Wednesday, September 14, 2016

In the Art Room: Sub Plans that aren't subpar

Despite the fact that it was nearly 20 years ago, my first year of art teacherin' is burned into my brain. I can see the inside of the trailer that was my first art room when I close my eyes (they referred to it as a "portable" but, y'all. I lived in a trailer. I know what the look like, okay?). Back in those days, when you needed a sub, you just scrawled some chicken scratch lesson plans onto a sheet of paper (uh...still do that, not even gonna lie), called somebody mid-run to the toilet and accessed the damage the following day. Oh, would you look at that, all my markers have been de-capped and left to dry out on the floor. Another day in post-subday paradise.

Thankfully, times have changed (uh, except for those chicken scratch notes). These days, I leave pre-recorded notes for my sub. The idea behind this is two-fold: MRS. STEPHENS IS WATCHING...ALWAYS WATCHING. And the kids keep on creating! Imagine that, no more "read a book, draw a picture" but fur realz, bonafide lesson plans. That educate! And allow the kids to create! All while you are either praying to the porcelain princess or on that dream cruise, I'm not gonna judge. 

So, in this here post, I thought I'd share with y'all my favorite pre-recorded sub plans that have worked swimmingly in my art room. Feel free to use, y'all! And enjoy that "sick" day...wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
Are y'all familiar with Kelsey Montague? In an effort to introduce my students to contemporary artists as well as the street art movement, I wanted them to "meet" Kelsey. Her murals tie in so nicely with our kindness theme this year as they are titled "What Lifts You". I have this dream of my students creating several street murals throughout our school and this one they will start without me. I'll be sure to share the end result soon...but in the meantime, it makes for a super simple and fun sub plan!
This fun lesson was a quickie as I was only out for a pinch. But it kept the kids creating, using those elements of art and making adorable Love Monsters!
Just because you aren't there doesn't mean the masterpiece making can't go on! Last winter I had to miss several days of school due to jury duty. Thankfully, the show went on and the kids created the pieces to this beauty
By the way, you might be wondering just exactly how I get these videos to my sub. I've gone about it a couple of ways. I've used ClipGrab to save videos from my YouTube to my computer and left my computer for the sub. I've also sent my videos to myself via GoogleDrive or Dropbox. This works if you know you are going to be absent. However, if it is unexpected then having videos saved onto your computer, with supplies prepared, is your best bet.
Jury duty is no foolin, y'all. And just like most grown up stuff, it can take lot of time away from what you enjoy. Creating these sub plans for the kids made the whole experience less painful.
Everybody is a Star was such a fun sub plan! Going to the NAEA convention was a thrill for me...and knowing that the kids were still creating marvelous masterpieces for our art show really gave me peace of mind. 
I even think this lesson that I kicked off the school year with would make a fabulous sub lesson! You can find the blog post here and the finished mural here

So! Take that day of rest and be rest assured that your kiddos are still creating. Feel free to use these videos and lessons in your art room. Would love to hear your fabulous sub plans, friends! Tell me all about 'em in the comments.
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  1. Anonymous9/15/2016

    I love this idea of video sub plans! Thank you so much for sharing, I will be using these for sure (if I ever get a sub to pick up the job!) Thank you, thank you!!

    1. Here's to hoping you get a sub when you need it! xo!!

  2. Anonymous9/17/2016

    My sub-plan stock is definitely sub-par! I think I'm still under the illusion that I will achieve perfect attendance,ha! Anyway I have created seasonal drawing packets. For example my fall packet has monster parts, faces, claws, ect. My winter has a winter theme with elf bodies and heads. My spring has bunnies, leprechauns, and insects. I have instructions for the packets to be collected at the end of the period cause many times the kids want to keep them. But I LOVE this street art idea! Especially with selfie mania-M3

    1. Your sub plans sound so wonderfully ORGANIZED, Michelle! Go you!! I'm not that organized (I hope to one day be...but I am not delusional ;) ). It's always fun to switch things up tho, right?!

  3. You are an ispiration! I have been videoing my demos for larger classes that spend half of my demo arguing that they can't see (plus it's really hot in the Caribbean and standing close together for more than a minute is torture..). Thanks so much for constantly sharing your ideas :)

    1. Amanda! What a fun place to teach!! Yes, the "I can't seeeeeeee" is also one of the reasons I started recording my demos. It is more work on the front end but it certainly makes class demos a whole lot easier. Thank you so much for your kind words!

  4. You are an ispiration!!!!Thanks so much for constantly sharing your ideas dear!!
    Best School in Lucknow, Pre School in Lucknow

  5. Anonymous10/18/2016

    super and so full of energy! thank you for all these ideas . nice fall from France

  6. Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work.


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