Teaching weaving was one of those things I dreaded my first year teaching. I got a C on a weaving project in college because I was certain that my professor would never notice that I'd missed a warp string, causing a large runner to snake it's way through my weaving. So when I saw weaving in my curriculum, I was not thrilled.
It also didn't help that I had a first grade boy shout, "I'm NOT...
Showing posts with label fiber arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiber arts. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
In the Art Room: Weaving with First Grade
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cassie stephens
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Labels: elementary art, vintage clothing
art class,
art day,
art teacher,
cassie stephens,
fiber arts,
first grade weaving,
weaving projects,
weaving with first grade

Sunday, March 3, 2019
In the Art Room: My Favorite Fiber Arts Lessons!

Hey, friends! I'm coming to you today with my very favorite fiber arts projects! Teaching fiber arts is one of my very favorite things to teach, along with clay. This summer and fall, I put in HOURS creating THIS BOOK which will be due out this coming summer:
You can preorder yourself a copy here if you are interested! But if you just can't wait, I thought I'd share some of my very favorite fibers...
Posted by
cassie stephens
Labels: elementary art, vintage clothing
art class,
art day,
cassie stephens,
elementary art,
fiber arts,
fiber arts lessons,
fiber arts projects,
yarn bomb

Wednesday, January 2, 2019
DIY: Latch Hook and Needlepoint Frida!

This pattern is now available! Get you one right here!
Y'all. I had so many artsy-craftsy-teachery goals for my break. And then I went and designed a Frida Kahol latch hook pattern and completely forgot about my other ideas! So, I present to you Frida two ways: Plastic Canvas Frida (left) and Latch Hook Frida (right).
I rediscovered latch hook at year when I bought a kit on a whim at Joann's....
Posted by
cassie stephens
Labels: elementary art, vintage clothing
cassie stephens,
fiber art,
fiber arts,
Frida Kahlo,
frida kahlo pattern,
latch hook,
needle point

Sunday, June 18, 2017
In the Art Room: Fiber Arts for Kids

When I first started teaching, weaving was in our curriculum and I was scared outta my mind. The only knowledge I had of weaving came in the form of the fiber arts class I took in college...where I got a C due to my crappy weaving project. I remember warping one of those giant floor looms for what felt like hours (prob only took 15 minutes but it was dreadfully dull) and skipping a warp strand....
Posted by
cassie stephens
Labels: elementary art, vintage clothing
art blog,
art teacher blog,
cassie stephens,
felting projects for kids,
fiber arts,
fiber projects,
needle felting,
sewing projects for kids,
weaving projects for kids,
what the art teacher wore

Sunday, April 30, 2017
DIY: Intro to Sculptural Felting!

Hey, y'all! I'm sad to say that last Wednesday was our last #creatingwithcassie Facebook LIVE craft night for felting. I chatted about Fashion Felting and will share a blog post about that super soon (I'm a pinch behind...as per usual). The previous week, we ventured into Sculptural Felting and I shared the basics on how to needle felt little creations...while creating this penguin whom I've named...
Posted by
cassie stephens
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Labels: elementary art, vintage clothing
art teacher,
cassie stephens,
fiber arts,
how to felt,
how to needle felt,
how to teach art,
how to teach felting to kids,
needle felting,
teaching art,
wet felting

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