Monday, February 23, 2015

DIY: A Marker-Tastic Art Teacherin' Dress

 I dunno if you've noticed or not but things have gotten quite a bit...stitchy around here. I've moved into week two of Snow Daze (fingers crossed we return tomorrow, y'all) which means I've had extra time for the important things in life:

House cleaning? Negative. 
Dress-Making? Affirmative. 

It's called priorities, y'all. And I've gots 'em.
By the way, can I make a confession that's not really a confession because I betcha have figured it out already: I'm breathing down the neck of 40 and I still like to play dress up. Is that awkward? Should I seek out a support group? I'm guessing it will be the most superbly dressed support group in all the land, riiiiight? Who's hosting the first meeting, y'all and will there be cookies and grape-flavored adult drank? Count me in.
 No, you aren't experiencing deja vu. Yes, you've seen this dress pattern three times. Ahem. Remember when I done tole you last week I was making three dresses outta this pattern? There was this Mondrian number, this colored pencil piece and now whatcha got here. Do I have to tell ya that I totes dig this dress pattern? I mean, it has everything I love in a dress: a form-fittin' bodice, a fat flouncy skirt and, of course, a big ole bow. Puurrr-fectimacation.
So when I shop for fabrics, I usually buy first, think later. My hands move much faster than my brain when it comes to swiping that credit card through the lil reader. My hands are all, "hurry before that sluggish gray mass between her ears finds out we just dropped coin on even more fabric!" I usually walk outta the fabric store like I'm waking up from a dream. "Whuh just happened and who just stuck three yards of marker fabric in my bag?" Meanwhile my hands are all high-fiving each other (which looks quite ridiculous to be standing in the parking lot of a craft store clapping at your confused self, but, such is my life).

I actually scored that sweet marker fabric from here. Sadly, they are all out of the green but do have some lovely orange on super sale. The chevron came from a local shop but I did find a similar one here for you. 
 If this looks a pinch familiar that's cuz I totally used a gray version in my pencil dress. I just love this print so! You can find this orange goodness here
After throwing all of these prints together, I realize I look a lil bit like a can of Mountain Dew meets Orange Crush. Which I see no problem with atall. But I am from the South so you know that stuff is our equivalent to water. If you think I'm fibbin', go google yourself "Mountain Dew Mouth" and tell me I'm lying. Go on. I'll wait.

 Nuther refill of Dew-Crush anyone? No? How bout just a cuppa sugar with a splash of syrup and drizzle of honey. Something to dip your Moonpie in, y'all. 
 I'll have you know that this here is the only dress outta the three where I didn't screw up the pleats. And there were only, like 9 pleats, y'all. Le sigh. 
To finish off my Dew-Crush-tasticness, I decided to wear this palette hat I felted ages ago. It was just a thrifted find that I gave a lil make over to. That craft was super simple. You can go here for all the gory deets. 

In my pics you totes can't see my shoes but here they are! I painted these ages ago and they are starting to show some wear. Mostly cuz I painted them with acrylic and I shoulda gone with some sort of leather paint. You can check these out along with some other wacky painted footwear here
 And there you have it, another freaking dress thanks to my Snow Days/Sew Days. If you aren't a stitcher and have found these posts not your cup of tea, my sincerest apologies. I do hope to be back to art teacherin' sometime this decade. In the meantime, I've got a house to not clean and another dress to complete! Later, y'all!
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  1. I love you and everything you do lady!! MUAH


  2. Your description of how you buy fabric is so totally me as well! I could open a store! Definitely high fiving myself! ha. i need to break out my sewing machine. I so love your blog, please keep it up!
    And we are on week 2 of insanely cold temps. It's -23 here right now and that would be Canadian temps, snow up to our knees and no snow days off school in sight :( enjoy yours.

    1. Let's open a fab fabric store together!! In fact, my hubs is ALWAYS trying to get me to sell my fabric and I'm all, "whut?! NO!" AND I cannot believe that temp. It was +23 here and we had no school. You Canadians are Tough!! xo!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Vegging out is necessary, friend!! I'm glad you were able to. I did plenty of that as well, it was wonderful :)

  5. I painted my own crayon heels but the paint chipped as soon as I walked across the room. How did yours last so long? I also used acrylic.

    1. I covered mine in ModPodge when I was finished...did you do that? That might help.

    2. no I did not, I will have to repaint and try that. thanks for the tip!

  6. Anonymous2/24/2015

    Now you've got me wondering. And I believe you must have one whole room dedicated to cute dress storage closet and fabulous accessories. I could be wrong, but I suspect your closet must be the most colorful place on earth.
    Why don't ya give us a look.

    1. Weellllll, Hope, I actually DID do a post featuring my closet! It's not entirely accurate as it's rarely this tidy...AND I may also have over taken the spare bedroom closet as well. But whateves. Here's a peak!

    2. Anonymous2/24/2015

      Well you DO have the most colorful wonderful closet! enjoyed the peek!

  7. You put a smile on my face with every email. Now what is that worth! Thanks!

  8. Into your second week off?! Good God woman! How much snow/ice did you all get down there?! Glad you are able to get a lot of sewing done anyway! Cute dress! :)

    1. I know, right?! We didn't get a ton...we just can't handle what we have. We Southerners only like ice in our sweet tea...otherwise we ain't got no use for it ;) Thank you!

  9. Oh how gorgeous! I love the dress, but that beret has me hooked. And the shoes...just wow! I love the whole outfit.
    And if you need therapy for wanting to dress up, I'll be right there beside you. I just turned 57 and I have a number of "special" outfits to show my geeky and/or girly sides. The problem is I am not an art teacher, so I have no excuse. People just think I'm strange. But lately I have noticed a trend among the younger women at my church. They've started telling me that I "inspire them to show their real self". Maybe we are just a little ahead of our time.

    1. Hey Natalie! Thank you for your kind words. And, yes!! I love that you are inspiring others to "show their real self"! WHY NOT?! Life is much too short to abide by silly dress code rules. I say write your own! Glad I'm in good company ;)

  10. cutest beret ever! of course now i can't see a beret without imagining your paint palette. so great! thanks for continuing to inspire.

    1. April, now you need to make one, riiiight?! Thank you for popping by and your kind words :)


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