Showing posts with label art day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art day. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2019

My Favorite Sculpture Projects for Kindergarten through Fourth Grade!

This week, on my podcast Everyday Art Room, I'll be sharing my favorite sculpture projects, materials and supplies. Since so much of what I'll be talking about is visual, I thought I'd also put it all together in this here blog post. Please be sure to click the highlighted links as those provide the full lesson and, oftentimes, a video lesson!

Before diving in, I thought I'd share my favorite supplies to hoard for sculpture. Here's my Top Ten:

1. Toilet paper tubes! Just send out an email and you'll get more than you'll ever need.

2. SCHOOL paper towel tubes! The paper towel tubes at my school are super sturdy and thick and are my fave for sculpture.

3. Packing supplies! Packing peanuts (a rarity these days which is for the best) and what I call "packing pillows" are my favorites for sculpture.

4. Cereal Boxes! They are also great for when you run out of paper...they are the perfect weight to withstand paint.

5. Cardboard! Visit your school cafeteria manager and ask her what she often disposes of. Cans, cardboard, boxes...all of these items are perfect for sculpture.

6. Restaurant supplies! Okay, now I don't want no trash brought into my art room so I never take used items, especially ones that have held food. BUT if you visit your local restaurant supply, you'll find so many great items for sculpture. 

7. Aluminum foil! Dollar Tree sells aluminum foil by the sheets and it's the perfect size for the sculptures we create in my art room.

8. Egg cartons! You probably already collect these for paint...but they are also perfect for plaster molds (for candy! Scroll down!) and sculpture armatures.

9. Chopsticks! I love chopsticks or skewer sticks. We use them a ton in my art room.

10. Containers! My husband rinses out and saves nearly every lid (perfect circles!) and container we use for my art room. It may drive me bonkers but we use them all!

Now, I know what you're thinking: Stephens! I don't have the storage space for all that! To which I say, that's why you do this sort of craziness at the end of the year. Hoard it, bust it out and then send it all home. What you don't use, toss them in grab bags and let the kids create on their own at home.  

The following is a much shorter list of my favorite sculpture materials:

1. Activa Products Rigid Wrap. I LOVE plaster wrap for sculpture. It has replaced papier mache in my room. It dries super fast and leaves the sculptures rock hard. The only draw back is the price, it's not cheap. But it's my go-to and the kids love it.

2. Art Paste. If you GOTTA use papier mache (maybe you love it!) then I recommend Art Paste. It's great stuff.

3. Activa Products Celluclay. If you don't have a kiln, this stuff is great. It isn't like real's more like a paper pulp clay. You do have to mix it up (I don't recommend having kids do it) and it can be dusty...but I love the stuff. 

4. Model Magic. No prep, just open an pack and go. It's not cheap so we use this sparingly.

Okay! Now that we have that covered, let's talk projects!
1. Paper Sculpture! Paper sculpture is a project I do with my kindergarten kiddos on their very first days in art class...and every year THEY ROCK IT. This year, I did it with the entire school as apart of a project I called Getting to Know You Sculptures. 
2. Pipe Cleaner and Recycled Sculptures! This is another project that I do with my kindergarten friends. We use insulation foam, pipe cleaners, packing peanuts and, this year we'll be adding cardboard squares to the mix. You can read all about it here.
 3. TP Tube Pencils! Need a QUICK sculpture project that is a sure fire hit with your kids? Last year my FIRST GRADERS made these and loved it! They are made with TP tubes, snow cone paper cones (or tagboard rolled into a cone shape), aluminum foil and paint. All the details with video here! 
4. Crayons and Crayon Boxes! Another kid fave, y'all, and so easy. In groups, the kids used cereal boxes for their crayon boxes. This was also a great way for them to explore color theory as they had to come up with their own custom crayon color. They also had to come up with a name for the color. More here. 
5. Paint Tubes from TP Tubes! I think what some folks find daunting about sculpture is the notion that it has to be big and elaborate. You might have a small room, short class time and big manage your lessons around that. This lesson I think you and your students will love! 
6. Spilled Glue Bottles! Do you see a theme here? One of our art show themes last year was "art supplies" that's where the inspiration for all of these came from. You can tour that portion of the art show here. Details on these bottles here! 
7. Candy Hearts! These were so fun to make...while munching on candy hearts, of course. Created with tagboard and plaster wrap. The big box was painted by my early finishers, using a recycled box. All the details, with video, here. 
8. Jim Dine-Inspired Second Grade Hearts! These were created with tin foil and Celluclay. Colorful and fun with all the info here. 
9. Plaster Candy Hearts! My second graders are currently creating treasure boxes and they think it is the best thing ever. It reminded me of this project a couple years third grade had created these papier mache candy boxes with plaster candies. They had a BLAST! The candy was created from plaster poured into a variety of molds like egg cartons and ice cube trays. For more info, visit here. 
10. Taxidermy Creatures! This lessons has yet to be tested on my students but I've shared it in many workshops and it's a hit. Those teachers have in turn done it with their kids with great success. Just a little foil, Celluclay and imagination for this one. 

