Sunday, September 3, 2017

In the Art Room: Roy G. Biv Decor!

Y'all might recall from previous posts (which I will link the ever-lovin' daylights outta here in a second) that I'm on a bit of a redecorating bender. Of the art room, of course, not my house. My house could really REALLY use some lovin' but, for now, the art room is top priority (let's be honest, it's always top's where I spend most of my time!). I'm super excited about this latest DIY: my Roy G. Biv Decor! May I get some ooohhhhhs and ahhhhhhhs up in here? Thank you!
I don't know how you get ideas but mine usually come to me slowly...I'll see something inspirational (like these hall passes!) and it's like a song that I can't get outta my head, it stays with me. Then I'll find a purpose or a need for said the need for a Roy G. Biv reference in my art room. Suddenly, I'm motivated to crank the project out. Knowing myself, I know that I gotta work fast...before a new inspo/purpose/idea hits and I drop the previous thing like a hot potato. 
Such was the reason I hustled this weekend!
Once I had the idea, I picked up the letters and duct tape from Hobby Lobby. I'd already had a ton of these cheapo paint brushes in my stash so I just set to work painting. That didn't take me long at all.
In an effort to keep things looking like the make sense together in my art room, I added the white "cartoon" lines to both the brushes and the letters. If you follow me on IG then you've seen the stories behind this project (and the rest of my messy art're welcome!). 
 I managed to snap a sad pic before setting to work. My bulletin board frame was falling down and looking pitiful. In fact, just last week, a chain of flags hung in this space...where they'd been hanging for well over 5 years. Dust for days, y'all. 
 I REFUSED to do any sort of measuring...I just eyeballed the whole thing. I tacked the paint brushes and letters up with Blue Dapp just for placement. I was thrilled that those ding dang cinder blocks actually came in handy: I was able to get mostly straight lines by following the blocks. Once all the tape was in place, I used hot glue to adhere the brushes and letters to the wall. 
I know a girl ain't supposed to stand on tables. Don't tell on me, please.
 I love that the duct tape looks like wet paint. I think the kids are going to love it. I know I already do. The photos don't really do it really makes the room look so happy and bright!
 Now I only have 75% more of my room to tackle! Not to mention a coupla clutter-tastic storage closets. One day at a time, y'all.

Wanna see what else I've made for my art room this year? Here you go!

* My Tints and Shade sign!

* My Color Family Crayons!

* My Color Wheel Brushes!  

I'm so excited to share more! 
 photo signature_zpsd10b3273.png


  1. Cheri Baxter9/03/2017

    Girl! You are amazing! Slow down, though... you're making me tired!! Teeehee!

  2. another great project!!!!thanks for inspiring me!

  3. Wow! I so want to be in your class, you have such great ideas!

  4. And it was so easy! Except it did jack up my scissors...oh well, nothing a little Goo Gone can't fix ;)

  5. Love the paint brushes btw!! Great use of space and duct tape!! Question... I have just been "voluntold" to start an art blog for our elementary art program. How do you make all your videos, link them on your blog pages, and OMG I have about 10000000000 more questions.... could you do a pod cast, or 101 on how to produce art room videos? Or have you already done that and I missed it?!?!�� Thanks so much!!

  6. how do you hang the picture frames on cinder blocks??

  7. Thank for the good topic,Thanks for your sharing.



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