor paints will you get beautiful paintings! That and teaching kids HOW to use watercolor paints correctly. If you lurk this blog, you'll find plenty of posts of me teaching my students how to use their paint the right way to create amazing masterpieces. THIS LESSON (arrow pointing up) will be posted here super soon!

So...instead of typing it all out, I thought I'd create a video to share my favorite paints with you, all available in your favorite art supply catalog. This is NOT a sponsored you know I'm speakin' the truth!
I'm so thankful for companies that continue to make quality art supplies for kids. Our young artists deserve the best!
Here's me explaining how to paint to my small friends. 
What are your fave watercolor paints?
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  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing! Where can I find that name lesson on your blog?

  2. Jack Richeson makes the same water containers.

  3. Ahhhhh!!!! I had NO idea that crayola offered the individual pans. I have a buttload of the prang ones that are semi moist that drive me nuts because they stay sticky if the kids aren’t adding enough water. I will keep on the lookout. Also loving the dog dish but afraid they might be too sloshy if we’re self serving water.

  4. I love the Blick liquid watercolors! Thanks for the good tips. Always looking for a great pan watercolor. :)

  5. I have been looking for the crayola watercolor paint pans and have been unable to find them. Could you provide a link please?


  6. Im a new art teacher, this is VERY helpful to know. love the color combination that you gave !

    My only question is now that I'm ordering the refills, what will i place them into since i never ordered watercolor pans in the past

  7. I ordered Colorations liquid watercolors because they were cheap and had a lot of color choices. My students didn't like them because all of the darker colors looked black in the paint palette UNTIL I added a couple drops of the Colorations WHITE liquid watercolor to each color. Adding the white liquid watercolor brings out the color. Now my blue, purple, and green don't look black! It's like MAGIC! :)


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