Showing posts with label teacher clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teacher clothes. Show all posts

Sunday, December 6, 2015

What the Art Teacher Wore #151

 Monday Was Technically STILL November, But...I just couldn't wait any longer! I've been itching to bust out all things red and green since the sugar buzz wore off from Halloween! I was all, "Get outta here, November, I'm done with you! I only have 25 days to wear every piece of festivus clothing I own (which exceeds 25 days. Surprised? Thought not)". blouse and Santa suspenders: thrifted; skirt: vintage; tights: Amazon; shoes: made by yours truly

Can we be real for a sec? I've kinda sorta been suckin' at this whole photo-a-day thing for a while. And I feel really bad about it for a coupla reasons. One because it shows I'm outta my usual routine (not that one was ever really established for the likes of a crazy person like me) which means that most mornings I'm running behind and out the door before snapping a pic. And I really hate starting my morning in a rush and a fluster because it has lately been effecting my entire day. Another reason I feel bad is, well, cuz I put together some mad outfits, y'all! That need to be shared with the WORLD. Or at least the five folks that read this blog.

In all seriousness, I've been actually feelin' pretty low this week. I feel like I'm swimming in a mess of a mess (like, for realz. My art room is gonna be the end of me, y'all) and it's all I can right now do to slap on a silly outfit and a smile. I'm not sure just what is going on but I'm determined to snap out of it soon. So, cheers to a new week and another chance to do my very dressing crazily that is!

I must confess...another reason I've been lousy at snapping photos daily is because I do a good amount of sharing on Instagram. You can find me giving new meaning to the word "oversharing" here
Thrifty Tuesday: So the other day, I walked into Goodwill and walked out with this entire ensemble. I know, right?! The Tacky Christmas Sweater gods were lookin' out for me, what can I say? sweater, top, skirt: thrifted; belt: Amazon; tights: Target; shoes: Clarks
I Actually Hate Candy Canes Wednesday: Nope, never been a fan.  I pretty much hate peppermint anything and want to know what tastebudless pleasure-hater created it so I can go pee on their tires. I know that sounds harsh but don't you recall how razor sharp those sucked-on canes could be? Tongue-killers, y'all! Not to mention trying to pull the plastic wrap around the curve of the cane. Geesh. Don't get me started. Makes for a super cute pattern for tights, tho! dress: made by me; sweater: Anthro; tights and crinoline: Amazon
More from my Instagam feed. I told you I wasn't shy on sharing! And, oooooh-kaaaaay, candy canes are good for something: super cute pattern-y-ness. 
Totes missed out on snapping photos of Thursday and Friday. Your loss, kids. I did wear these bad boys on Friday complete with jeans (gasp!) and a pair of socks that say "It's My Parents' Fault". Truer words were never spoken. Later, friends!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

DIY: Pencil Inspired Dress

Well, would you lookie here, I finished my Halloween costume! I know, I know, I'm a lil late to the party (wait, there was a party?And I wasn't invited?! Story of my life, y'all). But I actually like to think that Halloween and the wearing-of-costumes is something that should be celebrated all year long. Kinda like my birthday. Or that part in Christmas where people give me stuff. A daily birthday/present-opening/costume-wearing celebration would be fine by me. We'll call it "Everyday Give Cassie Stuff And Wear a Costume". Or something. It's a working title so I'm totes open to ideas.  
While you're shopping on Amazon for my prezzies (I created a wish list to make your life easier because I'm a considerate soul), lemme chat for a minute about this here dress. I got the idea into my head about a year ago to create this pencil-tasticness. I don't know if you are like this but when I get an idea, one of two things usually happens: I act on it right away, despite having a messy house, a missing cell phone, a mountain of other projects and probably a misplaced sandwich or three. OR, as in this case, I sit on the idea for a while, let it germinate (read: I procrastinate because figuring out making something is sometimes hard when you are thick between the ears) and then, one morning having woken up with a wild hair or three, decide to act on it with rick-rack-less abandon. 
Now for me, the best part of coming up with a new idea is shopping for the supplies. Which proved to be a pinch difficult in the case of this dress. My first order of business was finding big a## rickrack which, by the way, I DON'T recommend you do a google image search for. Ahem. I still wish I could have found an even bigger rack (double ahem) but this one did just fine. I also struggled finding a woodgrain fabric as I believe Kelly from the Deli was using it all for her runway collection (that joke was strictly for the PR fans out there. Holla!). Seriously tho, I ended up having to sacrifice a perfectly decentish wood grain skirt that I purchased from Target years ago. You can see it in it's former life in this post

