Wednesday, December 24, 2014

DIY: A Christmas Dress

Merry (almost) Christmas, y'all! Ima gonna hafta keep this here post short -n- sweet as I'm so stinkin' tired I can't even think straight. I was up last night workin' on this lil number until the wee hours of the morn. I was only down to a sleeve and zipper install but that still took me til 1am. Which should mean that the whole thang is gloriously perfect. Howeverness, I created it. Therefore, 'tis not.
 If this dress pattern looks vaguely familiar to you that's cuz I used the same Emery pattern that I had in the creation of this Christmas dress. In fact, I created them both in tandem with the exception of the sleeves and zip. I've never created two dresses simultaneously before and I kinda liked it. Despite the slight sweatshop vibe, I loved that I was busting out two frocks as once. 
However, even though I love the Emery pattern, I kinda feel like it's a lil too high waisted for me. The dress waist seems to hit a good inch or two above my true waist. With a belt, I don't think you can see the dif but without, I kinda look like I'm in a kid's dress. Or is it just me? What do y'all think? 

I would also like it if the dress was about 3-4 inches longer. A longer length might give it more of a vintage-y vibe? However, I do love the fitted bust and the simplicity of the sleeve install. 
On a dif note, I gotta say that as an artsy type, I really don't know if I should be dabblin' in such things as knitting (oh, I've not shared that mess with you yet.) and sewing. Cuz they are, like, precise kind of crafts, for lack of a better word. I mean, you gotta get those pieces cut and stitched just so; those knits and purls just right or else the whole thing is a disaster. But as an artsy type (I hesitate to use the word "artist" cuz, well, have you seen half of my DIY's?!), my solution to an oops is to hot glue something over it. Which, sadly, you can't do to a dress. Or a knitted scarf. Cuz I've tried. 
Despite that, my desire to create uber tacky art teacherin' garb overrides my slight dislike for the technicality of stitching. I just need to find a fabric friendly hot glue, I guess. 

By the way, did y'all notice the serious furry photobombing that's been happening in this post?
So I got the genius idea to attempt some kitty-cat Christmas pics. Someone was not convinced this was a good idea.
 Like really not diggin' it. 
 And game over. "I said, put me down right meow!" Yes, ma'am. 
 And now for the final giveaway of the year...

A Build Your Own Alpaca Pack! I'll give you one of my handmade alpacas (and a hand painted card!), the supplies to create two alpacas (minus the papier mache) and plenty of ribbons and yarn for embellishments. So, here's how you can enter to win:

1. Tell me just one of your New Year's resolutions. Does it involve creating more? I know mine does!

2. Don't forget that email addy, kids!
 And yesterday's winner? Young by Design! Congrats, buddy.

And Merry Christmas, y'all! Have a wonderful time with friends and fam. 

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  1. My Resolution is always the same, "Make the new year better than the last."

  2. Anonymous12/24/2014

    My resolution this year is to learn circus tricks (seriously). I am planning to learn to ride a unicycle, slackline, and juggle. Hopefully they go well and I don't break anything. My email

  3. Merry Christmas, Cassie!
    This new year I can't wait to find more new awesome ways to create!
    Thanks for so much inspiration!

  4. To start my website /blog and travel w my family!

  5. Merry Christmas! My resolution is to get organized, both at home and school. I need to simplify!

  6. My New Years resolution is to take at least an hour each day to concentrate on marketing, blogging, inventory etc of my artwork...because it gets a little crazy!!


  7. My resolution is to stress less and make more "me" art! Merry Christmas! -Brea.

  8. I hope to create more of my artwork and hopefully sell some of it this upcoming year:)
    Happy Holidays! :D

  9. I need to create more of my own art. I think that my body is starving for it! I love the spirit in you and so many others on art teachers group! But also to live a healthier life style as well:) merry Christmas!!!

  10. I resolve to tackle a stand alone art show this year! No more, "welcome to our talent show and oh yeah there's some art over there"!

  11. Anonymous12/24/2014

    My resolution: to be better.

  12. My resolution is to get my art ideas more organized. I can't seem to get a hold of my creative side and I think it is my lack of organization. Any who Merry Christmas and all and thank you for helping me be more creative.

  13. I never really make one. But I would truly like to work on stressing a wee bit less! Merry Christmas!

  14. My resolutions are to run a half marathon and make more of my own art. I love the alpacas! They are darling!

  15. Hi Cassie: this is my 3rd attempt typing I guess I'm not to techno inclined. Don't hold that against me. Love visiting you on Halloween , got so many ideas . My plan for Jan is to see two pillow dresses for dress a girl, make the Alpacas with my 6th graders for our study of Central and South America. There is a Alpaca farm near us that we will visit to enhance our study so your kit would come in mighty handy. I live in Northern Michigan and will soon strap on the snowshoes Andy backpack with my watercolors and go out and paint some studies for larger works to complete into studio. Cheers for the New Year, Wendy

  16. Anonymous12/24/2014

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous12/24/2014

    My primary New Year's resolution involves getting my classroom more organized! I need more storage space, but since that ain't happenin' I need to be smarter about the space I have. So far no epiphanies, though...
    drtucker at hotmail dot com

  18. Anonymous12/25/2014

    Hi Cassie. My resolution is to sew a new outfit each 2 weeks. Now I binge sew, like make 5 things in a weekend then no sewing for 2 weeks. I want to be more moderate. And that is resolution for eating and exercising too. Ooooh. I see a trend here. And re that precious alpaca card, you know i love me an alpaca. Merry Christmas Cassie. Thanks for bringing so much joy and laughter. Karen from Visalia.

  19. I resolve to re-wash a load of laundry only once before getting it to the dryer. I'm going to achieve this resolution!!! (I hope!) kellycreatesart at gmail

  20. The dress is adorable - I don't think it looks too high-waisted. But it does look more modern in style, as opposed to vintage-y. I was so excited to find that same candy cane fabric on etsy. I bought four yards and am going to make myself a dress for next year. Thanks for putting me on to it! I love it!
    My new year's resolutions include the one that is on there every year: eat more healthfully, more consistently. Plus, do more sewing, and more painting, and try to limit time wasted browsing the internet. Unfortunately, the internet, while inspiring, also keeps me from being more productive. I might have to start setting a timer for myself.

  21. Anonymous12/25/2014

    My resolution is to use all of the fabric I have already for new projects instead of constantly going to JoAnns. Ditto the rest of my art supplies, really :) joanna.elliott(at) Merry Christmas, you creative wunder!

  22. My resolution is to blog more! And use up what I have instead of buying more! I can help you alter that pattern if you like. Just email me!

  23. Great blog♥Really liked your way to Christmas! Very pretty! And photo of fun!♥

  24. My resolution is to get more students interested in fiber.

  25. My New Year's resolution is to write something creative every day, not matter how small.

  26. Hi Gorgeous Girl!
    Just wanted to send you
    Very Best Christmas Wishes from the UK
    I think you look fabulous in all your outfits.


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