Happy sculpting, friends!!
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Monday, March 25, 2019

My Fave Clay Lessons of All Times (with Video!)

Hey, artsy friends! I'm comin' at you in the midst of clay week(s) at my school...which has me thinkin' all things clay. I've shared MANY clay projects on this blog (most with how-to video) and I thought I'd compile them here today. Feel free to use them in your art teacherin' world...just be sure and credit the original source and don't sell my content on TPT (yes, that's happening. I hate a disclaimer but here we are). Anyway, follow the links to the original blog posts for lesson details, videos and more!

Before we get to the lessons tho, I thought I'd share my two videos all about clay. 
And this one is all about glaze. I hope that they help!

Well, no problem! I wrote a whole book filled with 52 clay projects for the kiln-less...although many of the projects in this book could also be done with kiln fire clay. Get you a copy here! 
Now, on with the lessons!

1. Cats and Dogs Sculptures! One thing my kids always love to create are animals. I usually do a theme for my art shows and on this particular year, we were raising funds for the local no-kill animal shelter. We created these cute pets. Complete instructions right here. 
2. Party Pandas! One year, our theme for our art show was Asia and my fourth graders created these little pandas with big personality. I love these sunbathing pandas! More details here. 
3. Clay Chameleons! If you are looking for a project that all kids will love and be successful with, check out this one! Our theme was Pet Shop and my third graders rocked this. Try glazing these with the glaze that has specks of glass in it for some real oohs and ahhs! Lesson video here.
4. First Grade Fish! How cute are these? I'm thinking of bringing this lesson back this year to go along with our pirate theme. You can check out the complete lesson with video here!
5. Spring Flowers! If you are looking for a spring themed project, have I got one for you. My kids loved this lesson but REALLY enjoyed making the little insects and butterflies on their flowers the most. I love when the kids tell a story with their clay. Lesson here. 
6. Painted Elephants Inspired by India! In keeping with our Asian theme a couple years ago, we created these PRECIOUS painted elephants. My fourth graders got so creative with this lesson that just seeing these melts my heart! All the details here.
 7. Bobble Head Pets! Did I mention that we like to sculpt animals? Cuz we like to sculpt animals. Complete details on these bobble head pets and video right here. 
8. Exotic Birds! Remember how I said the elephants were my favorite? Well, these guys place a close second. They did require some assembly for me and my parent volunteers but we didn't mind because LOOK HOW FUN! Lesson and video here.
 9. Texture Turtles by Kindergarten! That's right, kindergarten! We LOVE this lesson as it involves stepping on our clay and leaving behind our cool shoe tread texture. Lesson and video here. 
10. Kindergarten Butterflies! When doing clay with kindergarten, I always have them work with a lot of texture...texture and clay are a match made in heaven! Also, note how we "glazed" these...there are so many alternatives to glazing. So if you can't use glaze, check out how these were finished off! 
11. First Grade Fish! Yes, more fish! These were also painted in same manner as the butterflies. Colored with oil pastel and dip-dyed into black ink. If you've not tried this technique, you really outta! 
12. Gnome Homes! Did I mention that I like to use texture with clay? Cuz I like to use texture with clay! These gnome homes are always a hit with my students AND when I host craft nights for friends! Details here. 
13. Chinese Dragons! Remember that Asian theme I mentioned? Well, this was the third grader's contribution to that. They loved making these dragons. Super fun and simple lesson here!
14. Initials Plaques! This is one of those projects that I often return to because it is always a hit with the kids. This is also a great lesson if you are short on time and clay. Details can be found here. 
15. Pinch Pot Friends! All our kiddos need to know how to make a pinch much can be created from this simple vessel. Like these sweet pinch pot friends. Check out the blog post for details. 
16. Texture Tacos! Y'all, this is a lesson I did with my kindergarten and they ROCKED IT! Not to mention, they had a blast. All the details along with a video can be found here. 
17. Kindergarten Birds! That's right, kindergarten! We loved creating these and each one was as wild and wacky as the next. All the details here!
18. Pinch Post Pets! First grade made these cuties one year and I cannot get over them. Look at that attention to glazing detail! Lesson here. 
19. Coffee and Donuts! Okay, so this blog post actually DOES NOT have each project in detail because at the time it was written, I was working on my clay book! So the projects you see here can be found in my book. 
20. Fabulous Frogs! And, last but not least, these here fabulous frogs. This was also apart of our spring theme...and I just love the personalities of each. All the details here. 

I cannot wait to share with you what my kids are creating for our pirate themed art show...but if you want to stay in the know, you should totally follow me here! 

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

In the Art Room: My Favorite Sub Plans!