Part of the inspo for this dress came from the pattern seen above. When I first used this pattern I thought the sleeves were just so crazy big like some sort of bat wings. I mean, I liked the dress and all but the sleeves were so stinkin' big that I kept seeing them out of the corner of my eye and smacking myself imagining there was something on me. Which FUR REALZ makes you look like a crazy person, slapping your own self silly. You can see that dress here.
(P.S. I'm totes awares that this here paragraph is centered while the others are not. Blogger has decided that despite my numerous edits and grumblings that this here para shall be centra-fied. So just deal, y'all.)
The hem of the skirt had to come up a lot to account for the fabric needed for the sleeves. I picked up a pink crinoline from Amazon to hide the fact that my skirt isn't art teacherin' length appropriate. As if ANY of my wardrobe is art teacherin' appropriate. 
And, like, I have no idea how it happened but this dress is one tight mother-lover. Well, I DO know what happened, I'm not detail oriented, totes screwed up my measurements and ended up with a dress so form fitting that I can only manage to squeak into a sports bra when wearing it. Not to mention that the only zipper I had on hand was one that is 18" which means I get to do my most embarrassing contortionist performance whilst getting dressed. There's a lotta of naughty words dropped putting this thing on as you can imagine.
While sewing away, I started toying around with one of the sleeves before sewing it in and thought, "this might be the wine talking but wouldn't this make a super awesome pencil-tastic hat?!" (note to self: the reason my measurements were prolly talking.)
Sewing that up wasn't too bad as I actually just used the sleeve pattern with some of the "lead" stitched to the top. The lead of the pencil is ACTUALLY yellow...til the hubs walked in and said, "shouldn't that pencil led be black?" and I was all, "UGH. WHERE WERE YOU 15 MINUTES AGO, BRUH?!" So for a quick fix I just wrapped this gray linen around the top. 
And there you have it! One ever-so slightly belated Halloween pencil-inspired costume complete! 

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

What the Art Teacher Wore #148

 Sharpen Those Pencils Monday: So my students no longer get letter grades on stuff. It's like numbers or happy, sad, neutral faces because, apparently, letter grades are confidence-killers (tho I don't recall good ole D in algebra ever doin' me any harm). So this sweater was mighty confusing to the wee ones. sweater: Urban Outfitters, couple years back; skirt: thrifted, vintage; tights: Target; shoes: Dolls by Nina

Hi, friends! It's been nearly a month since I shared one of these ole What the Art Teacher Wore blog posts and I dunno why. Well, I do know why, it's cuz I keep forgetting to snap photos. And, when I do remember, it's the end of the day and I'm no longer looking fresh as a daisy. In fact, I more closely resemble a trampled-on dandelion. Mostly cuz I think the kindergarten are secretly trying to kill me. Lemme tell you what happened to me last Friday:

Imagine, if you will, a group of bright-eyed and bushy tailed wee kindergarten friends gathering their art supplies, strapping on the aprons and gearing up to paint masterpieces. When suddenly I hear from across the room: Mrs. Stephens! I got paint on me!

Now, if you are an art teacher, this is something you hear a lot. So you probably have a stock response. Mine is: IT'S ART CLASS! If you get a lil messy that is...(and the kids know to respond here) OH-KAY!

It's after that sentence I hear a collective Uh-Oh! from the class and I turn around to see said Paint-On-Me has decided to disrobe and go topless in the art room. "It's okay!" she shouted, "I got the paint off now!" and before I could reply I hear "I can see her niblets!" from across the room.

AND cut! That's a wrap. Kindergarten for the win.

