Showing posts with label art projects for kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art projects for kids. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Snack-tastic Chefs Week!

Who is ready for another week of art-making! I'm pretty stoked about this week as it is based on my favorite thing: snacks! And, despite the fact that I'm not such a great chef myself (have you even seen Season 3, Episode 3 of Nailed It!?), we are going to be BAKING COOKIES on Friday! Which is all kinds of funny as the judges spit out my cookie that I made on T.V. Let's just hope y'all don't do...
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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dinosaur Week: Pop-Up Dino Eggs!

 Dinosaur Week is underway and yesterday we had so much fun creating these Pop-Up Dino Eggs! If you missed out, don't worry. Just grab these supplies and follow along with me!  Here's the video! Want to join the fun today? We'd love to have you. We're going on a Dino Dig! Here's what we're using: You can join the LIVE art class on my Instagram, my Facebook or catch it afterward on...
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Friday, March 13, 2020

My Favorite Lessons for Home-Based Art Education!

Hey, y'all! I'm about to share some of my fave home-based learning projects but...this is just the tip of the iceberg! I have a TON of art lesssons on my YouTube channel for you and your artists to explore. Be sure and subscribe as I'll be adding many more! Currently, we as educators find ourselves in the most unusual of situations: away from our students for an unforeseeable amount of time and...
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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Fifth Annual Chalked Ceiling Tile Event!

This year marks our fifth to do the chalked ceiling tiles with second grade. I can't believe it's been five years...and I'm happy to say that this year's was by far the easiest and least stressful. I guess I've finally learn a thing or two after all these years!  In case you aren't familiar with this project that we do, it's a legacy piece that my second grade students create on the back side...
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Monday, November 12, 2018

What the Art Teacher Wore #209

Hey, Pencil Dress! You can find out all the details of this dress, including where I scored the fab fabric right here.  HOW DID IT HAPPEN THAT IT IS NOVEMBER ALREADY?! Like, who allowed that to happen? Who gave this year permission to fly by at the speed of light leaving me behind on all things! Y'all I know I say this all the time but MY HEAD IS JUST BARELY ABOVE WATER...maybe it's because...well,...
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Sunday, October 14, 2018

What the Art Teacher Wore #208

 This past week was our book fair and to celebrate, we had dress up days! The theme of the book fair was Enchanted Forrest and our first day was to dress in red and white for a mushroom theme. Y'all know I totally had a dress for that, right? I cannot believe I stitched it up way back in 2012! It was the one and only keyhole dress I've made. That Michael Miller gnome fabric is still my fave....
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