Tuesday, February 14, 2017

In the Art Room: Experiments in Color Mixing

If you need a quick color theory activity, have I got the thing for you! My first grade is in the middle of a folk art-inspired landscape project (details to come) and they are currently learning about pattern, creating tints, the parts of a landscape, y'all know the drill. Today I wanted them to create some beautiful papers for the details of their landscape. But how? Painting with marbles, that's how!
Using the same trays that second grade used for floating chalk prints and shaving cream marbling, I just dropped two primary colors and white at one end of the tray before the kids arrived. They were to pick any color of paper they liked, write their name and teacher code on the back and place the paper with the name down into their tray. Each tray got a large marble and they just started rolling. 
 I have a ton of these trays so each student was able to have their own. After they thought their paper was covered to their liking, they could get another paper, swap trays with a buddy who might have different primary colors and start rolling. 
This was a huge hit, y'all. The boys were super into it. I heard them excitedly talking about what colors they were creating and the different types of lines their marble made. I was asked if we could do it every art class. 
 Not gonna lie, rinsing out all of those trays was the most taxing part. Other than that, it was the perfect on-the-fly activity with a super powerful impact. 
I can't wait to share with you what they create with these beauties. And I now know what my kindergarten friends will be doing this week as well.
Have fun, y'all! 
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  1. Anonymous2/14/2017

    Hi- sharing a quick tip that would cut down clean up...I use my craypas 50 set oil pastel box tops for this, and just throw them away when done. I cut the paper to fit right in and I have saved these lids for years. This works well as long as the marble stays in there; not very deep! I've never done it with K's!! Good luck.

  2. I use the tops of copy paper boxes and then throw them in our recycle trailer.

    1. Anonymous2/15/2017

      Exactly what I do!

  3. love that idea.......trying it monday


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