I did go ahead and condense the chat into my Top Ten Things I Wish I Woulda Known. Here are the Cliff's Notes:
1. Befriend your custodians. They are one of your biggest allies.
2. You ARE NOT the following:
* A Craft Supply Store. Share your supplies sparingly.
* Support Staff. You have your own curriculum. You were hired to teach art...when you can squeeze in other subject areas, AWESOME! But don't build your curriculum around anything other than the art education of your students.
* The School Sign Maker. Do those favors sparingly, your time is precious!
3. Test Drive ALL of Projects. Make examples...not to necessarily show your students but so you can troubleshoot any issues they might have along the way.
4. Don't Sweat the Verbage. There is gonna be so much stinky-smelly edu-talk that it will make your head spin. Don't get caught up in worrying too much about the latest edu-trends. Because just when you think you have it figured out, they'll switch the script.
5. Keep the Peace. Stay away from Negative Nancys, Patty Pot-stirrers and Glinda Gossips. Nothing good can come from those friendships.
6. Nail that Classroom Management. That should really be rule number one. You got that on lock-down and you can do anything. Not sure how to get your management under control? Then...
7. Seek a Mentor. Find a fellow art teacher and ask them for tips. See if you can go and observe them. Find a teacher in your building who you admire for his/her teaching style and seek their guidance.
8. CREATE! Make time to make stuff. This is what you teach! You gotta practice what you teach.
9. REST! Take time to unplug from school. You'll be a better teacher for it.
10. Reach Out. Attend your state and national art education conference, professional development opportunities and art classes. You can learn so much from other artists and teachers, reach out and find them!
Love to hear your tips, y'all. Let's share with those newbies what we wish we would have known.