Thursday, April 9, 2020

Superhero Week: Super Pop-Up Card!

Wow! The artists who joined me live yesterday really had a lot of fun with this one: a Super Pop-Up Card! If you've not made a pop-up card before, you really outta give this simple project a shot. Here's the list of supplies you'll need:
You'll need two pieces of paper, one for the card and the other for your buildings and superhero. And here's how you can create your own card:
The possibilities of what you can create with this simple pop-up concept are limitless! If you want to join us today, here's what you might want to have on hand:
You can watch LIVE today (and every weekday) on my Facebook or my Instagram. You can also watch all videos the next day on my YouTube channel. New videos are up all the time so you might want to be sure to subscribe! 
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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Superhero Week: Onomatopoeia Plaques!

Yesterday was so much fun as we created Onomatopoeia Plaques! And, if you didn't have the supplies to create the clay version, don't you worry. I also shared how to make block letters to create a plaque with paper! Here's the list of suggested supplies:
 And here's yesterday's lesson:
If you want to create with us today, we are making Super Pop Up Cards! The supplies are simple. Below is the list. You can catch me LIVE on my Facebook or on my Instagram at 11am CT. Or you can watch later on YouTube. Be sure and subscribe to my YouTube channel as I'm dropping additional videos to my live art classes. 
See you real soon!
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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Superhero Week: Superhero Selfie!

Yesterday was our first day in Superhero Week and it was so much fun! We had so many artists join in LIVE both on my Facebook and my Instagram that it made me so stinkin' happy. I'm thrilled that so many of you all are enjoying our Art Class with Cassie time together!
If you missed our Superhero Selfie adventures, not to worry! Above is the list of supplies and here's the video:
Want to join the fun today? Here's the list of supplies! If you click the links above, you can find me on Facebook or Instagram. Also, be sure and subscribe to my YouTube channel as new videos are dropped almost every day!

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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Superhero Week!

I really cannot believe that I am heading into the fourth week of home-based art class! I have so enjoyed teaching those of you who have been joining in. This week I'm excited to share that our theme is Superheroes! Before I go any further, in case you missed Robot Week, Zany Scientist Week or Pirate Week, just click the highlighted word and head straight there for fun projects with video! 
Tomorrow, we'll kick things off with a Superhero Selfie! Any supplies you might not have, don't worry. I always share ways to make do with what you've got. 
 Who doesn't love a good onomatopoeia?! We'll make these with our favorite air dry clay recipe that we've used the last couple of weeks. Don't have the supplies? No problem, we can still make these plaques with paper and glue!
Be thinking of a word that makes a sound!
Let's make a pop-up card for a special superhero in your life! making pop up cards is highly addictive so get ready to become a little card making factory of fun!
Got toilet paper tubes? Well then you have the start of Thursday's project!
Be thinking about what three colors could be represent you as a superhero! 
To end our week of superhero goodness, we'll create our very own miniature comic book all! As superheroes.
 It's gonna be action-packed, y'all! 
To join the fun, you can catch me LIVE on my Facebook page or my Instagram. Or watch afterward on my YouTube channel. Be sure and subscribe as new art videos are dropped almost every day!

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Pirate Week: Alligator Puppet and a Weekly Wrap Up!

Wow! I don't know about you, but Pirate Week was an absolute blast! So many of you joined the fun that I loved seeing photos of you and your children creating along with me. It means the world to me. Thank you so much for sharing! In case you missed out on making your own Alligator Puppet, here's the list of supplies you'll need:
And here's the how-to video:
In case you missed any of our Pirate Week adventures, I thought I'd do a recap of all of our projects here! I'll be sharing the videos here but if you want a list of supplies, you can check out this blog post.

There's what we created on Thursday...a crowd favorite: Treasure Maps!
I brought back the Salt Dough Clay recipe because it was such a hit during Zany Scientist Week. With it, we created the details on our Treasure Chest!
We constructed a Pirate Ship Collage with materials found around the home:
And we even drew ourselves as pirates when we created this Wanted Pirate Poster!
I'll be going LIVE again this week for...Superhero Week! Stay tuned for the projects I have lined up for us, I'll be posting later on today. You can catch me LIVE here on Facebook or on Instagram. You can also catch me later on my YouTube channel.

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Pirate Week: Treasure Maps

Yesterday was so much fun on our Pirate Week adventure as we created Hidden Treasure Maps!
 The Art Class with Cassie kids really seemed to love this one as I got so many emails and messages of kids and their maps. They arrrrrre rockin' Pirate Week! In case you missed it, no worries, here is the list of supplies we used:

Today is our last day of Pirate Week! I cannot even believe it, where did the time go? Today we'll be making a puppet version of our very favorite friend, Allie Gator! You've seen him all week, now let's try our hand at making our own. Here are the supplies:

If you wish to join me LIVE you can do so on my Facebook page or my Instagram. And if you miss, don't worry! All videos go to my YouTube channel the following day. Be sure and subscribe because new videos are dropped almost daily! See you soon. 
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