DISCLAIMER: I am offering these lessons, handouts and videos to you for free. PLEASE do not take my lessons and sell them. Because that would be super crappy of you (yes, someone is doing this. Yes, they are super crappy). Thank you.

Going to NAEA in Boston next week? Need some sub plans? Y'all, I got you COVERED! Today I'm sharing my favorite VIDEO sub plans and my tips and tricks to planning for being out. There's nothing like the amount of WORK you gotta do just to take some time off. I'm here to make your life a little easier, I hope. So, without further ado, my Top Ten Sub Plans!

Let me just start by saying that the sub plans I am sharing were created for my kindergarten through fourth grade kids. I ALWAYS make a lesson that's age appropriate for all my classes. This makes my prep life so much easier and the life of the sub all the better. For more tips and tricks, check out this video!
Lessons like this require a lotta prep. Yeah, I will be keeping it much easier this time. More about how I prep for a sub can be found in this blog post. 
1. James Rizzi Cities! This sub plan was a huge hit with all of my kiddos. They started it while I was away and I was able to easily slide back in to a low-mess/low-stress project for them to continue. Lesson, handouts and video can be found here!
 2. Loud Mouth Collages! My kids thought these were the most fun ever...while I thought they were the most funniest ever. Complete video lesson and plans here!
3. A Colorful Village! Again this is another lesson that the kids work on while I'm away and we finish up with oil pastel and watercolor when I return. Easy, fun and super colorful. Video and lesson here! 
4. Chris Uphues Inspired Hearts! Who doesn't love Chris Uphues and his happy artwork?! My kids love learning about him. I've not only got a video lesson but I have a short clip of an interview I did with Chris and his wife Jen. More here!
5. I am a Super Star! This lessons is so really incorporates so much, from mixed media to literacy to a good ole boost to the self esteem! I DID ask the sub to make the stars for the kindergarten before they arrived because I'm not that crazy. Lesson here! 
6.  Collage Monsters! Another fun lesson that the kids really enjoyed. This one required more prep than most, just an FYI. Complete details and video here!
 7. Kerri Ambrosino-Inspired Still Life! Need a pop of colorful happy for spring? Try this sub plan on for size. So fun and we busted out the PUFFY PAINT! Lesson here. 
8. Wings Mural! I know, you've seen it a thousand times...but the lesson originated here! The feathers were created while I was out on jury duty, I believe...and then we assembled it when I returned. Lesson and video here. 
9. Britto-Inspired Collaborative! I love having the kids work on collaboratives when I'm out. It means we have a big beautiful work of art to hang when I return! Lesson video and details all right here! 
10. Monochromatic Self Portraits! Lastly, here's a lesson that's always a hit: monochromatic self portraits. We love hanging these in rainbow order for a beautiful display. Have your kiddos follow along with me in this video! 

There are PLENTY more lessons and videos on my YouTube channel so be sure and give those a glance if none of these strike your fancy. And be sure to subscribe, I upload videos and content all the time. If you are gonna be in Boston, see you there! 
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Thursday, March 7, 2019

In the Art Room: Kindergarten Mouse Paint Masterpieces!

Recently I decided to change up my previous Mouse Paint lesson with a new one and I'm so glad I did! My kindergarteners have loved this portion of our color unit. I just have to share with you the details!
 I have my students for 30 minutes, twice a week. On our first day, we read the kid's favorite book Mouse Paint. Afterward, each kiddo was given a 7 1/2" square matte board and a MOUSE PAINT BRUSH (see below). I happen to have a ton of matte board and wanted a solid surface for them to create on as I knew it would need to support a lotta paint and their wee clay mice. At their tables, they had small Dollar Tree palettes with the following: blue, turquoise, yellow, white, red and magenta. I have found that turquoise, yellow and magenta actually are the best at color mixing...but I still give the kids red and blue so they can have more options. 
OF COURSE I had to add mice to their paint brushes! That was so fun, the kids loved naming their mice and talking to them while they painted. Each was attached with hot glue. It is simply a cotton ball, pompoms, google eyes and a pipe cleaner tail. This photo was taken after a day of kindergarten painting. 
The following art class I shared this with my students so they would know how to make their mice. I was worried they'd run out of time or get frustrated...Y'ALL. THEY TOTALLY ROCKED IT!
 I glued them to my stash of Hobby Lobby plates (that make the best frames) and I couldn't be more excited. These are just the cutest thing ever. I mean, tell me I'm wrong!
 This project was such a hit and the kids learned so much!
 They can name the primary colors, tell you how to make the secondary colors and how to make a mouse...and what you should name it.
 As far as the Model Magic goes, the kids don't need a lot. In fact, less is best. The kids just pressed their mice onto the board and they stuck.
 One little gal took her three pieces of clay and made an entire family of colorful mice. Love it!
If you give this lesson a shot, you won't regret it and your kids will LOVE it to bits. Have fun!

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