I'll just leave that lil story there and share with you what I wore when I decided NOT to go topless and reveal my niblets. Ahem...
 Wardrobe Changeover Tuesday: So, like, as you mighta guessed, I have a buncha clothes. Y'all have seen my closet, it's a bottomless pit of dresses, skirts, scarves, belts, shoes, you name it. Fall marks the time that I do that wardrobe changeover thingie. You know, putting away my summer clothes and busting out the fall/winter stuff. Please tell me I'm not the only clothes hoarder to do this. I'd love to leave everything out all year cuz I live in Tennessee and you never know when one day it's gonna snow and the next it's gonna be 85 and sunny. However, I suppose the hubs would like his side of the bed to remain uncovered (ugh, he so needy) so for that reason, I swap out my clothings. dress: Ann Taylor, thrifted; sweater: Anthro found at Buffalo Exchange; hair bow: belt from dress; shoes: Minnetonka; belt: Anthro; necklace: Forever21; crinoline: Amazon 
 Art Will Rock You Wednesday: In the art room on this day, I debuted the Art Will Rock You song in the art room. But the best part of this day was when I was putting my kindergarten friends on the bus when one of them shouts at me: Mrs. Stephens! What in the world are you wearing?! Kid. I don't even know. dress: vintage, etsy find; fox sweater: DIY, details here; necklace and scarf: vintage
The Best Smell of the Year Thursday: I seriously think that fall is the time of year with the best smells, don't you? When I was taking this photo, I couldn't stop sniffing and I was all, what is that amazing smell?! Crunchy leaves smell the very best. sweater: thrifted; dress and belt: vintage
 Love this Star Wars Halloween pin I picked up on our last trip to Disney. I've managed to purchase a pin each time we visit and my collection is growing! I'll have to share it with you sometime. They are so much fun to shop for and wear. If you love this one, you can find them on ebay. 
Happy Fall Break Friday!: Since we started schoolin' way the heck back in early August (like, the first or something) we get this amazing week off thingie called Fall Break. Yay! I'm so thrilled! I literally spent all day Saturday in my pj's in sloth-like celebration. I can't wait to relax, spend time with friends and head out on a lil vacay with the hubs. I'll keep you posted along the way. top: embroidered by me, blog post here; skirt: ancient Target find
I hope y'all have a fab-o week! In the meantime, keep that top on. Don't nobody wanna see those niblets!
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Sunday, August 16, 2015

What the Art Teacher Wore #145

 First Day Back to Art Teacherin' with Kidz!: So last week, we teachers returned to school for, ya know, teachery stuff but this week, the kids came back! I wanted to start the week with a BANG! and a POW! and most def a POP! so I wore this lil number. By the way, I share entirely too much on instagram as well, fyi-ness.  dress: made by me, influenced by Lichtensteiny; belt: Pin Up Girl Clothing; scarf: vintage, thrifted; shoes: Swedish Hasbeens

Happy end-o-the-week to you, my friends! This past week actually felt like two combined, it was so stinkin' full and busy. School starting back has meant many o' thing for me which I shall explain to you in Twin Peaks gifs:

1.  I can no longer stay up until midnight or beyond. The sadness, y'all. Donna knows how I feel, doncha Donna?
2. The only way I can be lured outta my comatose like state of sleep is the promise of a big fat brekkie. But seriously, tho, coffee would be so much better outta one of those cups. Hook a girl up, Agent Cooper!
3. Committing to leave school at a decent time so's to get on with my stretchy-pants time! Honestly, I'm only sharing this gif because Shelly is so stinkin' cute and I wanna be just like her. 
Anyone know of any diners hiring? Preferably ones with super cute uniforms, please.

In other news, I've heard from so many of you via email with photos of what YOU wore your first week back to school for my contest with School Arts Magazine! Thank you! I'm still accepting photos (it didn't HAVE to be your first day back, any ole time you look artsy and fun works for me) until Labor Day. Just send those photos on over to You'll be featured here in a blog post after Labor Day AND possibly featured in School Arts Magazine! So, get dolled up and send me a snap, would ya? 

