Monday, August 22, 2016

In the Art Room: Fiber Arts Studio Course

Y'all, I've been waiting all summer to share some big news with you: I worked with the wonderful folks at AOE this summer to put together a fibers course just for you! Everything I've learned from teaching art and exploring my love of fiber arts over the past 20 years is packed into this class. AND I'm able to offer you a special discount cuz we're buds and all. More on that in a moment (just scroll downward if you can't wait). Let's talk about what I'll be talking about!
 I'll be covering the following of my faves:

* 2-Dimensional Weaving With fresh fun spins on weaving lessons. I LOVE weaving as it has so many connections: math (measure much?), science (let's dye some fibers to weave with!), social studies (y'all, every culture weaves) and so much more. I secretly think I became an art teacher just to teach weaving.

* 3-Dimensional Weaving Don't even get me started. I know I have shared MANY of my favorite weaving projects here over the years, but I saved some fresh and new techniques just for this course!

* FELTING! Eeep! Y'all know that's my JAM.
 We'll be exploring both wet felting and needle felting techniques. 
 * Sewing and Embroidery Which I learned as a kid and absolutely loved. I so enjoy sharing that passion with my students...and art teacherin' types. 
* Tips, Tricks, Organization and Management Never taught fibers and have a fear of the unknown? Lemme hold your hand and offer you my best tips for streamlining your fiber arts curriculum. 
And now for the best part! I'm able to offer you the course for a 10% discount! Just use the code: SAVE10CASSIEART17. That's almost a $40 discount (you can thank Google for figuring that out...cuz you won't see me leading a math course anytime soon). You can sign up for the class here! AND if you do, please drop me a line in the comments below. I'd love to stay in touch and hear all about your fiber artin' adventures!
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  1. Oh no. I didn't see this discount in time 😕 Hmmm I'll see if I can copy and paste the discount passcode in an email to AOE


    1. Judy, I would DEFINITELY try!! Email AOE and explain what happened. Include me on the email: Keep me posted!!

  2. Anonymous8/22/2016

    Is this an online course and is it at a set time. I am teaching elementary art at Oberoi International School in Mumbai. India and if it is a set time it could be difficult.

    1. You know what, that is an excellent question that I don't know the exact answer to! I'll enquire at AOE and get back to you ASAP. Thanks!!

    2. Okay! Here's the word:

      All of our classes are offered ALMOST every month. Certain months (like December) our enrollment dips, so we offer a few less course options. Fibers is on the schedule and available for purchase every month from October 2016 - February 2017 at this time and we will continue to add more.

      This course is 100% online with no set meeting times. There are due dates for assignments, but all due dates are provided day 1. Students work on their own schedule. We have had many international students over the years. Our model supports learning anytime and anywhere!

  3. Oh, I'm so in! Offered every month?

    1. Hi Dawn! I actually don't know the answer to that...I'll email AOE, find out and let you know ASAP. Thanks!!

    2. Dawn to answer your question:

      All of our classes are offered ALMOST every month. Certain months (like December) our enrollment dips, so we offer a few less course options. Fibers is on the schedule and available for purchase every month from October 2016 - February 2017 at this time and we will continue to add more.

      This course is 100% online with no set meeting times. There are due dates for assignments, but all due dates are provided day 1. Students work on their own schedule. We have had many international students over the years. Our model supports learning anytime and anywhere!

    3. Sara L8/24/2016

      Just signed up. I can't wait!

  4. Anonymous8/24/2016

    How long is the discount code good for?

  5. Cassie
    Are you teaching the course yourself or is it run by another teacher? I want to take the course and I teach art PS through 3rd grade. I am worried about having a teacher who doesn't teach those grades. My last online course was mostly middle school and HS teachers and it was very hard to translate some of the projects to lower elementary level. Also, will the course be taught in summer too? It's hard to imagine how I'm going to come up with enough free time to fit about 20 hours a week of time into this while teaching! Love your blog!


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