Belated St. Patty's Monday: I was so
bummed that St. Patty's Day fell on a Sunday this year! So I decided to
extend it to Monday. I was determined to wear these amazing tartan
stockings sent to me from Debi in Scotland. And, yeah, I know, St.
Patty's Day is an Irish holiday not a Scottish one. I'm not that culturally confused. dress and sweater: both thrifted; the sweater has lace detailing and vintage buttons added by me a couple years ago; necklaces: gifts; belt and boots: you are gonna see this boots a lot in the next couple weeks; both anthro; tartan tights: Debi in Scotland! |
This week, this happened:
After showing a fourth grade student some weaving trick, she was rightfully impressed by my mad teaching skillz.
Fourth Grader: Wow! That's amazing!
Me: Yep, I know. That's why they pay me the big bucks.
Fourth Grader: (looking up from her weaving in disbelief) Wait, they PAY you?!
Yeah. They most certainly do. And sometimes they pay me not so show up (which I'm sure they'd do more often if the budget would allow).
That's right, I'm currently experiencing the most amazing thing on the planet: Spring Break! Hubs and I are currently in LA going for hikes, vintage shopping and taking in nightly visits to Disneyland. I'll be certain to fill you in soon. Until then, here's a bit of what I wore and some vintage LA goodness. Enjoy your week!
Check out the source of this postcard and read all about the second largest city in the U.S. here. |
British Invasion, Again: Now that our two-week clay animal project is complete (for now, the glazing will begin after spring break), we're back in the UK. Which means we are back to listening to One Direction 24/7. sweater: Delias; dress: super old, Francescas; tights: Anthropologie; shoes: Fluevog
Isn't it lovely? On my first trip to LA several years ago, I traveled to many of the old missions as you can see in that circular photo. Never saw a steamboat though. |
First Day of Spring Wednesday: Since scoring this lovely Bernie Dexter dress on ebay back in the fall, I've been dying for an excuse to wear it. The chilly first day of spring seemed like the perfect occasion. dress: Bernie Dexter; blouse: gift from a friend; fishnets and tights: Target; belt and boots: can you tell I love this combo? I wear it all the time! Anthro |
Sunny California Thursday: I spent this day catching up with a college buddy and hitting the best vintage shops on West Magnolia in Burbank. Where I didn't buy a single thing. Which is some kind of record for me. Don't worry, I made up for it though. And then some. sweater and dress: Anthro, purchased for cheap at Buffalo Exchange on my last trip to LA; boots: you know; tights and fishnets: Target |
Oui! LA traffic is the absolute worst. Seriously, I don't know how people do it. Luckily hubs does most of the driving while I'm passed out dead-to-the-world in the passenger seat. That is until he has to slam on the breaks or make a hard swerve to avoid the craziness. Image via pinterest. |
'Bout to Break a Bench Friday: But I'm not worried. I've got my trusty pack of Newport cigarettes by my side. I was laughing at just how classy that was gonna look when Mitch snapped this photo. dress: my only polyester vintage number. I hate polyester but I do love this dress; tights: Target |
Vintage travel poster...my constant day dream is to be able to time travel back to the 1950s and shop for just a few hours. LA time travel would suit me just fine. |
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