Saturday, April 11, 2020

Dinosaur Week!

I can't believe we are heading into our fifth week of LIVE online art classes! When I started this adventure with Robot Week, I didn't have any idea or plans to continue. But so many of you have joined the fun and, honestly, it's been such a joy for me that I don't see signs of least not for a while. And that brings us to this week's theme Dinosaur Week!

We'll kick off Dinosaur Week with a Paleontologist Portrait. We'll either create a self-portrait of that of someone else. Simple supplies are all you need and if you see a supply on the list that you don't have, don't worry. I always offer lots of alternative supply possibilities. 

Now that we are paleontologists, let's go digging for dino eggs! These fun moveable puppet-like eggs are easy to create and so fun to play with and create stories about. 
I seem to bring back the salt dough clay each week but I know kids love it! If you don't have the ingredients to make the clay, any clay will do: Model Magic, modeling clay, playdoh, you name it! 

What do dinosaurs eat?! Well, in this project, you get to decide! In this lesson, we'll make a mouth that pops open for you to draw whatever snack foods you wish to have your dinosaur munching on. 
 What if the dinosaurs...came back?! And roamed the streets of our cities? Let's make a pop-up city for our dinos to wander in. We'll create dinosaurs using cereal boxes and a TP tube!
If you'd like to join the fun, art class is free! You can catch it LIVE on my Instagram and my Facebook. You can always watch later on my YouTube channel. New videos added daily so you might want to subscribe. See you soon!
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Let's Make a Bunny Puppet!

Hoppy Easter! If you want a super fun and simple craft, I've got you covered. Let me show you how to make these super cute bunny puppets in just a matter of minutes. Have fun!
Now that your puppet is complete, can you perform a puppet show? Can your bunnies tell a story? What fun can you have with your bunny puppet?
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How to Draw Farm Animals!

Want to learn how to draw some seriously cute farm animals! This short video will show you how. So grab your paper, pencil, crayons and markers and let's draw farm animals!
Have fun!

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Superhero Week: Miniature Comic Book and a Wrap Up!

Well, that's a wrap for Superhero Week! We ended this adventure by creating our very own comic book! We used all of the skills we learned throughout the week and combined them in the drawing portion of our book. In case you missed yesterday's lesson, not to worry, here are the supplies you'll need:
And here's the lesson:
I thought I'd also share the lessons we did throughout the week. Here was what we created on Thursday: Superhero Costumes!
On Wednesday we had so much fun creating a Superhero Pop-Up Card!
Tuesday was spent creating an Onomatopoeia with salt dough clay.
And on Monday we made a Superhero Selfie!
Next week, our theme is DINOSAURS! I'm working on the projects now and plan to post the lesson line up and the list of supplies tomorrow. 

If you want to follow along art class live, you can do so on my Instagram, my Facebook or catch it afterwards on YouTube. Be sure and subscribe to my YouTube as I'm adding new videos sometimes twice a day!
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Friday, April 10, 2020

Superhero Week: Superhero Costume!

What's a superhero without their disguise? Yesterday we explored picking three colors that defined our superhero and then created cuffs and a mask to complete our look. It was so much fun and the supplies were simple. If no construction paper is available, I share a way to take white paper and make it colorful and fun to work with.
You can create short cuffs or big ones. I'll show you how to do both! As for today...
It's our last day of Superhero Week! How did that happen?! Today we'll be finishing by creating a miniature comic based on our superhero. I can't wait to see the comic books all you artists create! 
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Thursday, April 9, 2020

How to Draw a Unicorn!

Happy National Unicorn Day! To celebrate, I created a short 3 minute video that will show you how to draw your very own unicorn! Have fun and enjoy:
All you need is paper, markers and crayons but really any art supply will do. 
And now a flashback to last year when my kindergarten and I celebrated Unicorn Day complete with our friend Uni the Unicorn. Happy Thursday!

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