AND, I'll be back tomorrow with the finale of the Artsy Sew Along! So, I'll chat with all y'all soon!
 I don't think I ever did a blog post on this jacket tho I made it at the same time as the dress. I did add those dots with bleach which was a super smelly good time. Nothing clears out the nasal passages and kills a handful of braincells like good ole bleach.
 Exhausted-Already Tuesday: Seriously?! Time to double down on some vitamins or start consuming triple shots of my Red Bull/espresso/Diet Coke cocktail (jk, y'all. I've actually never had a Red Bull and I kicked that nasty DC habit a coupla years ago when I realized that the saccharine was slowly eating away at my tiny brain). Suriouzly, tho. I need to build back up my up-and-at-'em endurance because by Tuez, I was down for the coutn. OH!! And thank you so much for all of the feedback for this Back to School blog post, I love y'all! dress: I love the Matisse-y print on this vintage number I found on etsy; belt: Amazon; shoes: Anthro
 Best Dress Evers Wednesday: I found this dress while doing my nightly trolling of art teacher garb and I just had to have it because, A. It has a pencil print! (see below for details) and B. It looks like a 1950's diner dress and, growing up, I loved watching Alice reruns. Flo was my fave, of course. You can find this lovely dress (and many more!) here. shoes: Shoe Carnival
 I mean, riiiiiight?! 
 Oh, Thursday, I thought you were Friday!: Yeah. So, that happened. Which, as you know, is never a good sign. By the way, whoever suggested putting tape around my demo table after this blog post, THANK YOU! I did it and it was magical. I just can't thank you enough. telephone blouse and skirt: both Anthro, both found at Buffalo Exchange; sweater: thrifted; shoes: Clarks
Helllllo, Friday!: I hope y'all have had the most magical weekend ever! Mine entailed everything I could ever ask for: staying in my pajamas until it was time to get fancy and go out to dinner. Ah, perfection! top: thrifted; skirt: Pin Up Girl Clothing; belt: amazon; shoes: Swedish Hasbeens
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

DIY: A(nother) Monet Dress

If y'all follow me here, then you've seen the snaps of this Monet dress in progress. It's my second tribute to ole Monet (that was more of my spring line and what you see here is from my summer collection [I'm hoping you read that in your most uppity voice as that's how I typed it]) and it seemed just the thing to stitch up on these 90 degree/boiling-inferno/hotter-than-the-underarm-of-a-construction-worker days we've been having here in lovely Tennessee. 
By the way, someone once asked me why I'm so smiley in my DIY photos. It's not so much a smile of happiness as it is surprise. Like, "Holy crap, y'all! Can you believe I made this?! Like, with a sewing machine and not a hot glue gun although, at times, I think that mightah been easier!" Therefore, I smile. 
I used my trusty vintage McCall's 6221 (which is available on etsy, y'all! It's a simple dress and so cute. Git yerself here and scoop it up!). This is my third time sewing with this pattern. You can see my other attempts here (OMG, I totes forgot about those cat shoes!) and here (that time I almost burned the house down with...banana bread. Sigh). I even lined this dress because, hey, I was feeling fancy. And the pattern makes it so simple and-and, I feel like a grown up sewer when the flip side of my dress looks as snazzy as the outside. The fabric, sigh, isn't it presh? I picked it up from Joann's a while back. I was just there the other day and they still had some. It's out on their website but I bet if you called their stores they could help ya out.   
I did a full 30 seconds of googling in an attempt to find what Monet painting the print was inspired by. The palette is closer to that Cliffs at Amont, 1885 painting on the left although the theme looks more like that dealio on the right. Maybe I should find out zactly before I wear this to school and introduce Monet to los kiddos.
 SooooOOOooo, in true Cassie-fashion, I got ALMOST done with this dress and was all, meh. I don't need no stinkin' bows. But I forced myself kicking and screaming to add them. I'm so "almost to the finish line, think I'll break for a Twinkie", it's kinda pathetic. But not this time! And I'm happy I did because, BOWS ARE ADORBS. 

Except these bows have this bad habit of tickling the back of my upper arm. They are in a weird place and I'm constantly swatting at myself. Which doesn't warrant weird looks from strangers AT.ALL.
Yeah, pretty much. 
I shared with Asha today my new dress as she's my only company. This was the reaction I got. And I wasn't even swatting at myself! Such a harsh critic. 

Meanwhile, in Asha-land, here's how she pictures herself in a Monet...
Reality is, that crotch-licker would prolly look more like this in a Monet (by the way, if you've not seen 17 Classic Works Improved by a Fat Ginger Cat THEN YOU'VE NOT LIVED, FRIEND). 
In other news...I starting filming some short clips for our Skirt Sew Along (you can join here for minute-by-minute updates [I kid. Try weekly.])! I'll be back later this week on how to read your pattern package in order to determine you size and what you need to purchase. I'm so excited about sewing with y'all! Until then!

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