Sunday, May 3, 2020

Snack-tastic Chefs Week!

Who is ready for another week of art-making! I'm pretty stoked about this week as it is based on my favorite thing: snacks! And, despite the fact that I'm not such a great chef myself (have you even seen Season 3, Episode 3 of Nailed It!?), we are going to be BAKING COOKIES on Friday! Which is all kinds of funny as the judges spit out my cookie that I made on T.V. Let's just hope y'all don't do the same. 

So get read for another fun week and be sure and share this with friends and family so they can join the fun too. We'll kick things off with a Chef Selfie!
On Tuesday, I'll be sharing a lot of paper folding and paper sculpture techniques in this Hamburger Sculpture project. 
 On Wednesday, let's make a Salt Dough Pizza! 
On Thursday, I'll show you how to draw a 3-D cake! It's a piece of cake! 
And on Friday, we are gonna bake! I'm so excited about this!

To join me live, you can find me on my Instagram and my Facebook page. If you miss the LIVE session, no worries. You can catch the video the next day on my YouTube channel! Be sure and subscribe. I'll be sharing lessons there (in addition to these) all week for Mother's Day! 
See you real soon!
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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Art Class Happy Hour: Let's Draw Dwight from The Office!

I've been doing tons (and I do mean TONS) of art videos for kids right now and I kept feeling like something was missing...I decided it was MY art time. One of my favorite things to do is hosting a craft night. Since I can't do that in person right now, I decided to host a bit of a virtual one with this here adult draw along! I'm going to be kicking off this Art Class Happy Hour with a drawing of one of my favorite characters from The Office: Dwight! I hope you'll grab some paper, markers and crayons and draw along with me. If you do, I'd love to share there here on my blog! You can email a snap of your drawing to

Here we go:
Have fun!
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Friday, May 1, 2020

Wizard Week: Salt Dough Unicorn!

Every time we do a salt dough clay project, the crowd goes wild! This project was no exception. I'll walk you through how to make your clay and dye it before we dive into our lesson. Here are the supplies you'll need:
 Here we go:
Want to join the fun today? You can catch me live here on my Instagram or on my Facebook page. Or check me out later on my YouTube channel. I add new videos everyday so be sure and subscribe so you don't miss any! 

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Let's Make an Optical Illusion Heart!

Need a fun and easy project that would be perfect for Mother's Day? How about this Optical Illusion Heart? All you'll need are the following:

* Paper
* Markers
* Black Crayon
* Pencil
* Cup of Water
* Paintbrush
* Table salt

Let's go!
Have fun!
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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Let it Glow: Monsters in the City!

A lesson that I was sharing a lot of images from on my Instagram got a whole lot of love and questions this year and that was this Monsters in the City project! After learning about the artist Kudu-Lah, my students began by designing their cities and creating a series of monsters. I thought I'd share some images from our project but also create a video to walk you and your students through. Because these works of art were going to be apart of our Glow Gallery, I'll be sharing my favorite glow products from Pacon. With my students, we used 24"X36" sheets of paper for the cities and 12"X18" paper for the monsters. I'll be working half that size for the video. And my paper of choice is Pacon's Mixed Media paper. Here you go:
If you are doing this at home, try using a permanent marker to draw your cities and monsters with. Then add color with crayons, markers, colored pencils or paint! 
 In my thirty-minute art classes, my fourth graders spent two days drawing their cityscapes. 
The following day we used fluorescent oil pastels and watercolor for the sky. 
Then we created TONS of monsters! I had them make as many as they could to really loosen them up. I love the variety they achieved! 
 We used our fluorescent paint to make them glow!
Then we cut them out to add to our cities! We used a little bit of foam and cardboard glued to the back of the monsters to make them pop up from our cities. For a sneak peak of last year's glow gallery, check this out:

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